

"This one looks nice", Izuku commented as he got a good look at himself in the mirror. He was currently at a fancy high class garment shop to buy a new suit befitting his new job. This one was a cool gray, with a black buttoned shirt and matching black tie. He really liked it.

"Looks good on you kid", the owner of the shop said. An old mustached man in glasses.

"Yes it does", this was the tenth one he tried on and so far it was the best. "I'll take this one. In fact I'd like a couple dozen made, custom tailored for my gauntlet please"

"Excelsior", the man suddenly exclaimed at making such a great sale.

"You've been a big help Mr. Lee", he smiled at the owner. "If you don't mind I'd like to wear this one out. I've got an important meeting to go to".

"Is this how boys feel when they go shopping with their girlfriends?" Ochako dryly asked as she sat in a chair by the mirrors. A miserably bored look plastered on her face that eventually formed after watching him try on ten suits in row.

"I've never had a girlfriend so I wouldn't know", Izuku blushed lightly in embarrassment having realized that she'd been sitting there watching him shop for clothes this whole time. "Sorry for dragging you here by the way"

"Its fine", the brown haired gravity girl stood up and stretched her stiff back out. She was dressed in a black formal jacket, skirt, fingerless gloves, stockings and shoes. "So what's this important meeting we're going to", she followed behind Izuku as he paid for his new attire.

"We're paying U.A a visit", he said.

"R-Really?" Uraraka wasn't sure that was such a good idea.

"It's important for a government director in charge of hero regulation to check in on hero institutions every once in a while", Izuku explained. "Plus it's good to keep your enemies on their toes"

"If you say so", Uraraka said nervously. In truth she was worried it would be awkward mostly for her when they showed up at the school that expelled her not too long ago.

"Relax, everything will be fine", Izuku promised.


"Alright for those of you that received your provisional licenses, you will be allegeable for the work study program", Aizawa explained to his students. The staff decided to continue teaching class as if everything was normal despite the recent political situation. "Similar to the internships, you'll be offered these positions from various hero agencies", the class didn't seem that excited, especially those who were part of the junk yard incident. They obviously were aware what was going on like everyone else, but some of them blamed themselves that they couldn't stop him then in there.

"All teachers and staff report to the front entrance immediately!" The voice of the principal said over the intercom. Aizawa dropped what he was doing and told his class to stay put. Nezu wouldn't order something like that unless there was an emergency. Rushing down the halls he was joined by his colleagues who also seemed to be just as in the dark as he was over what was happening. When they arrived to the front court yard that led to the academy's main entrance the entire staff was there.

"What's this all about?" Power Loader asked.

"We were in the middle of teaching our classes", Vlad King said.

"He's coming", Nezu said ominously while looking towards the entrance.

"Who?" Aizawa followed his gaze.

"Izuku Midoriya is coming here to U.A", the small white animal said. Everyone's eyes widened in shock especially Toshinori's.

"Wait! He's coming here? Like today? Like right now?" Midnight questioned.

"How long till he gets here?" Snipe asked next.

"In less than five minutes", Nezu said while looking to his watch.

"Smart kid", Aizawa began. "Announcing his arrival right before he gets here. Gives us zero time to prepare", after complimenting the boy's bold move he tensed up along with everyone else when a black limousine appeared outside the entrance followed by a large armored truck. The door opened and out stepped Midoriya, dark green messy hair, gray suit and infinity gauntlet attached to his left hand. It was the next person who stepped out after him that shocked them even further. Ochako Uraraka, former U.A student, looking just as anxious as them. What the hell was she doing with him?

"You all look tense!" Izuku called from outside the entrance with a smile on his face. "Like you're ready for a fight!" He along with the girl walked up to the threshold. "Are you going to turn off the security gate so we can enter?" He asked coyly. They all looked at him like he was nuts.

"We have to do as he asks", Nezu suddenly said. "He works for the government that gives us our funding. As long as he doesn't cause harm to the students or the premise he can come and go as he pleases", the principal quoted the policies.

"You can't be serious", Midnight said.

"I'm afraid he is!" Izuku called again while tapping his foot patiently. Nezu pulled out a small remote and pressed a few buttons deactivating the security system around the front gate of the school. Izuku smirked and took a step forward crossing the entryway into the most prestigious hero school in the country. Uraraka silently followed him. "Oh and one more thing", he snapped his fingers and the armored van opened up. From of the vehicle six sleek black Titan robots walked out marching in unison behind their master. "Don't mind my security detail", Izuku said nonchalantly while he casually strolled up to the U.A teachers.

"Good day Director Midoriya", Nezu greeted him choosing to be polite and cordial despite the troubling situation.

