

In the middle of a crowded street a woman was surrounded by a large group of journalists and camera operators. These people had finally tracked down the mother of the infamous Apotheosis that recently took on Allmight and exposed his secret to world and now the public wanted to know more about him.

"When did you realize your son was a villain?" One of the reporters asked. "Or did you always know?"

"Please leave me be", Inko pleaded as she tried to walk past the crowd of reporters and photographers blocking her path on the sidewalk.

"Was it the way you raised Izuku that turned him to a life of villainy?" Another reported asked accusingly.

"That's not…please let me pass", Inko just wanted to go home.

"Do you know why your son has turned out a villain?" A more aggressive one asked while shoving a microphone in the poor woman's face. Unknown to any of them on the outside of the crowd stood someone a head shorter than most of the adults wearing a brown trench coat, hat and scarf to hide his face. The figure watched these media vultures harass the lady with his hands in his pockets. His fingers twitched underneath the fabric and suddenly all the cameras, microphones and devices the reporters were using shut down.

"What the?" The reporters and journalists didn't understand what just happened. Inko took advantage of the situation and slipped past the hoard while they were distracted. She silently thanked whatever god was watching over her. The figure in the trench coat nodded his head in satisfaction and strolled away. He had an important reunion to get to after all.


'I lost', Bakugou laid in his hospital bed staring at the ceiling vacantly. He barely heard the doctor say that he was being released today and that his parents were on the way to pick him up. 'I lost to Deku', he just kept thinking of that battle over and over again. 'I was utterly crushed by that nerd', Katsuki glared hard at the space above him.

"You've seen better days Kacchan", with a startled flinch Bakugou turned to see Deku sitting in one of the chairs his parents used when they visited. The nerd looked exactly how he did during their battle. Shirtless and covered in dirt and blood spatters, with his gauntlet strapped to his left hand. "Tell me. Does it hurt? Does it sting? To be so utterly useless", Izuku chuckled. "Maybe we should start calling you Deku" Katsuki stared daggers at him.

"Shut the fuck up!" He shouted. "Leave me alone!"

"Oh Kacchan", Izuku stood up and smirked down at him. "You're already alone", he chuckled. "You've got no one. Even me, your mortal enemy has long since surpassed and left you in the dust where you belong", stepping closer to the bed he leaned over, getting right in the blonde's face. "If you really want to beat me…take a swan dive off the roof and hope you'll be reborn with a better quirk"

Bakugou suddenly snapped awake. His wide red eyes spanned around the room. He realized it was just a dream and calmed himself down. Still though, those last words Deku said in his dream continued to haunt him.


"Dammit", an amorphous blob of green sludge cursed. His gooey body was pressed against the wall of the alley. A mysterious red aura covered his form that prevented him from moving or escaping. He didn't know what happened. The sludge was merely moving to a new hideout after recently escaping prison and this mysterious figure in a brown coat appeared out of nowhere and attacked him.

"Imagine my surprise to find you escaped from prison mister Sludge", the figure chuckled. "Surprise and delight", he slowly approached the slime pinned to the wall.

"Who the hell are you?!" The villain demanded.

"It's only fitting that I test my stone on the villain that helped start my journey", Izuku smirked removing the hat and scarf. "Plus I need to see if this works on mutation types after all"

"It's you!" The sludge remembered this kid from the day he got splattered by Allmight over a year ago. That's how he got arrested in the first place.

"Don't worry this won't hurt…Me", Izuku reached out with his infinity gauntlet and grabbed the only solid part of the villain's body, his eye. The slime man screamed in pain as a purple glow engulfed his vision.


Toshinori stared out the window of the teacher's lounge. From his spot he had a good view of the crowd of protestors outside the front gates of the school. Ever since the battle against Midoriya a week ago where his true form was revealed to the public, people had begun to talk. They were wondering why their greatest hero lied about his power. Quirkless people were wanting to know why they were never given a chance to compete in the field of heroes if the number one hero was also quirkless. The protestors outside consisted of the quirkless, as well as those with almost insignificant, weak and impractical quirks. All of them holding signs that said things like 'Just Like Us', 'Lie-Might', 'No False Gods', 'Quirkless isn't Weakness', and 'Symbol of Lies'.

"There's more of them since yesterday", a voice said next to him. Toshinori didn't need to turn around to know that it was Aizawa who entered the room. "After everything we do for the people, they turn on you this fast. It sometimes makes you wonder why we even do it", he commented.

