
Aries Chronicles

When Ezyze Mostiko is taken into a new world as Earth is doomed, he is tasked with creating a heaven for humans on Earth, but in a world filled with magic, dangers are everywhere.

Greypanter · Fantasía
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39 Chs

First evolution

Despite being promised a way to boost her capabilities, Cleopatra was the most reluctant to go to war.

Her practically non existant fighting capabilities weighted on her mind and she didn't want the faction to rush to their death.

The Aries were a different type of bests altogether. These proud warriors never shy before challenges. They felt the humiliation of being ambushed and caught off guard deeply. Arthur expressed that what they were offered was extremely precious. Rank 5 monsters and warriors were legendary beings. Even though they had weaknesses and could be killed by even rank 1 beings of all type of luck was against them, they could oppose entire armies by themselves and annihilate smaller kingdoms.

Brown and blue were thrilled at the idea of fighting and improving themselves.

The other starving goblin clan were eager to grow stronger and prove themselves in battles.

Ultimately, it was Ezyze's decision. He mulled over for at least an hour.

Everyone, I made my mind. First things first, we need to have a name for our faction. I do not intend for us to be a simple clan, but also to be close like a family. In my mind, we always have, but I hope that you are now sure that from today onwards, we are brothers and sisters. We need to instill fear in the mind of our enemies whenever they hear about us. We shall be called the unshakables.

Everyone cheered!

Also, my family, we either improve and survive, or stagnate and die. I want all of you tu survive and for us to create a place where we can live together. Where our household will not risk being forgotten in the face of history. We will not be the next Emberlight kingdom being destroyed by puny wars. We will rise and we will conquer. In a week, we fight!!

They roared thunderously.

Going to see the council of 5 again, Ezyze was brought to eye level, high in the air.

*What is your decision little one?*

While we are enticed to follow your proposition, there are few things to be discussed. First, can we choose which of the 5 of you will grant us your fruits?

*Of course.*

What are your abilities?

*Us Ents all have strong defense, vitality and regenerate quicker than most monsters, beasts and bipedal creatures. Of course, we do not burn like other trees.

Pinebark ents are the strongest of the ents. They never tire, have the strongest defense and are formidable warriors.

Frost Ents are formidable because they can slow down and freeze most enemies. Being touched by them makes squishy creatures' bones shivers. They manipulate magic and can throw ice in various forms.

Illusory GhostEnts are few in nature. They are stealthy and attack the mind of enemies.

Suntouched blazingEnts are a bonfire. They light everyone and everything on fire. Even themselves. We lost count of how many time our Emberwood forest was almost burnt to the ground.

The gentle Illusory lightEnt are good Ents. They are the most numerous, not because of their reproductive rate, but because most of them don't die. They heal themselves with healing magic, a branch of light magic.*

Can I choose between all of them, even several of the same fruits?

*Of course, but the deal is 5 fruits. They are precious after all.*

My second request is about the monster corpse. Can we have it before the battle as it would tremendously boost the fighting prowess of one of our members?

*We can come to an arrangement. Which monster do you have in mind?*

One of a tempest blue garu. If possible, one of the highest rank.

*Do you have another request?*

Help us train ourselves before the battle. And Cleopatra. Keep us safe, and in the event of our deaths, protect her.

*Taking care of your own. I like you Ezyze. Are we in agreement?*



Vevznir shot a needle in the air. A rank 3 garu crashed on his palm, a needle through its heart.

Ezyze was utterly shocked.

*Now about our fruits. Which ones would you like?*

One of yours, Vevznir, we need a unwavering and strong hop lite to act as a captain. 2 of yours, Bramur, as we need to stay alive. Being healed was something that we clearly missed I can't have any member of my family dying.

*what about the last 2?*

One of yours Shavur. If our hoplite managed to trick the enemy and stealthily approach an enemy, we will have more variety in our strategies. For the last one, I hesitated between you Frazon, Volzir and Vavznir. Having another strong warrior is very much welcomed. We have a sorcerer capable of shooting flames, and his might is fabulous. For more diversity however, casting ice and slowing down enemies can help us in prolonged fight. The last one will be Frazon's.

*Very well.*

Frazon, Shavur, Vevznir and Bramur all detached fruits from a space near their head. Less that 0.3 meters oval shaped fruits were weirdly small coming from 100+ meter tall giants.

After accepting these gifts and the garu corpse, Ezyze rejoined his family.

Everyone. Tonight, we feast. Eat to your heart content. Also, I have gifts for 5 of you.