"Pleased to meet you Professor Nezu", Izuku bent down to shake the small creature's hand. "May I introduce the first employee of my new department I'm sure you remember her Ochako Uraraka", he took a bit of sick pleasure in the look on the teacher's faces especially Aizawa and Toshinori. "Sorry to alarm you with my sudden arrival but as the director of the new department of hero regulation I thought it best to pay a visit to all the hero schools, just to check in on how things are run here", he smiled almost pleasantly. "Please go about your normal routine, don't mind me"

"Yes, everyone go back to your classes tell them that everything is fine", Nezu ordered, while sending a secret message underneath his words that basically said don't do anything irrational and don't let the students do anything irrational. They all gave the principal a worried look but obeyed. Toshinori wanted so badly to do something about Midoriya. He knew he couldn't though, his hands were tied on this. As he was leaving he didn't notice the small grin that Izuku sent his way. "Shall we talk in my office?"

"Lead the way", Izuku walked alongside the small white creature followed by his entourage of robots and his friend Uraraka.


"Please sit down, have some tea", Nezu kept up the polite façade. Izuku took a seat at a small table that had a chess board with two fresh cups on either side. Uraraka decided to wait outside to avoid the potential awkwardness.

"Thank you", taking a sip of the tea he smiled at the familiar game. Nezu sat in the opposite chair.

"Would you indulge me a bit?" The principal asked gesturing to the board.

"After you", Izuku nodded. Nezu started by moving one of the white pawns forward.

"May I ask what this little visit is really about?" The green haired boy made his first move with his knight instead of a pawn.

"I already told you", Izuku watched him move another pawn. "Just checking in to see how things are conducted at these hero schools", he moved one of his own black pawns. "As the director of hero regulation I need to make sure that the future heroes meet the new standards"

"And what standards do you believe they need to meet?" Nezu asked as he moved another piece.

"I simply want them to be heroes for the right reasons", Izuku began as he made his move. "Is that so wrong? To have real heroes who wish to honestly help others and are not in it for money or fame"

"No there is nothing wrong with that", Nezu agreed. "But have you considered the cost? What will you have to become to achieve such a goal?"

"Maybe I should have been nicer about it. Is that your point?" Using his knight Izuku took out a pawn. "Use my infinity gauntlet to become a hero and symbol of justice and good? Become part of the problem instead of trying to fix it"

"All I'm saying is that there's still a chance to do the right thing", Nezu told him while taking out one of his pieces.

"I am doing the right thing. You just think its wrong because you don't understand", Izuku's moves on the chess board went from calculated to slightly more aggressive. "History will always be the judge over who is right and who is wrong"

"So you've made up your mind then?" Izuku chuckled lightly at the question.

"It's funny that an animal lucky to be born with such a wonderful quirk thinks he can convince me that I'm wrong in some capacity", he remarked. "As if you could possibly understand what it's like to be a quirkless nobody. You don't even allow quirkless kids into your hero classes"

"That's not true, we changed that rule five years ago", Nezu argued.

"And in all that time not a single quirkless child has attempted your entrance exam or even applied for the program", Izuku put him check. "That certainly says a lot"

"What does it say?" Nezu asked as he maneuvered his king out of danger.

"Allowing quirkless people to take the exam was really nothing more than a publicity stunt, you never had any intention of letting them into the hero program and everyone knows it. It's not like you did anything to encourage or promote a possible quirkless hero", Izuku said accusingly. "You and your school value people based on their quirks, just like the rest of the world", he spoke with bitterness.

"That's also not true", Nezu denied what he said. "We value all of our students and those who apply equally"

"Oh really?" The green haired teen smirked as he moved his pieces. "Then why did you expel Uraraka and not Bakugou for that incident at the junk yard? He broke more rules and laws than she did, yet you chose to make an example out of her and not him", the principal didn't have a reply for that, he knew what it looked like from his perspective. "I get why you did it. Bakugou has such a powerful quirk and volatile personality that of all the students he's the most at risk to turning into a villain. You and the teachers probably find it easier to let the baby have his bottle than to actually fix the problem. What a wonderful school this is", he said that last part with sarcasm.

"Why is Miss Uraraka in your employ?" Nezu asked in an attempt to change the subject. Though Izuku also noticed the hidden question underneath his inquiry. 'Are you using her?'

"Unlike you and your staff I saw great potential in her", Izuku explained. "She has the heart of a true hero and I intend to make everyone see that", Nezu picked up on something he said there. It sounded like she was more than just an employee for his department. There was obviously more to this hero regulation program than initially implied and that worried the principal.


Allmight sat on the couch in his true form, wiping the nervous sweat from his brow. Izuku Midoriya just walked into U.A as if it was normal. The fact that he would do something so bold after just being given his new position showed how confident he was. Just as he was wondering what he should do about this the young third year that he wanted to be his successor barged into the room.

"He's here isn't he?" Mirio started.

"How did you know?" Toshinori wondered.

"Some students saw him arrive from the windows and words gotten around", as soon as he heard the news that the new director of hero regulation was here on the grounds he immediately went looking for his teacher Allmight.

"Yes he's here and the entire staff is on edge", the gaunt man admitted.