"You have to see it from their perspective", the skinny man sighed. "Many people who lack a quirk or have an impractical quirk who had dreams of being a hero just like young Midoriya did, and just like him were denied a chance to even try", he stared sadly at the protestors. I used to think it was for their own protection, but now I'm starting to think that it really is prejudice that keeps them from competing in our arena"

"I can't argue since I'm biased myself", Aizawa knew all too well how that felt. He had an impractical quirk, but was one of the rare lucky ones to be given a chance to be a hero. "This is off topic, but Katsuki Bakugou was let out of the hospital", their student suffered a broken right arm that needed surgery, a dislocated left arm, a concussion, and a few cracked ribs. "Midoriya really let him have it. The others students got off easy compared to him"

"From what I was told Bakugou and Midoriya have a history together", Toshinori explained. "Based off of young Bakugou's personality, not a good history I bet"

"I can imagine Midoriya's delight", Aizawa said sarcastically. "To wield all that power against a boy you share a lot of bad blood with. How could he resist?"

"How are the others?" Toshinori asked.

"Still on house arrest", the homeroom teacher said without missing a beat. He was pissed when he found out a handful of students went to a junkyard to confront Midoriya. As soon as Bakugou was taken away by the paramedics Aizawa immediately laid into them. They were all on house arrest for two weeks for their reckless behavior.

"I can't say I condone what they did but I admire their bravery", Toshinori confessed.

"Doesn't excuse nearly throwing their lives away", Aizawa crossed his arms in disapproval. "Luckily Midoriya is a merciful villain"

"I wouldn't go so far as to call him merciful", Toshinori said. The kid did everything possible to hurt him in one of the worst ways by exposing his true appearance to the world.

"Oh good! You're both here!" A voice said entering the room. They looked to see the small form of principal Nezu by the door holding a bright yellow shopping bag.

"Where have you been all morning?" Aizawa questioned.

"Comic book stores", the mouse bear creature explained simply.

"Comic book stores?" They both asked.

"Let me explain", Nezu approached the two men. "I've doing a little research on Izuku Midoriya's device, based off what you told me. At first I couldn't find any good leads, but when I looked up the words infinity and gauntlet I found something rather interesting", he paused dramatically. "I then went around every comic book store in the city until I found this", he reached into the bag, pulled out a book and held it for them to see. The book was titled "Infinity Gauntlet".

"This is a comic book by Marvel Comics from a long time ago, before the age of quirks began", Nezu handed Aizawa the book.

"You've got to be kidding me", Aizawa looked at the cover noticing the purple skinned character with a gold gauntlet on his hand, various stones attached. Almost like Midoriya's version, except the comic had six not five.

"I'm afraid not", Nezu frowned.

"Are you telling me he got the idea to build his gauntlet from a comic book?" Toshinori couldn't believe this.

"Indeed", Nezu said while Aizawa began flipping through it. "It seems Midoriya is a fan of these comics"

"This is impossible", Shota began reading the pages for the possible connections.

"I hate to admit it but Young Midoriya is extremely brilliant. If anybody could figure out a way to make it possible it would be him", Allmight said honestly. "If his gauntlet is based off the one in the comic book then how did the heroes in that beat it?"

"They don't", Nezu said as a matter of fact. "The villain is just too powerful and ends up losing due to his own ego and arrogance"

"And Midoriya as previously established is the furthest thing from stupid", Aizawa commented. "He won't make the same mistakes and we shouldn't count on him to"

"This might give us an idea about kind of powers he now possess though", Toshinori added taking the book to flip through it himself.

"Not quite", the small animal sighed. "Based off what you witnessed Midoriya's stones work differently than the ones in the comic. His reality stone manipulates matter, his time stone only briefly stops time in an isolated area and heals physical damage, and his space stone gives him some kind of invisible force field as well as warping abilities"

"Let's not forget his power stone right Allmight", Aizawa added.

"Unfortunately do to one for all's unique method of transfer Midoriya was able to fully acquire the quirk from a sample of your DNA Toshinori", Nezu summarized. "Now that he has it, it's only a matter of time before it fades from you, is that right?"

"There has to be a way to get it back", Toshinori clenched his fists in anger and frustration.

"Maybe if we can get the gauntlet and the stones from him, but he obviously won't allow that without a fight", the principal said referencing the recent battle against the young villain. "I hate to say it, but you might have to fight him again this time with everything you got"

"Could you go all out on a villain that you created?" Allmight asked.

