
Apocalypse:come back

Underneath a big oak tree a young man sat resting his life less body trying to catch his breath, blood dripped from his body leaving his clothes and the soil beneath soaked. the man thought "there coming" what's coming? a group of zombie gathered around him growling at him . Jade couldn't do anything but accept faith , such a pity . A beauty died so horribly Jade had brown fluffy hair And green eyes and small nose and soft kissable lips , a round face that tied it all together. Jade closed his eyes accepting faith he grabbed a pocket knife and stabbed his heart directly so he wouldn't fell pain , his body remained lifeless and his blood began to run cold . Jade felt his soul slipping away, everything was neutral he couldn't hear,see or speak.

Mana_Jimoh · Derivados de obras
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44 Chs


I removed all the helmets on there heads and took a good look at there faces.

one guy shouted ,we work for the government so put us down you freak.

a girl said please don't mind him please put us down.

I was kinda happy not everyone forgot there manners.

I then floated to the top and released her only her before then going towards the door .

I then grabbed us a chair and went outside to talk, I asked her why she is her and what on earth is the government planning.

she said well they sent us to gather food and bring it back to a base.

but when we got her we realized that we where bait.

the guns we shoot where extra loud which attracted more zombies and infact we where given no food when leaving.

so my teammates are kinda angry .

I looked at kai and he gave me a thumbs up I gave her 3 apples and a can of coke.

I walked back into the mall and put them down.

I said do you like what the government is doing and want go back.

or would you come with us the four men looked at each other before agreeing.

and I told them to start talking.

the tallest guy said: originally we where 15 soldiers sent here.

we would full up the jeep and come back to base.

but we where told not to worry that the shopping mall was zombie free they said they would lure them out hours before we even arrived but that was a lie, our weapons where tampered with and we had no food. and the food in the mall was rotten and inedible.

so we where bait.

I think they where trying to cut the amount of mouth they had to feed.

I looked around and saw some of there colleagues on the floor.

I untied them and told them, from know on we are brothers and sisters. but if you do something purposely that will get us all in danger your dead to me.

I told them to follow me and get something to eat inside the container.

they ate some fruits and drank water.

I then said help me finish raiding the mall dry. anything you think that will be useful take it.

we then went to the underground garage where more supplies are being stored i didn't even bother to check what was inside.

I levitated all 24 container plus the one I brought and we went back to the farm industry before I collapsed.

I told them we would have to sleep here for the night.

The next morning we continued. Mo and David where looking down,. they didn't manage to complete there part of the list.

I lifted all 26 containers until we reached the submarine and I loaded them in.

the usual, we did an introduction:







all of you are going to be helping me and Kai to fight, protect our submarine crew and look for resources.

but for now you on farming duty.

we are heading to a island that I bought a few years ago, we will stay there for a while.

it's going to take us 5 days.

so I hope our new members aren't sea sick.

I went to the control room and set a new course.

I checked all the soldiers for bite marks before allowing them as Permanente cremates.

Lia has been helping me with teaching the kids and the remaining four soldiers have been helping Kai with navigation and sparing classes.

for the first 3 days they where all shocked and thankful about our submarine and they where thankful for everything given to them.

Then Friday arrived:

I was in the control room then I used our new microphone which I connected to some speakers earlier.

and said come down everyone it's Friday night movie marathon.

today we are watching an action movie Lost City.

our new cremates looked at me astonished .

I said come on .

I , Kai, my mom and lora set up the our make shift cinema.

mom and Mo where in charge of the food.

and me and Kai where setting up the whole thing.

we all sat in the huge living room and watched.

after I asked does anyone have a movie requested.

Marvel movies where all asked of:

iron man


dare devil.

7 hours later, a storm hit.

but my weather machine never indicated any rain falling.

I told everyone to put away all the object which where not nailed to the floor I then went down to the garage to tie all the containers in place.

then clamped all the vehicles to the ground including the smaller boats.

I looked at Kai and he knew what to do we races upstairs to the animals and put them in there cages or holding cells.

I then went back to the control room to get this submarine to go to the oceans floor. we have never done this before but the current above are to furious.

and we have never gone this deep before.

it took me 10 minutes to find a clear bottom of the ocean before hooking the submarine to the ground with 30 anchors .

we where not going anywhere.

I deployed a drone to go to the surface to check what going on.

the skies where gray and the waves where stubborn.

I scanned the area and realize that we where not the only ones on the waters, there was a mutant squid approaching.

it was at least 67 foot tall.

I saw this squid tear a adult whale in half . before eating on it's remains.

I don't know why but I felt land was safer than water right now.

I programmed the drone to come back.

and it helped me track our distance we where 10,500 meters away from it.

I didn't take chances I turned on the barrier and enabled shield mode.

after 4 hours I sent the drone back up it's still raining heavily .

we are being delayed.

it rained for two days straight.

and it's still raining.

I took this time to go diving.

put on my divers suit before going to the garage there is a are where we can enter the ocean without getting water in her, me, David, my dad,kai, Lora and Mo went fishing.

Kai and my dad carried a harpoon.

while Lora, Mo, David and I used a hug next to catch both small and large fishes.

we saw corals and different species of fishes.

we went to the coral section and caught a school of y with our large net but these fishes where struggling.

it took us 30 minutes to drag them to our sub.

there where about 300 in total.

on average there size where about 4.9 ft.

later on Kai came back with two king salmon. they where both over 60 inches and weighs over 150 pounds.

good job Kai.

dad came in after.

a saw him holding the head of a clown fish.

we carried the fishes to there tanks.

but dad didn't want to leave his with the rest of the big fish.

he put the clown fish in a jar and gave it to me.

I said thank you and carried the fish upstairs.

I looked at sleeping Snow before going back down to the garage.

I wanted to see what where in those mysterious containers.

6 of them where filled with clothes

10 where long lasting shelve foods

1 was for diapers and bottles.

2 where for animal foods.

6 where all related electronics.

the last one was beauty products, (make up) why so many.

we don't even have a lot of girls (8) and one of them is a toddler.

I then opened the fruit and vegetable container, I planned to turn them into juice and use there seeds for planting.

but for the veggies not all I can use .

I thought for a bit before deciding.

there all going to hate it but we have no choice.

I went upstairs to make an announcement.

I turned on the mic and said everyone on board, from now on we will only eat vegan food, so no meat or fish for a month or so, enjoy.

I then went back down before using telekinesis to empty out the containers and bringing all of the fruits and vegetables inside .

I dropped them in the main fridge.( it was the size of two plots of land)

I told the cooks what we are going to eat tonight vegetable soup and rice.

at dinner time I told everyone if we manage to finish the vegetables on time we would have a chicken and barbecue party.

the men where eating it like crazy and even asked for seconds.

as snacks I would cut carrots and some veggies for the kids to eat.

Snow liked to suck on carrot sticks.

jinx, Lora ,mom and mother in law.

used the cucumbers, avocado and tomatoes as beauty treatment.

soon the guys joined in.


mom dragged me in as well. she used avocado for my hair.

honestly I don't really get to spend time with her.

she washed my hair and applied a mask on me.

afterwards my skin was glowing, I looked at myself in the mirror. my white hair became shiny and silky smooth.

and my green eyes looked clear.

my skin was was a refreshing tan.

mom even insisted to scrub my body using tumeric, I instantly said no but then revoked it.

she was not holding back with the scrubbing.

afterwards we talked for a bit I asked her if she needed anything.

she said no, there is absolutely nothing I could want but I do want you to take care of yourself better.

I smiled before leaving to my room.

I went into kai's arms before sleeping.