"Good! I can talk to him in person", Mirio began to leave but Toshinori quickly halted his progress with a hand on his shoulder.

"Look young Mirio I admire your enthusiasm, but what do you think talking to Midoriya will accomplish?" The hero told him. "I myself couldn't get through to him. I really think he's beyond words at this point"

"I don't believe that", Mirio argued. "No one is beyond words, least of all a kid who clearly doesn't understand what he's doing"

"Young Mirio", Toshinori sighed. "I really don't want you going near him just yet", he told the honest truth. "Not only is Midoriya in possession of One for All, but I think he also has All for One", the third year paled a bit at the mention of that awful quirk. Allmight told him about the villain he defeated and now stayed locked in Tartarus. If Izuku Midoriya had that quirk as part of his gauntlet, the damage he could do with it would be astronomical.

"Then what do we do?"

"First I need to confirm whether or not he has it", Toshinori told him. "Then I don't know", he frowned in frustration. "If I could just get that gauntlet off of him, then he wouldn't be such a threat"

"No offense Allmight, but it's that kind of thinking that made him what he is today", Mirio reminded him that it was everyone believing quirkless people were weak and helpless that led Midoriya to this present position. Toshinori frowned, he did it again, but old habits are hard to stop.

"For now we watch him", he told his protégé. "I don't think he'll start a fight"

"I don't think anyone will start one with him either", Mirio sounded assured.

"Well there is young Bakugou, apparently they have a bad history together", Allmight suddenly grew extremely worried. He knew how quick to anger the boy was. A thought also occurred to him as well. What if Midoriya was counting on that? What if he came here knowing Bakugou would attack him on sight and that would give Izuku a reason to bring his new authority down on the other boy? If he truly had All for One then this could all be a trap set to take Katsuki's quirk.

"I'll be back. Whatever you do don't approach Midoriya yet", Toshinori went to go warn Aizawa to keep Bakugou away from their 'guest visitor'.


"What a wonderful facility", Izuku commented as he strolled through the halls of the prestigious hero school. He marveled at the state of the art training rooms they passed. As someone who could never walk this campus as a student due to his quirkless nature, he found great joy and satisfaction to be able to tour the place as much as his heart desired.

"Yeah its nice", Ochako sighed longingly. It was with a heavy heart that she followed him around the very school she was kicked out of where her previous dream ended. Luckily Izuku was there at her lowest point to give her a new dream and purpose.

"Cheer up Uraraka. I know how hard it this is for you", Izuku turned around to face her, silently gesturing for his Titans to stop. "Life and the goals we set are about moving forward, not looking behind"

"Then what are we doing here?" Ochako asked. She still didn't fully understand why they came to her former school in the first place.

"We're here looking for those who also wish to move forward like us", Izuku turned to look down the hall where he finally spotted the room he was looking for. The support class. With a warm smile he walked right up to the development studio and without knocking went to open the door. Only for a big explosion of black smoke to blow the doors open and a figure to nearly crash into him. Izuku, without flinching, used the reality stone's power to catch it before it reached him. The robots growled for a moment before going back to standby mode after determining that it was not a threat to their master. Uraraka's eyes widened in surprise at what just happened.

"I guess the fuel output was set too high", a girls voice giggled from the smoke. "Or maybe the generator overheated too fast"

"Mei Hatsume", Izuku held her up in the air with his power and the girl had yet to realize it yet. "Still blowing things up I see", Mei looked down to see Izuku standing there in the middle of the hall.

"Izuku!" She exclaimed loudly. She hadn't seen him since his big debut on the news four days ago. Part of her was shocked watching what happened to Endeavor, but the inventor in her was also fascinated and overjoyed at seeing the finished version of the Titans. Speaking of which, there was a group of shiny black ones behind gravity girl. "Are those the new models? Let me see! Let me see!" She thrashed and wriggled in the air.

"Calm down", Izuku let her down and released his hold on her. "All in good time", he glanced into the design studio and noticed that Power Loader wasn't present. "Where's your teacher?"

"He said something about needing to be in the surveillance room for something. I don't know I wasn't really listening", she laughed.

'"Gee I wonder what he'd be doing in the surveillance room?" Izuku smirked knowingly. "Well since he's not here could I have a word with you in private?"

"Um sure", Mei agreed.

"Do you mind if I speak to her alone?" He asked Uraraka. The gravity girl nodded and decided to wander off for a bit while they talked. Izuku followed Mei into the workshop while ordering one of the Titans to come inside while the rest waited in the hall.

"So this is the final model?" Mei skipped around the unmoving robot examining every detail.

"No this is the basic Titan soldier that will be incorporated into the police forces", Izuku told her. "The one's you saw beat up Endeavor were the specialty models, specifically the anti-fire quirk versions"

"Wait there's more specialty models?" Mei asked.

"Of course", Izuku smiled at her enthusiasm. "We got Titans for all elemental quirk users, telekinetic quirks, and strength quirks. They're not invincible but they do make tough foot soldiers", after letting her geek out over the robot he decided now was the time to talk seriously. "So how have you been?"