"Not sure, I've never created a villain before", Nezu said with honesty. "On a related note. I had another reason for coming in here", he paused. "Your successor Mirio, he's been in the training room all week since that battle. Can you go speak to him?"

"Alright", Toshinori wondered why Mirio was working himself so hard when it was the weekend. Once he was gone the two faculty members continued talking.

"There's another thing that worries me about this comic book", Aizawa said while flipping through it again. "The soul stone, according to this, has power over life and death. It can also extract souls"

"Midoriya's stones don't work the same remember", Nezu reminded him.

"So what do you think it does? For it to hold such high value for him it must be powerful", Aizawa and Nezu both frowned thinking all the possibilities. The homeroom teacher went back to the window to watch the protestors outside. He spotted a brown haired girl carrying a few boxes, suitcases, and backpack. She was headed towards the exit. The principal also observed her.

"I hate that we had to expel her, but the government was putting a lot of pressure on our school to make an example out of someone after that stunt they pulled", Nezu sighed with regret.

"I don't like it either, but she knew where Midoriya was hiding, didn't tell anyone and went alone to confront him", Aizawa watched her go around the protestors. "She's lucky her friends followed her or she could have been seriously hurt or dead"

"I hope she ends up alright", Nezu watched her disappear.


Ochako carried her belongings down the street with difficulty. She could have used her quirk to make it easier, but she honestly didn't feel like it. The only place Uraraka had to go was the apartment she got before the school built the dorms. Luckily the rent was already paid for the whole school year, so she could still live there until she figured out what to do.

'Expelled' that word still left her numb. Though Uraraka couldn't deny that she deserved it for endangering her friends. They tried to defend her, but the faculty wouldn't have it. Even Mei attempted to speak up, telling them that it was her idea to go find Midoriya, as she knew about the junkyard. For that she was kicked out of the development studio and given house arrest for three weeks. Principal Nezu apologized and said he had no choice. The government was cracking down on hero schools especially U.A., not just for safety, but also on students recklessly endangering themselves before they even graduated. The academy had no choice but to expel one of them and since Uraraka was the one to leave school grounds to find and confront a villain, she was it.

Her provisional license and hero costume were of course confiscated, along with her staff. She was then given till the weekend to find other living arrangements, pack her belongings and leave the dorms.

Iida was probably the most upset. He kept going on about how he should have tried harder to convince them to leave rather than stay and fight. Tsuyu was a crying mess. Kirishima said how unmanly it was that she was expelled. Momo felt guilty as it was he plan and strategy that failed to defeat Midoriya. Todoroki hadn't said anything, but kept glancing at her regretfully. No one had seen Bakugou yet as he was still in the hospital. After saying goodbye Uraraka packed the rest of her things and left the school grounds.

Making her way down the street Ochako's mind kept going over what to do next. She could apply for other hero schools in the country, but with her record of expulsion it may prove difficult. She hadn't even told her parents yet that she was kicked out of U.A.

"Oh great", she sighed as she felt drops of water hit her head. It had started to rain worsening her already sour mood. Just when she thought that it couldn't get worse she tripped and dropped all her cases on the sidewalk. She knelled down to pick them up and attempt to fight back tears of frustration.

"Do you need a hand?" A voice asked. Uraraka didn't look up but saw a pair of black boots standing in front of her.

"No thank you", before she could say anything further her boxes were levitated in the air and the rain was parted around them.

"Then perhaps you need a friend", a gold gauntlet covered hand with a purple stone inside the palm entered her vision. Ochako looked up in surprise to see Izuku standing there with his hand held out. The girl was too shocked for words. There stood the villain that thrashed them all a week ago, out in public and in broad daylight. Izuku smiled down at her as Uraraka began looking around wondering if anybody else was seeing him. "One of the abilities the soul stone grants me is called 'Notice Me Not'. Unless I do something to directly get their attention, the people around us will ignore me", he explained as simply as possible.

"What do you want?" Ochako asked while keeping a wary eye on him.

"I just wanted to have a talk with you", he said. "Do you have somewhere private we can go?" He noticed she looked unsure. "I promise I won't hurt you"

"Okay", swallowing nervously the former student decided to believe him. "I have an apartment not far from here", Izuku nodded and helped carry her belongings.