After discussing with everyone, a slightly taller goblin and 4 other strong goblins came forward. They apparently were the ones who slayed most enemies and kept pushing forwards. He gave the tallest goblin Vevznir's fruit and the other the remaining ones. Since they gained experience, they could all either increase their class' level or their base form's level. Considering the amount of experience flooding in from higher leveled foes, they could all promote themselves to rank 2, with experience to spare.

Goblins, please increase your rank and choose the strongest form that you have available. One that will increase the synergy within your ranks. The 5 of you must pick a form linked sight the fruits that you just ate. Blue and brown, come to me.

Ezyze gave blue the garu's corpse to eat. As a wind creature which dodged many attacks, it would go well with his two handed sword style.

Brown, I don't know what you should do. You are already quite strong and are the one to know your body the most. I can't tell you if you should base yourself according to the tough boar, strong wolf or poisonous deer. Even those monkeys can increase your capabilities in unforeseen ways. You have to choose for yourself.

Brown started to eat with a pensive look on her face, while blue was puzzled when eating this quite frail bird.

Lastly, it was the Aries' turn. They all went to level 30, with experience to spare. They could now choose between several secondary classes.

Most of them were Aries warriors and chose between Aries swordsman, Aries made master or the weapon of their choice. A female Aries swordman decided to be a Aries berserker. And the two female spearman became Aries warriors. The class of the weapon of their choices granted them attack skills and an Aura, while the berserker class gave her increase attack speed when she took damages. Although berserker supposedly lose their mind during fights, she gained a passive thanks to being a hard headed Aries, which allowed her to remained calm while enraged. She only gained one active skill that made her make more damages while slashing, increasing enemy's bleeding.

Arthur became level 60 and level 10 Aries librarian.

Baal had access to the rare fire swordman class, that he picked eagerly. He promoted his class to fired horned demonic sorcerer. His status went like this.

Name: Baal


Level: 36


Hell horned bloodline S

Swordsmanship B+


Primary: Fired- horned demonic sorcerer (epic) rank 2, level 28

Secondary: fire swordman (rare) rank 1, level 8.

It was time for Ezyze to finally check his status.

Congratulations, you gained 7 levels.

After a truly harduous battle, you gained +3 Stamina, +2 endurance, +2 strenght and +1 Agility.

At rank 1, with an epic class, each level up granted him 9 stat points. 3 of them went in intelligence while 2 of them in Wisdom, leaving him with 4 free stat points for each levels. He put 2 in endurance and 2 in Wisdom. The higher the rank of the class, the more stat oint for each level but the more experience it needs to level up.

Name : Ezyze Mostiko

Title: Aries

Level: 17


Spacial affinity: S

Axemanship: A


Primary: spatial mage




Vitality: 1335

Mana: 3010

Stamina: 27(+3)

Endurance: 34(+16)(x10)=340

Strength: 24(+2)

Agility: 21 (+1)

Intelligence: 544(+21)

Wisdom: 48(+28)

Hidden stats: Mana regeneration: high


Active skills: novice gravity manipulation lv 9, blink lv 2, spatial rays lv 5

Passive skills: Hard headed, medium axemanship lv 2, beginner Aries axemanship lv 6, gravity gathering lv 2

His beginner axemanship evolved into medium axemanship. He felt his axe grow more powerful and more lethal. His spatial rays improved massively and he could more accurately direct trajectories, the intensity of Mana. Despite his smaller level, he was satisfied with his progresses.

He and everyone went to sleep. Tomorrow was another day.


Massive changes happened that he wasn't ready for.

Cleopatra reached level 21. She became taller, more elongated. Her upper and lower limbs becoming more elongated, and her neck clearly separating her frail shoulders from her torso. Her production capabilities increased a notch, and the first batch of honey is something that Ezyze was particularly looking forwards..

Eve became streamlined as well, with small legs and arms clearly appearing. Reaching level 12, she became an epic Quadra-Elemental mage.

Even though they fought similarly, the Bees' levels are now way behind the other tribe members. Even if each levels made them more powerful than more normal monsters and classes, the level of rarer classes stagnated way more.

Brown and blue greeted him. Both became taller. Standing at 1.7 meters, blue had feather liked antennas, similar to the famous Lu Bu helmet. On his head, fethear like dark blue hair were swaying in the wind. His nose was fairly big and his eyes were now slit vertically. His black pupil contrasted strongly with his white, gray irises. Colors were moving in his eyes similarly to the wind going everywhere on a field.

Brown became 1.90. The tallest of all the goblins. Her dark brown skin showed her chiseled muscles. Her legs became bigger, similar to professional bodybuilders. Her ears were elongated and twitching from time to time, ruffling her long yellow hair.