"I've been good, still making babies so nothing's changed much", Mei said honestly.

"I never got a chance to apologize to you Hatsume", Izuku's tone was sincere.

"Apologize? For what?" Mei wondered what he would need to say sorry for.

"In case you thought I was using you. I wasn't. I've only ever seen you as a friend and colleague", he gave her assurance that he was never manipulating her in any way.

"How about we forget about it if…", she suddenly placed her hands on his infinity gauntlet and lifted it up so she could get a good look at it. "You tell me how this baby works", he eyes turned sparkly for a brief moment and Izuku had to wonder if that was part of her quirk.

"I could tell you", Izuku released her hold. "But if I did I'd have to kill you", she laughed at that. "I wasn't joking", he mumble to himself, but just let her laugh and think he was kidding. It's not like he planned on telling her or anyone for that matter how his infinity gauntlet worked, no matter what no one but him must know.

"Now for the main reason I came to speak with you", Izuku took a step closer to Hatsume. "Would you be interested in a job? Would you like to work for me in my department of hero regulation?"

"First of all what would you need a psycho inventor for when you're already a mad genius yourself?" Mei questioned. "Second I'm still a high schooler, are you even aloud to hire someone like me?"

"In reverse order. As a government director I can employ anybody I chose no matter the age or qualifications", Izuku explained. "The reason I want you in the department is because I need your help. I may be a mad genius like you said, but I can't do everything by myself", he decided to tell her the truth about what came next in his plan. "My department isn't just going to regulate hero behavior and activity. The main purpose is to create an example of what model heroes should be. That's why Uraraka has joined me. With more training, and proper gear she'll be one of the first new heroes that my department produces"

"And you need me to help with that?" Mei looked at him with a curious gaze.

"Well I figured with your wonderful potential for making babies you'd want to make some for the future great heroes", Izuku looked around the workshop that U.A provided for its students. "Would you rather sit around here for three years earning a diploma then working your way up some corporate ladder for a decade? Or would like to join me right now and make a difference in this world?" He reached into his pocket and handed her a card with a number on it. "Think on it", after that he ordered his robot to leave and went to follow it out the doors, but not before one last bit of incentive. "Also think on this, your own personal workshop ten times the size of this one is what would await you should you join us", Izuku smirked seeing the excited look on Mei's face, like a kid was told he was going to a candy store. "I'll be seeing you", he waved goodbye and went to go find Ochako.


Shinso Hitoshi stared at the three second years in front of him with a bored expression. Ever since the sports festival where he got further than anybody expected a general studies student to get, other students would often hound him about how a kid with villainous quirk could get that far. Of course they assume he cheated which Shinso would scoff at. A physical competition against students who could generate ice, create explosions, had engines in their legs, and he must have cheated by using his god given brain washing quirk? What a load of crap. He tried his best just like everyone else and failed because he wasn't lucky enough to be born with an over powered quirk, like that Bakugou asshole.

"What's the matter, not gonna say anything?" The guy with goat like features stared down.

"Careful that's how his villain quirk activates. He needs to talk", another guy with a third eye on his forehead mocked. Shinso could use his quirk and make them leave him alone but he wouldn't give them the satisfaction. He was going to be a hero no matter what.

"Excuse me", a voice said from behind the group. Shinso recognized the girl, she was that girl from class 1 A that got expelled. What was she doing here? "I couldn't help but notice you picking on this fellow here"

"What's it to you girl?"

"Yeah get out of here" In a matter of seconds Ochako was suddenly between them and Shinso and the group of bullies were floating up to the ceiling. "WHAT!?"

"Were they bothering you?" Uraraka asked looking towards the purple haired boy while adjusting her gloves.

"Yeah…a bit. How did you do that?" He remembered how she used her quirk in the sports festival. She had to touch them to nullify there gravity and make them float up.

"After I was expelled I gained a new friend who helped teach me new ways I can use my quirk", She looked to the students who were no desperately trying to gain a grip on the ceiling. "Now I try to use a light touch so my targets don't even feel or know I've touched them until it's too late. I've even worked on my speed as well"

"That she has", another voice spoke from the end of the hall. Izuku appeared there with his mechanical body guards in his wake. "As I told Uraraka, there's other ways to be strong", he walked up to Ochako and Shinso. "I remember you from the sports festival. Shinso Hitoshi right?"

"Yeah that's me", Shinso kept a cautious stare on the guy in front of him. Izuku Midoriya, the quirkless villain that fought Allmight and gained a position in the government.

"You did very well with your brainwashing quirk in the competitions. Until Bakugou figured it out in the tournament and blew you out of the ring", Izuku said rather bluntly. "I was still impressed by your performance though", he spoke freely to the boy without care for the other's quirk which surprised Shinso.

"Aren't you worried I might use my quirk on you?" The purple haired boy suddenly asked.