"Mirio", Toshinori called interrupting the boy's practice causing him to trip mid swing and nearly fall flat on his face. Luckily he phased through the floor and his clothes before he embarrassed himself. Popping back out of the ground the third year quickly put his pants back on.

"Allmight!" Mirio greeted him.

"So I've been told that you've been training here all week, you've barely taken a break", the hero said in a chastising tone. "That's not good for your health Young Mirio"

"I know", the other blonde had the decency to look a bit ashamed. "It's just…after what happened last week, and then those protestors showed up. I just need to get stronger"

"I understand you feel frustrated", Toshinori sighed and looked down. "Believe me I feel even more frustrated than you do", he walked over to what was supposed to be his successor. "You probably feel angry at Midoriya for what he's done"

"I'm not angry at him", Mirio suddenly interrupted. "I feel sorry for him"

"Come again?"

"I think he's lost and just very angry at the world", Mirio explained. "After what you told me about him I think I get it. I would probably be similar to Izuku if I was in his shoes"

"That's…" Toshinori was at a loss for words.

"I want to save him. He's just a boy that's given up on heroes", Mirio looked at his teacher. "That's why he wants to create a new hero society. I'll convince him that there's still hope", he said with extreme positivity. "I'll be his hero if that's what it takes"

"Mirio", Toshinori looked at his successor with pride before buffing himself up. "You're absolutely right!" He gave his trademark smile. "Young Midoriya is a villain that needs to be saved not pummeled into oblivion", forgetting his earlier conversation about taking the boy seriously as an enemy he carried on. "We'll take back one for all and Midoriya from the clutches evil if that's what it takes!" It wasn't wrong to hold on to the hope that Izuku could be brought back. A bit naïve perhaps, but not wrong. "Why?"

"Because we are here!" They both shouted in unison.

"Now the only problem is…I have no idea what young Midoriya will do next", Toshinori's words suddenly dampened the mood.

"None?" Mirio questioned. The hero shrunk back to his skinny form in a cloud smoke when an unpleasant thought popped into his head.

"I think there is one person who might know, but it's someone I hoped to never talk to ever again"


"This is a nice apartment", Izuku commented as he placed the bags down. It was small, but cozy.

"C-Can I get you a d-drink?" Ochako stuttered nervously. A villain in her apartment. How could she not be nervous?

"You're afraid of me", he stated. The green haired teen looked down at his gauntlet. "All this power I wield, against heroes. You should be afraid", that was an honest fact. "I'm so terrifying", he said playfully with his hands raised like claws, trying to lighten the mood. It didn't work. After a minute of awkward silence Uraraka finally decided to speak.

"How long have you been planning this?" She asked.

"About a year ago, way before I met you and Mei", Izuku told her honestly.

"Just tell me why?" Uraraka pleaded.

"Because I can't stand this world we live", he glared down at the floor. "This ridiculous power controlled hero based society", Izuku walked over to the window in her apartment. "For years I was treated as an outcast, a stain on society, for the simple act of being born without a quirk. According to everyone I had no purpose, no use to the world, no reason to even be alive. I felt so alone", he paused and placed his hand on the glass. "So I wanted to be a hero, because I figured there were more people like me out there. I thought that maybe if they could see a quirkless person become a hero that would give them hope that the world isn't so terrible. I just wanted to do right and instead I was met with scorn and ridicule from people like Bakugou", his tone turned angry. "Then I met Allmight and here I thought the hero who preaches that anyone can be a hero would believe in me, but no it turns out he's just like everyone else. All that matters to him and everyone is power", Izuku turned to face her. "So I figured if that's what it takes then I'll become the most powerful person on the planet and change the rules of society"

"All of this chaos, just to twist society into your vision?" Uraraka couldn't believe that was his reason.

"I didn't twist anything", Izuku smiled. "All I did was shake things up and expose Allmight for the fraud that he is"

"But all that destruction you caused-"

"Was necessary to show the world what I'm capable of", he cut her off. "I've merely challenged the status quo and since the current hero society is held together by such flimsy threads it's all starting to unravel"

"Because of you", the gravity girl argued.

"Would you rather someone else with ill intentions, like the League of Villains bring down society?" Izuku argued back.

"You're saying you don't have ill intentions?" Ochako pointed at him.

"Yes! All I want is to create a new hero society, a real one, a solid one that isn't built on lies and the broken dreams of others", he noticed she looked away sadly. "I would think you Uraraka would understand better after what they did to you at U.A"

"What are you talking about?" She glared at him.

