
Antares Adventure in Maat World

A little boy named Antares.  Very sure that one day he will kill the pharaoh and free his people from the clutches of Egyptian slavery. But one day he unknowingly awakens the energy of the power passed down by the god, namely Sekha. Someone found out and reported to the king of Egypt the pharaoh.  Then because of that Antares was forced to face Pharaoh.

Tangan_Gede · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Episode 3

Back again, brothers and sisters, to this sadistic fairy tale!  At that time there was an incident where immigrants from neighboring Arabian countries got into fights with the Pharaoh's and Egyptian soldiers.

It looks like the sham's body is very cruelly cleaved with a sword from the people who work as direct subordinates of the pharaoh.

Shampun lay dead.  The sight stunned everyone.  All the slaves covered their mouths seeing the entrails and meat of the sham which started to come out slowly.  Blood dripped down to flow into a ventilation hole connected to the basement.  The underground chamber functions to store clean water that flows from mountains and water sources far away.

"Your dirty and despicable mouth, you deserve it," said the killer.  He then left leaving the corpse lying.  The slave children who saw it were instantly traumatized.  They want to cry naturally but are afraid.  Of course they were afraid of their subordinates and the Egyptians who cruelly enslaved them.

Tap tap tap.

After all the soldiers were gone.  All the adult slaves surrounded the corpse.  Then the symbasian came infiltrating the crowd carrying strands of white cloth.  He rushed towards the corpse.  Got near the corpse with great difficulty.  Simbasian covered it with the cloth he brought.  Wide white cloth.  He seemed to have just taken it from his residence.

"Take care of your daughters and children, from now on," said Simbasian to his compatriots.

Everyone nodded in agreement.  They are all now very afraid and afraid of Egypt again.  Then after a long time listening to symbasian lectures.  Everyone started packing sham's corpse.  They buried him properly and prayed for the grave of Sham.  Antares also followed him just like the others.

'Your courage and determination are precious things uncle, maybe everyone is scared but only I feel otherwise.  From now on I'm determined to be like you,' Antares thought

After saying in my heart with passion.  A symbol similar to the one seen last night after visiting the simbasian just looking for information.  Printed on his back.  The symbol was bigger than the one in his palm.

Because Antares is in a group.  Nobody noticed.  Except for someone right behind his back.  He knelt down and prayed just like the others.  Then leave after Antares has passed first.

The man smiled so thinly.  His eyes lowered to hide his true feelings.  He was clutching a package that looked to be filled with metal clusters.

Then walk to the city of lower Egypt on foot.  Although a slave he seemed to be treated normally in that place.


He came to a big place.  There's a big statue of a god set there.  The patron god of the Egyptian coat of arms.  The person smiled for a moment after holding it in.  Then enter the place.  It turns out that in it many priests or worship experts.  It turned out that the building was a place of worship.

Tap tap tap.

Someone inside greeted him.

"Simbasian, how did you get here?"  said the priest

Simbasian raised the parcel in his hand.

"Give me more pieces of silver! I'll tell you what you want," replied the symbasian arrogantly

"How presumptuous you symbasian," another priest said

But other priests rebuked him so as not to get too emotional at the words of their guests.

"Okay, we'll comply with your request. What information did you get in return?"  ask a priest who is wiser

"By our beloved god, Egypt was the country and the land that the ra-atum ruled in the past until he flew into the sky and towards the duat and then returned to this world to illuminate both worlds with a bright light that helps us during the day and in the duat at night.  Then the stars which are actually the incarnations of the gods who were swallowed by ra vomited when he became ra-atum in the duat and met isis and osiris, I know what osiris means in the books of death, "said syam at length

All the priests were shocked.

"You're not even an expert in worship, how do you know symbasians?"  ask a priest who is still the same person

"Do you know? The set god that you worship and you think is equal to the queen, he is not considered in other countries," said the contemptuous simbasian

"What do you mean simbasian, quickly tell me what the information is," said another priest impatiently.

"It's not that easy, hahaha. After being satisfied with being enslaved. Do you think we will be able to extort information too? Hahhahha, stupid," said the symbasian so contemptuously.

"Insolent, your words have violated the rules, you must be killed by cymbals," said the angry priest.

In Egypt, insulting one's own country and the pharaohs was considered a crime commensurate with death.

"Hahaha, we all know. Indeed this is a blessed country. However, do you know? You are all actually perverted. For a moment," said the arrogant symbasian as he walked around the priests.

"You all have been tricked, you know? Do you know? Hahaha. You are too stupid not to know," continued the symbasian.

