
Anthony Unleashed

In a quiet suburban neighborhood, where the sunsets painted the sky in hues of orange and purple, lived a solitary teenager named Anthony. With his striking appearance - black spikey soft hair that reached his neck and an incredibly handsome face - Anthony was like any other ordinary high school student. But beneath his seemingly unremarkable exterior, a dormant power lay hidden, waiting to be unleashed. (join my Patreon.) https://patreon.com/Masteratlest

Master_Atlest · Cómic
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46 Chs

Chapter 18: The Sands of Uncertainty

Sooraya Qadir's Perspective

My name is Sooraya Qadir, but the world knows me as Dust. I come from Afghanistan, a land of rich culture and traditions, but also a place that has seen its fair share of turmoil and strife. When I first arrived at the Xavier Institute, I was hopeful that I could find a sense of belonging among my fellow mutants. But as time passed, I realized that fitting in wasn't as easy as I had hoped.

Being at the school for gifted youngsters was both a blessing and a challenge. On one hand, I was surrounded by other mutants like me, each with their unique abilities. It was comforting to know that I wasn't alone in my struggles. On the other hand, I often felt like an outsider among my peers.

Unlike many of the other mutants, my powers were not flashy or glamorous. I could turn my body into sand, a power that seemed more suited for a desert than a superhero. At times, I couldn't help but feel overshadowed by mutants with more eye-catching abilities like Anthony and his reality-warping powers.

I observed Anthony from a distance, fascinated by his abilities, but also feeling a twinge of envy. While I struggled to control my sand manipulation, he seemed to effortlessly manipulate reality itself. It was as if he held the power to reshape the world to his will, while I could only control sand particles.

Yet, despite my feelings of inadequacy, I found myself drawn to Anthony. Perhaps it was because we both shared an introverted nature, seeking solace in the quiet corners of the school. He, too, seemed to prefer solitude, and I wondered if he, too, felt like an outsider among the mutants.

One day, I mustered the courage to approach him while he was levitating in a secluded area of the school grounds. I hesitated, unsure if I should intrude on his private moment, but I wanted to understand more about his powers and, perhaps, find some common ground.

"Hey," I said softly, my voice barely above a whisper. "Your powers are incredible. I've never seen anything like it."

Anthony turned to me, his expression guarded but not unfriendly. "Thanks," he replied, nodding in acknowledgment. "Your sand manipulation is pretty unique too. It's like you have a special bond with the earth."

I nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "Yes, it's a gift that connects me to my homeland. It's both a blessing and a curse."

As we continued to talk, I sensed a shared understanding between us. We both knew what it was like to be different, to feel like outsiders among our peers. It was a relief to know that I wasn't alone in my feelings of uncertainty and self-doubt.

Yet, as our conversations continued, I couldn't shake the feeling that Anthony had a certain air of superiority about him. His powers were awe-inspiring, and it seemed like he relished in his uniqueness. While I admired his determination to control his abilities, I couldn't help but wonder if he saw himself as superior to the rest of us.

As time went on, Anthony's powers grew more potent and refined. It was a sight to behold, but it also left me questioning my own abilities. Would I ever be able to reach that level of control and mastery? Or was I destined to be overshadowed by mutants like him?

I tried not to let my feelings of insecurity consume me, but it was challenging. I wanted to find my place among the mutants, to feel like I belonged. But every time I saw Anthony effortlessly levitating or manipulating reality, it felt like a reminder of my own limitations.

However, as the days turned into weeks, I also saw a different side of Anthony. Beneath his cool and composed exterior, there were glimpses of vulnerability and uncertainty. It was as if he, too, grappled with his place in the world and his role as a mutant.

Perhaps, in our own ways, we were all struggling to find our identities and our purpose. The Xavier Institute was meant to be a safe haven for mutants, but it didn't shield us from the complexities of being different in a world that often feared and misunderstood us.

As I navigated my own journey of self-discovery, I couldn't help but wonder if Anthony was on a similar path. Maybe, despite our differences in abilities and experiences, we were more alike than I had initially thought.

To be continued...

(A/N: I need more stones people!!! Put this novel on the map!)

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