"It's pretty obvious isn't it", Izuku walked towards and began to circle the girl. "I saw you leaving the academy in street clothes carrying your things. They expelled you didn't they", he stopped in front of her. "Why did you come to Raxus Junkyard?" The green haired boy stood closer to her.

"I just wanted to talk to you", Ochako said honestly. "I didn't come looking for a fight. I was hoping to get you to turn yourself in as I don't believe you're evil"

"That was brave of you", Izuku smiled at her. "Very heroic of you too, and your friends followed you there I'm guessing"


"Hm. You tried to do the right thing and look what happened, they expelled you", Izuku tilted his head. "Do you know why?"

"Because I recklessly endangered myself and others", Ochako repeated what Aizawa and the principal told her.

"But your intentions were good", he reminded her. "Ask yourself, why didn't they expel Bakugou? He didn't come to help you or the others. He just wanted to fight me and he didn't even have a provisional license" Ochako's eyes widened when she realized that he had a point. Why didn't they expel him? The explosive hot head must have broken more rules then she did. "The answer is simple. They weighed the value of you all, choose you as the least valuable and then cut you loose"

"That's not true!" Uraraka yelled at him.

"Bakugou is so powerful that they can't afford to lose the top student in your year" Izuku continued despite seeing her start to tear up. "They need him to be a hero, that's why they don't try to improve his behavior and why they're letting him get away with reckless endangerment, while you a girl with much less power is expendable to the hero profession"

"But that's not fair!" She cried. "Why is it like that?"

"Congratulations! Your starting to understand that power is all that matters", Izuku held his arms out. "Just like I did. This is the world we live in Ochako Uraraka. Nobody cares about doing the right thing and real heroes don't exist" He turned around to look back out the window. "This society is built on empty hollow pillars, precariously balanced. Now that I've tipped that balance it's all crumbling down. Those protestors outside U.A are just the beginning. Soon more people will start seeing the cracks and flaws in our hero system and then they'll start wanting change", he chuckled lightly. "Sadly the government is reluctant to change, and why should they change when they've got the ultimate hero Allmight up their sleeve"

"Except Allmight isn't what he appears to be", Ochako was starting to understand his plan. "Now that everybody knows the truth about him, he can no longer be seen as the symbol of peace"

"Now you're getting it" Izuku faced her again. "One more major push and the government will have no choice but to turn to someone else"

"You mean you", he merely smiled at her instead of answering. It finally came together for Uraraka as to why he did this. No one would listen to a quirkless boy no matter how smart he was in this power obsessed world, but now that he was one of the strongest people in existence, Izuku would actually be taken seriously.

"Uraraka…How would you like a job?" Izuku offered.

"What kind of job?" She asked.

"How would you like to be a real hero?" He questioned. "You said you wanted to be a hero so your parents can live comfortably, that's a very noble cause", Izuku held out his right hand towards her. "But if you work with me, we can make sure even more people live comfortably. We can fix this broken hero system, so people like us aren't tossed aside like trash anymore", his words were sounding more and more attractive to her. Even his actions were all making perfect sense. In a corrupt society any change that threatened those in power wasn't allowed. That's why the change Izuku was trying to make seemed like acts of villainy, but in reality it was all for the betterment of the world and those who lived in it.

Slowly Ochako reached out and gently took his offered hand. It sounded like she could still achieve her dreams. Despite U.A deeming her unworthy and kicking her out, she could still be a hero in Izuku's new world.

"Excellent", the green haired teen smiled, clearly pleased that she made the right choice. "Now as a show of faith I'm going to let you in on the next phase of my plan. Can I trust you with this?" Without hesitation Uraraka nodded.


"Well", a nearly faceless man secured to a chair and life support machines smirked. "This is indeed a surprise. The great symbol of peace, here to visit me", he chuckled darkly. "Returning to the scene of your crime?"

"You're as cheerful as ever", Allmight noted. "You'd think having your face smashed in would rob you of some of that humor"

"My humor is one of the few things I have left", All for One said with a smile. "You took nearly everything else, including my freedom"

"We could argue all day who had more taken from them, but I want to talk about something else", Toshinori glanced at the clock in the interrogation room he was in. He was only given fifteen minutes to speak to the villain and that was even with his reputation. All for One was behind the impenetrable glass smiling like the cat that got the canary despite his situation.

"Go on then", the villain mocked.

"What did you do to him?" Allmight asked.