"This smell, this is the smell of drunkard liquid, he seems to be affected by wine," said the priest who noticed it.

"Oh, I see. That's right," said his friend.

One of the priests came forward.

He then spread his arms.  After casting the incantation a ray from it entered the belly of the symbasian.

Simbasian falls in pain.  She screamed and complained her stomach hurt.  Then suddenly he stopped moaning and stood up with his consciousness returning to normal.

Simbasian confusion.

"Why am I here?"  say symbasian

"Simbasian, look here," said one priest who had been holding back his anger.

Simbasian obeyed because he was their subordinate assigned to monitor and look for the child who was predicted to destroy Egypt.

"Do you know, you have committed a serious offense when you were drunk earlier, do you not know. Don't you know haaah, answer me a slave," said the priest screaming viciously full of anger.

"I-I, I don't know my master," said the symbasian, scared to death.  He shuffled to the floor because of it.

"Calm down my brother," said the wiser priest to his companion.

"Okay, symbasian. How did you get here? Do you have even a little information? Because I saw you drunk earlier," said the wise priest.

"Ah, me-me," simbasian tried to remember

"What's more, you're saying that the guardian deity of the set is not worshiped in other lands?"  said another priest cutting the words of symbasians.

Simbasian is shocked.  He glared the other way like he was struck by lightning.

"Explain this to us symbionts, we will also tell your majesty too," said the priest again.

Simbasian was silent for a moment.  Started to shake off some of his fears.

"Actually, other countries outside Egypt want to destroy Egypt because they are considered to worship the god of chaos and calamity, namely the guardian god of Egypt, Seth," replied Simbasian.

All the priests were shocked.

"What you say is true, symbasian?"  asked the wise priest for sure.

"Yes, that's right. Th-that's because we know the book of death has been forged," said the simbasian again.

Everyone was shocked.  Then some of the priests whispered.

Then invite Simbasian to another room.  They made a circular light after entering the underground area.  The area serves to execute the occupants of the building who are caught violating the rules made by the eleven priests.

Then all of them entered into the light carrying a shadow whose eyes were covered with a white cloth and in handcuffs.

After that they sat the symbasian on the chair.  The place seemed to be filled with emptiness everywhere.  Like nothing.  There is only one chair available.

They then removed the symbasian blindfold.  Simbasian blinked and was surprised by the place.

"Th-this," the symbasian stuttered.

"That's right, you are in the paraous palace. The palace of the guardian god seth," replied the emotional priest.

Another place.

After visiting the tomb of Sham and praying for him.  Antares is back at work.  Unlike usual, Antares will usually rest at noon and then head to the Nile to recuperate.  But he just kept on working.  The Egyptian army and himself paid no heed.

But the slaves who knew him were starting to wonder.  Not like usual.

"Did he have more breakfast? Or got a present from someone?"  asked some of the slaves who were gathered together to rest.

Gifts in the sense, usually there is a woman who falls in love with slaves or just pity because they are actually good.  Because they don't want to be killed, they secretly give alms in the form of food or clothing to whoever's slaves

"Hm, I don't know," replied his colleague who ate the banana, a gift from the Egyptian volunteers who had been secretly hiding.

"Hmm, then did you see the symbiotic?"  asked the slave-grandfathers again.

"I didn't see it," replied his friend

"He's in charge of directing us when piling stones (actually dirt, but it's so heavy and hard they call it rock) right? If he's not there, usually he will be searched for and severely punished," said the grandfathers.

"Yes, it's true, but today is strange. Simbasian is always present the healthiest and earlier than the others. Then when he was late they didn't look for him, he wasn't even present," said another friend feeling a problem in this.

"Didn't all the soldiers remember the simbasian?"  ask the grandpa

"Impossible, the symbasian is in the most important position, he is the one who was given the information about the building scheme that we will make. It is very unlikely that they will forget it," replied his colleague.

"Moreover, it was the soldiers who informed him directly," said another

"That's right, the Simbasians at that time also forced their way into the Pharaoh's residence and shouted for us to be free from Egypt or slavery, they couldn't have forgotten, right?"  said the grandpa

Everyone nodded in agreement.  Then suddenly a blow from the army woke them up to get back to work.

'Simbasian isn't here anymore?'  thought the grandfather after arriving at the construction site of the pyramid tomb of the previous pharaoh.

The plan was after the corpse of the previous pharaoh who was the grandfather of the current pharaoh named Shmananzs was embalmed and made immortal as a mummy.  Then after the magnificent pyramid building was completed.  The mummy will be moved inside with the shmananzs' personal possessions and jewelery.


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