Congratulations on making it to level 20! You are now rank 2 beings and according to the starving goblin clans traditions, I can finally name you. Blue, because of your affinity for wind magic, swiftness and courage, because you are always here to save your comrades from harm, you are like the spring breeze, saving us from the coldest of winters. You will be Zephyr.

It an honor to receive such a name.

Brown, you are a towering giant always ready to take hits for your comrades. You are a genius in fighting and one of the hero of our family. You always lead the charge and never stop to progress. You will be Rea.

My lord.

Both kneels. Zephyr's feathers and Rea's ears were twitching.

Name: Rea

Race: Towering rabbit hobgoblin - epic - rank 2, level 21


Level: 27


Martial body S

Tough skin B+

Swift murderous legs A+

Class: monster fighter - rare - rank 1, level 6.

Name: Zephyr

Race: Swift Garu hobgoblin - epic - rank 2, level 21


Level: 27


Son of the Wind S

Swordmanship A-

Wind perception S

Class: magic swordman - rare - rank 1, level 6.

The other goblins seemed to be a new tribe altogether.

10 of them had very sharp teeth and nails, black fur covering part of their body and a darker tone in general. They were muscular yet seemed both strong and agile. They measured around 1.7 meters.

2 of them were elongated, with leaner muscles. They had small antlers at the top of their head and and were in a shade of darker green. They measured around 1.75 meters.

3 of them were buffers, green with spots of black and short hair covering their bodies. They had strong muscles and their lower canines were seen from their closed mouth. They were 1.60 meters tall.

The 5 last one were unique. Their skin looked like bark. One of them had dark brown bark with needle like leaves for hair. He was very large and was 1.9 meters tall.

The second was tall, at 1m80. Her light brown bark was adorned by frost blue leaves on her shoulders and as longer hair.

The third was 1m85. Her black bark was leaking out some dark pollen, hiding her from the light. She had long bramble like hair with dark leaves.

The last 2 were 1m80 and their bark was white. Their leaves were golden and white and their arms and back had several small needle shaped holes. One was a male while the other female.

The tall brown ent had small tendrils coming out of his shoulders. On his forearms, pine needles replaced hairs.

Due to his color, race and characteristics, Ezyze named him Broblin.

Name: Broblin

Race: Pine-Ent hobgoblin - Unique- rank 2 level 21




Tough bark S

Skewer S

Regenerative photosynthesis A

Class: Beginner Hoplite - normal - rank 1 level 12

The blue leaves one has steam when she exales.

Similarly, she was named Froblin.

Name: Froblin

Race: Frozen-Ent hobgoblin - Unique - rank 2 level 21


Level: 33


Tough bark A

Freezing touch S

Ice manipulation A

Class: Beginner Hoplite - normal - rank 1 level 12

The third one was truly intriguing. She made one uneasy simply by being in her presence. He named her Deablin.

Name: Ghoblin

Race: Ghostly Dark-Ent Hobgoblin - Unique - rank 2 level 21


Level: 32


Tough bark A

Hallucinogenic spores S

Hidden leaf S

Class: beginner hoplite - normal - rank 1 level 11

Lastly, the brother and sisters were very similar in appearance. The female, that he named Whoblin had her White leaves glistening, while the male, Golblin, had glistening golden leaves.


Race: Light Caring-Ent Hobgoblin -Unique - rank 2 level 21


Level: 31


Tough bark A

Healing spores S

Light magic S

Class: Beginner hoplite - normal - rank 1 level 10

Name: Golblin

Race: Golden Caring-Ent Hobgoblin - Unique - rank 2 level 21


Level: 31


Tough bark A

Healing Spores S

Golden Radiance S

Class: Beginner hoplite - normal - rank 1 level 10.

The others were around level 26-30. They all reached rank 2 and were named quite generic names. Their status went like this.

Werewolf Hobgoblin - normal - rank 2

Trait: Hunter physique C, Sharp smell D, Pack hunting C

Boar Hobgoblin- normal - rank 2

Trait: Tough furr D, Buffed physique D, Charging artist B

Poisonous Deer Hobloblin - normal - rank 2

Trait: Danger sense D, Poisonous Antlers B+.

Despite similar levels, the quality of their race differed greatly. Rank E to C traits are the norm. From weakest puny mobsters, the goblin legion started to take the form of a proper fighting force. What was worrying was the difference in height, which could hopefully be offset by having shields in similar height. The unity of the goblins was their greatest strenght.

Thanks for reading, I hope you like it! Blue and Brown got names!

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