"Him? You're going to have to be more specific", he had did a lot of things to a lot of people after all.

"Izuku Midoriya. What did you do to that boy?" At the mention of that name All for One's grin widened.

"What did I do to him? I should be asking you that", the villain turned it around on his enemy. "What did you do to Izuku?"

"Cut the crap", Allmight snapped at him. "Turning my master's grandson into a villain is one thing, I can understand that, but why involve Midoriya? He has nothing to do with us, so why make him so twisted?" It was here that All for One laughed.

"You're right, he has nothing to do with heroes and villains. Quirkless people should stay in their place, is that right?" He spoke with thick sarcasm. "It's that very thinking that brought out the worst in Izuku. Oh and for the record I didn't do anything to him, that boy was already twisted before he got to the League of Villains"

"You're lying", Allmight argued.

"All I did to Izuku was pat him on the head and say that I believe he could do great things", the faceless villain frowned. "You crushed his hopes and dreams, yet I'm in here while you're out there. Isn't it ironic Allmight?"

"You see Midoriya as someone to manipulate don't you", Toshinori stated angrily.

"Not a single one of you people seems to understand what a rare gem Izuku is", All for One chuckled. "A genius mind unburdened by the arrogance and ego that a quirk would give him. You know had I never found Tomura, Izuku would have made a wonderful successor", Allmight silently fumed at the taunts while the man talked. "I even offered him a quirk, but he refused. His heart was set on that device of his after all"

"You knew about his gauntlet?" Toshinori thought it strange that he allowed Midoriya to build such a thing under his watch.

"Of course I did. I not only approved it, but I gave him ideas on whose quirks to use in making the stones", All for One remembered the boy fondly. "He calls it the Infinity Gauntlet. A device capable of blurring the lines between mortals and gods. He got the very idea from an old comic book, isn't that funny?"

"How much did you tell him about one for all?" Allmight asked with a glare.

"Everything", the scarred man chuckled. "I told him everything and judging by the state you're in…he actually did. He did what I failed to do multiple times, he stole one for all", he the villain laughed at that.

"I don't see what's so funny", the gaunt man said. "It's not in your hands so why are you laughing?"

"Because it's all come full circle", All for One joyfully stated. "My arrogance led to you being created Allmight. Then you defeated me and took my throne", he frowned at the memory. "But now it's your turn. Your ego led you to create Izuku, and now all that's left for you to do is fade away while our young prince takes his new throne"

"Shut up. I didn't come here to argue about who's to blame for what", Allmight spat at him.

"Let me guess, you want to know what he'll do next?" All for One correctly deduced the reason for his enemy being here. "How should I know?" he smirked at him through the glass.

"All that time Midoriya spent with the League, around you and he never once told you what he plans to do with his gauntlet?" Toshinori found that hard to believe.

"Oh no. He told me what he wanted to achieve, which is the complete reconstruction of this hero society, but he never told me how he planned to accomplish this. Would you like to hear my theory?" Taking the hero's silence as a yes he continued. "If I had to guess, Izuku plans on creating a war, between heroes and villains. A war that he will be the deciding factor in", snickering a bit he went on. "Imagine it, the quirkless boy that everyone deemed useless, both sides clamoring to win his allegiance. The only question is which side has what he wants most"

"He would never get away with it", Allmight interrupted. "The government would never bow down to the whims of teen"

"A genius teen that figured out a way to make impossible things possible", All for One corrected. "You should really have more faith in your soon to be ruler"

"That won't happen!" Toshinori stood up from his seat. "I won't allow it!"

"Please don't approach the glass!" A voice over the intercom said loudly.

"And what can you do to stop him?" The scarred man laughed. "The former symbol of peace, on the last dregs of his now fading power. You probably can't even bring yourself to tear into him like you did to me. The guilt is too much for you I imagine, knowing you are the one who broke him down in the first place", just to rub more salt into the wound he added. "What a world we live in. Heroes creating villains. No wonder Izuku wants to change it", finally having enough Toshinori turned around and marched out before the time was up on his visit, but not before tossing one last thing at his enemy.

"Even if he does create a new world, you'll never get to see it", and with those parting words he left him there in his cell.

'Allmight', All for One chuckled to himself now that he was alone. 'My only regret is that I won't be able to see the look on your face when you find out what Izuku's soul stone does', with the sounds of his life support machines as his only company he continued to ponder the coming change to society.