"Oh I wouldn't even try if I were you", Izuku pointed his thumb back at the robots behind him. "Those Titans are equipped with scanners that detect the activation of quirks and will attack you without hesitation. Should you use yours on me they'd crush your wind pipe before you could order me to order them to stop", he then smirked deviously. "You wouldn't even get the full sentence out"

"I'll take your word for it", Shinso sweated a bit under the menacing gaze of the tall imposing robots.

"Well it was nice meeting you. Good luck with your studies", Izuku smiled brightly and waved goodbye. "Let's go find this amazing clas keep hearing about", he remarked as he walked off with his mechanical guards. Ochako smiled at general class student as well and placed her fingers together to return gravity to the three bullies still stuck to the ceiling like balloons. The students crashed painfully on the floor much to Shinso's amusement. When he turned around Izuku and Uraraka were gone.

"I need to see this", Shinso Hitoshi decided to follow after the two of them. Part of him was just curious to see what would happen but the other part was hoping he'd knock someone down a peg.


"So which hero agency are you going to for your work study program?" Yaoyorozu asked her fellow classmate Todoroki after the lunch break bell rang. "I figured you'd go with your father"

"His agency doesn't exist anymore" Shoto said.

"That's right I heard that new government department shut it down", Mina said.

"What happened to Endeavor anyway?" Kirishima asked the hot and cold boy.

"He showed up at the house yesterday, but he hasn't said anything to any of us", Shoto told them. "There's another thing, something happened to his quirk", before he could explain Bakugou stormed out the door rather loudly and Kirishima worriedly chased after him. Apparently he's still upset because he's the only student in their class that won't be doing the work study program. He is the only one of them that failed to get their provisional license. He'll be taking the remedial training according to Aizawa.

"He's in a bad mood", Kaminari supplied.

"When is he not in a bad mood?" Tsuyu said with a quite croak.

"He's never been this bad though", Sero commented. Everyone made their way into the hallway as they went to go get lunch. They were stopped when a familiar person appeared at the other end of the hall.

"So this is the famous class 1 A?" Izuku smiled as he walked towards the shocked group of students. "The ones who fought real villains and survived, the champions of U.A and the future generation of heroes", the students all paled at the sight of him. They were told a special guest was here at U.A by their homeroom teacher and they were also told not to worry about. Now they understood why Aizawa didn't want them to worry. The entire class didn't know how to react. Iida being the brave one stepped forward in a protective manner between his classmates and the wielder of the infinity gauntlet.

"I don't know what you're doing here, but please this a school", Izuku just waved Iida off.

"Oh relax I'm only here to ruffle some feathers and do my job", the green haired teen smiled.

"Which is?"

"To keep the heroes in line and make sure they're doing their jobs for the right reasons", Izuku supplied. "Let's see if I remember", he stepped a little closer making Iida flinch. "There was Shoto Todoroki, Tenya Iida, Momo Yaoyorozu, Tsuyu Asui, and Eijiro Kirishima. You were the ones who bravely fought me at Raxus junkyard. I never got a chance to commend you for your wonderfully heroic behavior", Izuku applauded them. "I know your teachers scolded you for it, but there too obsessed with bureaucracy and the value of quirks to know what real heroics are anymore"

"What about Ochako?" Tsuyu blurted out while standing up to him as well. "She went looking for you there first and yet she was expelled because of you. If anyone is heroic it's her"

"You're absolutely right", Izuku agreed with her. "That's why I decided to lend her a helping hand. Isn't that right Uraraka?" A stunned silence quieted the whole group when another familiar person stepped around the row of Titan robots.

"H-Hi", she greeted them awkwardly.

"Uraraka!" Iida was the first to get over his shock. "Just what on earth are you doing with him?" He kept a wary eye Izuku who decided to stand back and watch the whole interaction. "You know what he is and you must know what he's done"

"And?" The gravity girl wondered what his point was.

"So why are you with him?" Iida demanded to know why she would ally herself with someone like Midoriya.

"Because he's right. Because his beliefs are just", Uraraka said honestly. "Izuku's goal to correct our hero based society is something I wish to support"

"I find that hard to believe that's all he wants", Yaoyorozu spoke up.

"I don't expect you to understand Momo Yaoyorozu", Izuku said directing his gaze to her. "You who was born into wealth, born with a wonderfully versatile quirk. I have nothing personal against you, but you like many others are blind to the problems of this world", that seemed to silence Momo. Passing over her his eyes landed on Todoroki.

"How's your father doing Shoto? He made it back home safely I presume?" Izuku said with mirth.

"What did you do to him?" The bi color haired boy asked, with more curiosity rather than anger.

