

"The most dangerous creation of any society is the man who has nothing to lose." Destiny is supreme power what will you do when everything your dreams, even hope for which you lived for is taken from you but destiny chooses you for power beyond understanding. but is this power blessing or a curse? - summary- - 15 years ago end of the world was near when gates to different dimensions start appearing. The world fell into chaos War breakout out between Foreign races from gates and humans. When weapons of humans failed, hopes shattered. They appeared, Humans who had hidden in the shadows for hundreds of years, people with abilities. and prevented the extinction of the human race. but their presence changed the course of history humans start getting awakened with abilities they are known as hunters/awakened but not all awakened are strong, only Strong can survive in this society. weak is humiliated Jason White, E-ranked awakened, weak 19 years old teenager who has no ability, lost his parents to the gates. But still, he lives a happy life ignoring all humiliations, discrimination because of his friends looking forward to his dream. But what will happen when in a single day, his fate played with him twice, he was betrayed and lost everything he lived for ("broken soul") but this destiny is in his favor when he was running from his life in an unexpected situation he was granted with power for which he starved for his whole life a 'SYSTEM' a lesson he learned today is power rules the world which he has now. is this power a blessing or a curse? can Jason fight against the enemy he didn't even know about, pulling the strings from the darkness? Jason- ‘only if I had power or strong ability I don’t have to die like a dog, but nothing matters now this’ arghh ‘ is the END’. [HP REACHED 0] [UPDATING DATABASES] CONDITION FOR PROTOCOL 56 MET "HOST IS DEAD'' It is not end it' a start of an eternal saga. and this time his life will be different

CursedRaven · Fantasía
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22 Chs



Walking under the starry night sky, when the moonlight was playing on the river and the ground. Cool breeze stroking his cheeks and hair like a playful lover. Even though everything seems stable and calm yet everything was changing. He could sense instability and uneasiness in this calm environment. He could feel the instability of atoms and molecules of his surrounding however all of this was calming the storm residing in his heart.

Jason was walking along the river enjoying the peaceful environment for hours, Initially, he tried to find fish in that river, but now he had given up his desire.

'This place is so much different from earth, untouched by any civilization, Away from any greed, war, and exploits' said Jason to himself.

He picked a pebble that was glowing like a start under the light of moonlight and throws in the river.


Jason was happy with his progress and was very excited for becoming A rank.

He opened his stat window.





EXP- 78500/100000





HP- 400/400

MANA- 400/400





He progressed a lot but still lack the Experience amount he needed for breakthrough

'huh!, Hela has stages?, its new to me' Murmured Jason as he looked at his wrist.

'It means she will become stronger with time' Jason nodded.

Hela was the only one he could trust, Now she was like his extended body part. She gains power by eating stronger cores, Jason experimented a lot on her to satisfy his curiosity however all those experiments made her stronger.

In Past, he can't even think of becoming as strong as a C rank hunter and would be able to fight with a single C-D rank monster but now he was going to breakthrough into A rank and had killed thousands of Monsters single-handedly.

'seem imagination' Said Jason with a smile.

Jason moved his fingers on Hela's crystal, In her band mode, the crystal becomes the eye of the snake.

Like a living entity, she responded to his touch, Her crystal flashed for a second.

'Experiment 236' muttered Jason as Hela uncurled and changed her appearance to spear.

Jason put the Hela on the ground before making a cut on his palm, He let the drops of his blood fall on the crystal which Crystal drank immediately while emitting a red hue.

This was one of the experiments he was currently doing. After few minutes Hela again curled around his arm like a band.

Jason sat on a huge boulder with his legs crossed and arms stretched resting on his knees to meditate for some time.

He had meditated for only a few minutes when he sensed something approaching him, Jason extended his senses in a particular direction to get a better Idea but sensing it made a chill through his whole body.

'What is that' Jason murmured before Jumping down from the boulder.

He looked in that direction focusing only on that energy source which was in the forest present on the other side of the river coming towards the riverbank.

' I can see it... no I can sense it' said Jason to himself.