Asuma Kenichi was a skinny pale man in his early twenties. Currently he was waiting for his brother to meet him at the parking garage where fellow criminals and villains met to plan jobs and find recruits. Both Asuma and his brother possessed unique quirks that made them highly desirable for most pre meditated robberies. As he looked around he noticed the garage was oddly abandoned which it usually wasn't unless there was a high ranking hero in the area. Before he could wonder why that was he heard footsteps from behind. He whirled around to see a figure at the other end of the garage walking out of the shadows.

"Whose there!?" Asuma called. Stepping into the light he finally recognized who it was. The green messy hair was a dead giveaway. This kid was what everyone was talking about lately after the way he exposed Allmight. Also it came to light in the media that he was Apotheosis. The very strategist that he worked with on a few bank jobs in the past, back before the kid decided to go pro in his villainy. "Oh hey kid, it's been awhile!" Izuku smiled as he slowly walked towards him. "You've been doing pretty well for yourself. Taking that bastard goody two shoes Allmight down a peg", the boy remained silent as he stopped a few yards away from the criminal.

"Asuma Kenichi", Izuku finally said. "You and your brother possess interesting ocular quirks", he smirked as he remembered the notes he took on them. "He had x-ray vision and you have eye stamp, a unique ability that lets you place fully functioning eyeballs on any surface that you can see through. It makes you the perfect lookout", he paused before chuckling and awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry, I remember people better by what their quirks are"

"Okay", Asuma was getting weirded out by this conversation. Something was wrong, he could feel it, but didn't know what.

"Do you know what a soul is Kenichi-san?" Izuku asked as he took a step closer.

"I can't say that I do", Asuma was wondering when his brother would get here.

"I did a lot of research and it turns out there are no quirks in the world that effect a human soul, mainly because the soul is not a tangible measurable thing", he stepped even closer. "So I decided to delve into some spiritual philosophies about the existence of a soul and one thing I came across was rather interesting", even closer now. "A soul is what each individual person values most. If you desire money, then your soul is wealth. If its friendship and bonds you crave, then your soul is love", Izuku was just a few steps away from Asuma now. "In this society where a quirk is the main factor that decides a person's worth, what do you think everyone values most?"

"Uh…MMPH!" Izuku's gauntlet covered hand shot out and grabbed Asuma by the face. A neon purpled vein-like pattern spread across the criminal's face along with the rest of his body. Asuma let out a muffled scream as felt the painful effects of the soul stone. When it was finally over the veins subsided, Izuku let go of the taller man and watched his unconscious body collapse on the floor without care. Not even giving the man a second thought he walked over to a nearby wall. Placing his open right palm on the wall, black sparks and purple veins covered his limb. When Izuku removed his hand, he smiled in satisfaction as he saw a green eye staring back at him in the concrete surface. Testing it out, he had it look around, making sure he could see through it perfectly.

"Isn't this poetic", he commented to himself as he looked down at the soul stone in the palm of his gauntlet. "All for One and One for All, together at last", he smirked triumphantly. "It's like reuniting two brothers who have been fighting for years." Reaching into the pocket of his trench coat he pulled out a piece of paper containing a list of criminals he worked with in the past with quirks he thought had potential uses. Izuku took at a pen from his other pocket and crossed off Asuma's name.


Space Stone-Blue: Creating Warp gates/portals. Flash warping only in short distances (Think flash step from Bleach, but leaves a blue glow). Locking things into a point in space. Epidermal shield, protects the wielder's body from most harm and can be focused on specific areas of the body at the cost of decreasing it from other areas.

Reality Stone-Red: manipulation of matter (moving it, reshaping it, changing its state, breaking it down, etc.) you could almost liken it to alchemy from FMA. Some gravity manipulation. Energy manipulation. Body levitation.

Time Stone-Yellow: Stopping time in a zone or area for a maximum of ten seconds. Anyone touching him or the gauntlet is unaffected. There is a cool down to this power that depends on how many seconds time was stopped in the bubble. Restoration, an ability that can revert all physical damage on the body back to its non-damaged state. It can also work on non-organic objects as well. Restoration cannot regenerate missing body parts, nor can it heal fatigue.

Power Stone-Green: One for All. Gives the user super strength, equal and potentially greater than Allmight. This stone can also be used to amplify the others when combined.

Soul Stone-Purple: All for One. Steals quirks and stores them in the stone to be used by the wielder of the gauntlet.

Dracule_mihawkcreators' thoughts