"He wasn't fit for the position of a hero, so I revoked his status in more ways than one", Izuku shrugged. "Simple as that. I don't see what the big deal about Endeavor was. All it took was a few well-built Titan robots to take him down"

"Indeed", Shoto found himself agreeing with the other teen. He used to always be intimidated by his father's overwhelming power, but ever since Izuku convinced him that his destiny was to surpass his father and be a hero unlike either him or Allmight he started to see Endeavor for what he was. A failure that could only pass his selfish goals onto others rather than complete them himself. After watching him get trashed by those machines on the news in Shoto's eyes that once powerful intimidating man looked extremely small now.

For all the man's ambitions and plans it was all over for him now. Undone by one quirkless genius who not only took everything that mattered most from Endeavor, but he also exposed all of the man's dirty secrets to the light. For that Shoto was grateful. He already hated the man for what he put his mother and his childhood through, but after learning of the older brother Touya that he never knew and never would, he hated his father even more now.

"So how are you doing then?" He was asking about his quirk. Shoto of course read between the lines.

"Not that it's any of your business, but I've been learning how to use the fire side of my quirk since our battle", the youngest Todoroki told him truthfully.

"Ah but it is my business. Your all future heroes and as the director of hero regulation it's my job to make sure your prepared and are doing your job as heroes for the right reasons", when he said that last part he glared down at a rather short kid with purple balls for hair. Minoru Mineta, Izuku had completed his analysis of him after the U.S.J incident and he wasn't impressed with the boy's quirk or his personality. Judging by how the student was shaking in terror at the sight of him and cowering behind one of the girl's legs he hadn't improved at all. Hell no one else besides Iida, Asui, Todoroki, and Yaoyorozu had bothered to speak up to him. The others were clearly too frightened of him.

"What the hell!?" Bakugou turned the corner and spotted Deku standing there in front of his class mates. At first he thought it was another hallucination, but everyone else could clearly see him too.

"Finally some normalcy", Izuku smiled at the breath of fresh air and predictability that Katsuki Bakugou brought. The blonde stomped over to him, palms sparkling.

"Hey man, don't do anything rash!" Kirishima placed a hand on his friends shoulder to stop him.

"Oh yes, please do something rash", Izuku waved his hand silently ordering his Titans to stand by and do nothing.

"Don't listen to him he's just trying to get under your skin", the red head kept a tighter hold on Bakugou. "I get it he beat you up pretty bad at the junk yard, but that's no reason to get this angry"

"Really?" Izuku raised a brow at that. "You really think that's why he hates me so much?" He then looked to Katsuki. "So you didn't tell him or the rest of your classmates? Interesting"

"Tell us what?" Tenya asked.

"It appears your friend Bakugou decided to remain tight lipped about his past, specifically who and what he really is", Izuku smiled at them. "Allow me to shed some light on the matter. You see when Bakugou here got his quirk in preschool everyone around him, the adults and the kids praised him for it", he explained. "Sadly that created a massive superiority complex and gave birth to an arrogance and ego that could rival the gods", he enjoyed the furious look on the explosive blonde's face. "And so Bakugou here became the worst school bully, doing whatever he wanted to anybody. Especially me isn't that right Kacchan?" Kirishima released his hold on Bakugou. "He called me Deku, the useless, worthless, quirkless nerd. He's blasted me with his quirk more times than he's probably hit you all with it in training"

"He did that?" The red head at first didn't want to believe that, but he wasn't blind to Bakugou's violent personality. He just never thought the other would stoop so low as to bully a defenseless person.

"So you didn't know then?" Izuku frowned. "Forgive me for thinking the worst of you Eijiro Kirishima. I thought you were one of those parasitic leaches who ride the coat tails of those in power without a care for what the person's done. Just like his former middle school lackeys. It seems you simply didn't know the truth, my sincerest apologies" Everyone went from looking at Izuku to staring at Katsuki. Some looked at him in contempt like Ochako, Iida and Todoroki. Other's like Kirishima and Mina were staring at him in disappointment. Bakugou finally had enough of the accusing eyes and turned his fury on the cause of this. Launching forward his hand reached out to blast Deku off his feet. Time slowed down as Izuku's mouth widened into a pleased grin. He raised his gauntlet and opened the palm as the soul stone glowed an eerie purple. No explosion came and a gray capture weapon wrapped securely around Bakugou's body, pinning his arms to his side and hauling him away from the green haired director.

'What a joy that could have been?' Izuku thought as he sighed in disappointment and deactivated the soul stone.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't harass my students", Aizawa said as he kept a tight hold on Bakugou with his scarf while making sure the boy's quirk was erased. He arrived just in time to see the blonde attacking the boy once known as the villain Apotheosis.

"I was merely educating them on things they didn't know. That's what a teacher is supposed to do right?" Izuku explained himself while simultaneously calling Erasure Head's methods into question. "Helping the students to be the future heroes is what this institution is all about, but judging how Katsuki Bakugou is still snarling at me like a rabid dog, it seems the school's behavioral practices are not as good as I imagined", Izuku took a step closer to the still captured Bakugou. "He's been here for over a semester and yet he's still the same violent boy that tormented me through my childhood. You've got your work cut out for you Aizawa Sensei", he leaned in closer to the blonde's angry face. "I honestly can't wait for you to become a legal registered hero Kacchan, because then you'll be under my jurisdiction", his smile promised future misery for the explosive teen. Bakugou wanted to scream curse words at him but Erasure's capture scarf wrapped around his mouth while the teacher dragged him off somewhere.