His eyes were glowing blue without having any white in them at all. He concentrated more energy in his eyes that made his eye emit a blue hue. As the mysterious energy drew closer and closer, His body stiffened

and start trembling.

'Am I scared?..' murmured Jason however his face was covered in sweat.


His senses were screaming and telling him to run but his legs were numb.

Now energy was closure he can't even look in that direction, His eye and nose started to bleed due to overexerting his senses.

'F***, I can't even move' Jason thought as he started to punch his legs.

He punched his legs with all the strength he could gather but his legs remained numb.

'F***, Even my body gave out'

Hmm.... hummm..

Hela started vibrating, It was his first time to see Hela react to something.

he kept hitting his legs.

'move mf'

Suddenly a current ran through his whole body and he regained feeling in his legs. Hela gave his neural system a large energy shock waking him up.

'thanks, Hela' he said before Sprinting towards Forest.

'Run..., run for your life Jason' muttered Jason before leaping into the forest.

He hid in thick branched and transfigured branches to make him camouflage in the surrounding.

He peeked out from an opening towards the opposite side's riverbank in the direction of the Energy source. Just by sensing it made his hair stood.

'Whatever it is.., It is on complete another level' Thought Jason.

He slapped himself to stay alert.

'Which creature has this much power, No how can it be..'

' Maybe it is a pack of A rank monsters, yeah that's the case'

He had suppressed his presence as much he could but If the owner of that energy sensed him he will die in mere seconds.

'Please don't give me a quest to fight that thing' just thinking about it made him feel cold.

'it is coming.. it is coming..' said Jason to himself.


Silence swept all over, Air became heavy making him difficult to even breathe. An aura he never felt before, if he was Jason of Past he would be already dead.

'It's suffocating me...' Murmured Jason stopping his coughs.

step.., step... step...

'Is it ....' Jason spits blood.

'... a single person emitting this aura' Jason thought.

He initially thought that a pack of strong monsters is emitting this Aura and energy but..

From the place where Jason was hiding, He can't see the face of the creature. All he could see were only small details.

A single Bipedal Creature emerged from the dense forest on another side. It was walking with the help of a stick carrying a container. The creature slowly walked near the river and bent down to fill the container.

'I Doubt even Arthur can't defeat this guy in solo' Thought Jason.

Jason tried to use 'Inspect' on that creature.

[ERROR 404]

[System: STAY AWAY]

'A direct warning!' murmured Jason.

This warning waked the curiosity of a scientist.

The creature stood up while looking around and slowly walked into the dense forest.

'Did he sensed me..., no If he did I would already be dead' Jason said to himself.

Jason waited for few minutes before coming out of hiding. He approached the river bank cautiously.

He stood in a place while steering in the direction of that creature. A storm of thoughts was rising in his brain.

'Should I follow that guy?..' He asked himself.

He had a scared look on his face but curiosity in his brain.

step! step! step!

Jason approached the river and stood there. He jumped 4-5 times.

'Let's see who was that guy? ' murmured Jason with a maniac smile.

He bent down while looking towards the other side soon veins popped up on his legs.

'Death may be waiting for me on that side, but..' Jason said before taking a deep breath.


The ground under started deforming.


He leaped towards that side and with one jump he crossed a 10-meter wide river.


Jason breathed out and look behind.

' I must learn how to control myself' Jason said to himself.

Jason can feel that guy in the dense forest clearly. so he only needs to follow that energy.

'Let's surpass Bond or holmes today' Said Jason as he walked into the forest without creating any sound and soon disappeared into the darkness.


In a forest, a shadowy figure was walking slowly and as quietly as he can.

suddenly he leaped into the bushes and hid. Jason was following that guy for more than half an hour.

Jason was hiding close enough to see that guy's face and features.

Jason noticed that this guy was familiar with this forest very well and wields a wand which also helps him to walk.


Right now it was standing in a place for few minutes without doing anything, Initially, Jason thought that it may have sensed him so he took a step back and hid in a bush but that was not the case, that guy kept standing at that place and then he turned to look behind.

'huh!.. is he human?' Jason blurted with an astounded face.