
Riko Fujinomiya

"The water is ready, take a shower first, and your pink toothbrush, it's a new toothbrush so don't worry, you are also free to use my soap and shampoo"


He nodded in agreement.

I went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for the two of us. I took out the rice and spices to make fried rice.

The girl's name was Riko Fujinomiya, a nice name. I took her to my house because I couldn't bear to leave the girl outside while I put on the comfort blanket.

I definitely couldn't sleep because of that so I took her along. I called my mom to confirm.

When connected,

"hello mom"

"Aoi what's wrong? Rarely do you contact your mother"

"There's a woman who wants to stay at home tonight, is that okay?"


I waited for 10 seconds but no answer,

"Mom are you still there?"

"My daughter-in-law is at home now even though we are still abroad how is it?"


"But don't panic Aoi, the safety is in the wardrobe drawer in our room, just take everything, don't forget to send your girlfriend's photo"

"Hey he's not my girlfriend"

I then explained what happened with Fujinomiya-san, then my mother agreed in a slightly disappointed tone.


Half an hour later Fujinomiya-san came out of the bathroom in my mother's pajamas, strangely on the chest, the buttons felt like they wanted to come off. Her black hair is also tied in a ponytail that suits my type plus that beautiful face.

My temperature rose when I saw that. Hey me, hold your lust.

"Thanks for the bathroom"

"Same, now sit at the dining table, we will eat"

Then we both ate until we were all gone.

"Aoi-san, I really thank you for allowing me to stay in your house, not only a place to stay but you provide clothes and food, I'm really grateful, but I don't have the money to pay you, I can only give my body to pay you, allow me to serve you"

Uh, why all of a sudden.

"Fujinomiya-san, I invited you here not to expect anything but because my humanity has awakened so you don't have to pay anything here, besides my parents aren't around either, so you can stay here as long as you like"

"No, it's impossible for me to live in someone else's house without being reciprocated, I beg of you to accept this body as payment, or is my body unattractive to you?"

"Eh, it's not like that Fujinomiya-san, your body is very attractive but I'm not aiming for your body"

"Then I'll just go out, I'll only be a bother to you if I stay here without paying"

"Then if Fujinomiya-san insists on paying what if you help me with housework like cleaning, washing, cooking, things like that do you agree?"

"Is something like that enough?"

"Yes, if Fujinomiya-san insists"

"Okay I agree"

Huh, it's finally over.

"Then please help"

"Me too, please help"

"Since we're going to live under the same roof, how about we call each other by their first names?"

Fujinomiya-san's suggestion makes sense but I'm embarrassed because it's the first time I've called a girl from my school by her first name, is it because my charisma is too high?

"Alright, R.riko-san"

"Yes Aoi-kun"

He wasn't shy to say my name directly. I then changed the topic.

"Riko-san, what grade are you actually in?"

"Oh, I'm in class 2 - A near the entrance hall of the building, how about Aoi-kun?"

Turns out he was my classmate. So it's better to call her with the ending senpai.

"I'm in class 1 - C near the Sports Center Building... um... does Riko-senpai participate in club activities?"

I asked, I was trying to get to know him.

"Yes, I joined the literature club, even though it was only me, because most of the members were ghost members"

"Does Aoi-kun participate in club activities?"

"Yeah I'm in the club 'my home is my castle'"

I joked with him.

"Is there a club name like that?"

Fujinomiya-senpai asked while raising his finger to his lips and tilting his head.

Very cute.

"I'm kidding, actually I didn't get into any club because I wasn't interested"

To be precise, I prefer manga and novels to socializing.

"I thought you entered the sports club because your body is very good and your face is handsome"

She said while blushing.

"Thanks for the compliment, but I don't really follow any club"

"How about you join the literature club"

Riko-senpai offered me to enter her club.

"Sorry senpai, I don't want to join any club yet because there is no interest"

"Okay, then I won't force you, but if you're interested, just come to the literature club, because I'm usually there"


After finishing the chat, I went to the living room. Even though I wanted to wash the dishes but Riko-senpai refused, she said,

"Now leave all the homework to me, you don't have to bother with it"

She spoke like a young wife who just got married yesterday, because she insisted, I headed to the living room, sat on the sofa to watch television.

10 minutes later, he came out of the kitchen and sat next to me. The smell is very fragrant, even though it is the smell of my soap and shampoo, but it has another unique scent,

I'm a little aroused, calm down O myself. In order not to think about it I tried to chat with senpai.

"Senpai, you will sleep in the guest room next to mine"

"Eh, even though I want to sleep with you"

"Should not"


I turned it down because I'm a high-voltage person, I don't know what I would do if we were roommates.

"If you can't take it anymore, call me ok?"

He said and walked to the second floor.

I was tempted by this offer, but a gentleman like me should be able to restrain himself.

Then I went to my room to do my homework and after that paid the devil milk as usual and went to sleep.


The next day we set out together on foot,

Arriving in front of Kazuya's house I greeted him,

"Ohayou Kazuya"


He was dumbfounded after seeing Riko-senpai next to me. Then he pulled me over to whisper.

"Hey who is this beautiful woman? Why are you walking with her? Is she your girlfriend?"

I'm bombarded with questions,

I then introduced Riko-senpai to him.

And we continued walking with Kazuya on my right and Riko-senpai on my left, if Kazuya was a girl this would be called 'carrying two flowers on both sides'.

Arriving at the locker, just like yesterday there were many letters in it. But it seems today is more than yesterday.

I'm dizzy with this, what should I do.

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