"Hm", Izuku hummed in thought as he watched his former bully get taken away. Did Aizawa figure out what the soul stone does? Or did somebody else figure it out and warned him? Questions he would save for later.

"Was that true? What you just said about Bakugou?" Kirishima asked stepping forward courageously.

"Yes. That's the sad truth about this world Kirishima, those with power get to do whatever they want to those who lack it", Izuku explained to him. "Isn't that right Todoroki?"

"He's right", the class gasped in shock when Shoto once again agreed with Midoriya. "For a while I didn't fully understand why I disliked Bakugou, but now I think it's because he's very similar to my father"

"Fear not though, because I'm not letting bad people like them be heroes anymore", Izuku nodded to them. "Have a nice day everyone, I look forward to seeing more from this wonderful class", he turned to walk away followed by his Titans. Ochako bowed apologetically to her former class mates and trailed after him.

"What about you?" Momo finally spoke up, finding courage to contradict him. "When you have everything the way you want it, you'll be the last bad person left. So what happens to you?"

"Bad person?" Izuku turned and walked back over to her getting a bit into her personal space for intimidation. It didn't help that he also stood at the same height as her either. "So you think the person who is trying to fix the problems of this world, problems that other people created is evil?" He stared into her eyes letting his glow green with the power stone for a moment. "You have some growing up to do Yaoyorozu. Goodbye for now", he broke eye contact and turned to leave, letting Momo release the breath she was holding.


"Let me go dammit!" Katsuki thrashed and yelled.

"Enough!" Aizawa released him quickly letting him fall against a desk. He was going to shout some more but Erasure cut him off before he could. "I know what your problem with Midoriya is"

"What?" Bakugou froze. "So you heard what he said too"

"No. After the junk yard incident we noticed by your injuries that Midoriya gave you special attention so Nezu investigated your history and past relationship with him", he paused for a moment. "If there's things I can't stand its bullying and racism", he glared down at his student. "Midoriya thinks that we don't care about your personality and are only interested in your powerful quirk like everyone else in your life before U.A. Well I'm here to tell you that he's wrong. I'm about to do something that should have been done a long time. Katsuki Bakugou, you are not the best, you have a dangerous and destructive quirk that in my opinion is only good for causing physical harm to others. I don't think your cut out to be a hero, but the principal thinks you'll change with time and effort. After Raxus we let you off easy because we felt sorry for how badly you were beaten by Midoriya, which was a mistake. You should have been expelled instead of Uraraka", Aizawa continued to scold the blonde who remained silent having never been talked down to like this before. "You helped make Midoriya what he is today. To that boy you were a villain not a hero. You need to learn that terrible actions have terrible consequences, so starting tomorrow you will report for counseling and Best Jeanist gave us an interesting idea with how to teach you humility. I won't spoil the surprise, but all I'm saying is that if nothing comes from it you might just consider yourself expelled in the future", Aizawa exhaled having said what he needed to say.

"Is that all", Katsuki said quietly in a very uncharacteristic way, swallowing the lump in his throat as his eyes stung a bit.

"Yes and count yourself lucky that I showed up in time to stop you", Aizawa scolded him again on his reckless behavior. "Allmight has a theory about that stone in the palm of his gauntlet, the one you and the others tried to keep from him. If he's right then you just came very close to losing your quirk"

"What are you talking about?" Bakugou looked at him like he was crazy. How would a shiny stone take away his quirk?


"This was a fun day wasn't it?" Izuku smiled as Ochako walked beside him.

"Well you've certainly antagonized them all", Uraraka despite what she just said had finally figured out one of the real reasons they came here. Izuku obviously wanted to test the waters and see where he stood with future recruits. Hatsume was his main objective, but she could tell that Izuku was also interested in Todoroki and Iida. How he intended to sway them to his side was still a mystery to her though.

"Midoriya wait!" A voice called out to him, making him pause and turn around. A skinny frail looking blonde man in an oversized yellow suit jogged up to him.

"Allmight, shouldn't you be taking it easy considering you condition", Izuku said with fake concern as the man took a moment to catch his breath.

"I just…wanted to speak to you, not as a hero. Person to person", Toshinori walked closer to him, noticing how the robots emitted a light growling noise when he got too close. "I understand you don't want to hear another apology from me, nor do you want to hear me say that you can become a hero again", Izuku narrowed his eyes at that. "I just want you to think about what you're doing. Really think about it and ask yourself is what you're doing right? Is it just?"

"I did think about", Izuku told him. "I thought about what I would do with the infinity gauntlet once I obtained it for a long time. What I plan to do is more than just, its fair. Fair and balanced just as all things should be"

"Fair and balanced? Is that what you call stealing Endeavor's quirk", the gaunt man called him out on that. Izuku just smiled and raised his gauntlet, creating a ball of fire in his palm. So Allmight figured out the soul stone then.

"Was it fair that Endeavor got to be the number two hero while tormenting and abusing his own family?" Izuku asked him. "Was it fair that you lied to the world for years about your quirk? Was it fair that you gave people like me false hope?"

"You have to understand that as the symbol of peace everyone's hopes are riding on me being an invincible hero", Allmight sighed sadly. "I didn't like it, but as long everyone was safe and smiling it seemed like it was worth it"

"Meanwhile the quirkless rejects like myself were being pushed around and stepped on by society", Izuku argued back with a glare. "Your lies gave us and me something to hope for. I thought that anyone could be a hero I really did until you told me the truth. You said someone without a quirk can't be a hero, that it wasn't possible", he extinguished the fire in his hand. "You're wrong Allmight. Anyone can be a hero, and they deserve a chance to at least try", Toshinori swallowed the apology that was forming in his mouth. Saying sorry wouldn't help him anymore.

"Um…Izuku", Uraraka approached him holding her phone. "The prime minister called and said the senate approved the building of your new base"

"That was fast", Izuku laughed lightly. "Funny how quickly the government's wheels turn when someone's wielding an all-powerful gauntlet. Well it was nice talking to you Allmight", he waved goodbye and made his way to where his limousine was waiting for them.

"And what about you young Uraraka?" Toshinori looked to the brown haired girl that stood with Midoriya. "Do you thinks this is all fair and jist?"

"I've chosen my side", was all she said before turning around and following after him. The Titan robots loaded themselves into the armored truck and the two vehicles left the hero academy. Allmight could only watch them leave, completely powerless to stop him.


"This seems like the perfect spot", Izuku told the pilot of the helicopter to slow down. He then ordered him to open up the back.

"Are you sure…sir", the pilot hesitated, not used to calling a kid such a formal title.

"Do it please", the back of the military grade chopper opened up revealing the downpour of wind and rain outside. Izuku looked out into the ocean and took a step off. He didn't fall like most would expect and instead hovered in midair. Once the helicopter was a safe distance away he looked to the sky. "This storm is annoying", he pointed his gauntlet upwards and waved his hands a few times. The clouds started to part, halting the storm, letting the sunlight in and creating a giant pillar of light around Izuku and the area he wanted to work with. "That's better", the reality stone and power stone glowed brightly as he reached down towards the ocean beneath him. "Haaah!" He yelled as he started to make a pulling motion with his gauntlet. The waters began to churn and ripple as something large was pulled from the ocean floor. A large rocky surface was the first to emerge, raising up out of the water further until a big island was formed surrounded by a sheer cliff. Izuku had used his power to create a new land mass off the coast of Japan. Slowly levitating down the green haired gauntlet user gently landed on his newly made island.

"Upon this rock I will build my church", he mockingly quoted as he took a look around the foundation for what would become his future base of operations. His phone suddenly went off, interrupting his musings. Seeing the unknown number he smiled having an idea who it was. "I've been trying to get in contact with you for the past three days", he said as he answered the phone. "You're a hard man to reach…Stain".

"You've outdone yourself kid", the hero killer finally said. "You know I had a hunch, that you were going to accomplish great things and I always trust my instincts"

"Did you see the news about Endeavor? I'm pretty sure I won our little bet", Izuku declared in victory.

"That you did, so…what do you want me to do…boss", he could hear the smirk in Stains voice and that too brought a smile to his face.


Space Stone-Blue: Creating Warp gates/portals. Flash warping only in short distances (Think flash step from Bleach, but leaves a blue glow). Locking things into a point in space. Epidermal shield, protects the wielder's body from most harm and can be focused on specific areas of the body at the cost of decreasing it from other areas.

Reality Stone-Red: manipulation of matter (moving it, reshaping it, changing its state, breaking it down, etc.) you could almost liken it to alchemy from FMA. Some gravity manipulation. Energy manipulation. Body levitation.

Time Stone-Yellow: Stopping time in a zone or area for a maximum of ten seconds. Anyone touching him or the gauntlet is unaffected. There is a cool down to this power that depends on how many seconds time was stopped in the bubble. Restoration, an ability that can revert all physical damage on the body back to its non-damaged state. It can also work on non-organic objects as well. Restoration cannot regenerate missing body parts, nor can it heal fatigue.

Power Stone-Green: One for All. Gives the user super strength, equal and potentially greater than Allmight. This stone can also be used to amplify the others when combined.

Soul Stone-Purple: All for One. Steals quirks and stores them in the stone to be used by the wielder of the gauntlet. Quirks stolen: Notice me not, X-ray Eye, Eye Stamp, Sludge, Energy Conversion, Vector, Quirk Multiplier, and Hell Flame.

Dracule_mihawkcreators' thoughts