
Isn't that reaction a bit over the top?


It was a pretty decent battle for what little it promised…

At first the battle between Goku and Cell was quite predictable, since as usual, Goku at first did not fight at full power and little by little was increasing its power.

Although it has its logic, since if by chance you launch your final attack with all your energy and your opponent dodges said attack, in the end you will be exhausted and at the mercy of your opponent.

And although it makes all the sense in the world, it is still somewhat boring when you see two people fight at a level well below what they are capable of…

Fortunately, the level of the fight increased rapidly. Since apparently Goku knew that he could not extend the battle long, since when he transforms into super saiyan 2 it will not last long, because his energy consumption will be quite high, since he has not yet mastered the transformation.

The fight between these two was quite interesting when it reached a certain level, but even so it was clear that Goku would not be able to defeat Cell.

Everyone present was able to see it. So anxiety began to spread among the z warriors.

Everyone except Piccolo, who knew more or less where things were going. He just wondered how he was going to 'die'.

The truth is that neither I knew what Cell had planned for Piccolo's 'final' act in this saga.

And when Cell decided to move on to Piccolo's death scene, I couldn't help but be surprised by Cell's move…

I didn't expect Cell to bring the junior Cells onto the scene.

And I have to say, the Cell juniors give me the same feeling as Arachne's demon spider hatchlings, so technically they should be immortal just like Cell.

Needless to say, while the Cell Juniors were beating up the rest of the z warriors, one of them 'accidentally killed Piccolo. Who with his magnificent Ki control and his special physiology, faked his death very spectacularly…

If it weren't for the fact that I didn't trust only the Ki sense, even I might have been fooled.

But leaving Piccolo's great performance aside... It must be said, that just as it was planned, Gohan exploded with rage and transformed into a super saiyan 2.

And although this whole scene has been a farce... I find much more sense to this 'fake' scene, than what was shown in the anime. Since I never understood how Gohan was so enraged by the 'death' of a robot that he technically wanted to kill his father...

Well, the important thing is that the plan worked and that after Gohan 'killed' the Cell juniors, he joined his father in a two against one, against Cell.

And although Goku did not seem to like the idea of ​​'cheating' in a tournament very much, the truth is that all this, is that this tournament had already claimed the life of one of his friends. So he chose to stop fooling around and seriously try to finish off Cell.

In the end, Cell let himself win... But he did not make it easy for the father and son duo, since by the time the fight was over, they were both quite battered...

The end of the battle was quite similar to anime, only in the end, the father and son duo pooled their energies for a massive Kamehameha (When in the anime, Goku was only able to help his son in some metaphysical way.) and Cell 'lost'.

And now that it's all over, the z warriors are exhausted from their hard battle and fate has finally settled down… It's time to give everyone a big surprise.

I'm going to call the twins to make the surprise even better.


(Krillin Pov)

It's finally over...

Now all those monsters are dead...

Although the blonde twin was quite beautiful... But a monster after all... Maybe...?

Not! Stop thinking about it Krillin!

I have to go check on the others.

"Goku! Gohan! Are you OK!?" I yelled at the two of them while flying as fast as possible without hurting too much.

It's true that I could eat one of my senzu beans and make a full recovery. But I am not so badly injured, and it is better to leave them for the most injured. Since during the battle with the mini monsters, my bag with the senzu beans was compromised a couple of times, but in the end I managed to keep it safe.

Others may not have been so lucky or even cared so much. Anyway, Arthur will soon come with enough senzu beans for everyone, so it is best if the most injured are treated first.

I'm so smart... Sometimes I wonder what all these muscle heads would do without me.

"Ughhh... A little bruised, but fine." Goku answered me, who was lying on the ground, gasping for air.

It seems that I was not the only one who had his lungs punctured...

He and Gohan are both badly injured, not as much as I was recently, but quite a lot.

In addition, to their wounds we must add the massive expenditure of Ki from their last attack and now both are lying on the ground greatly weakened.

"Yes Yes, whatever you say. But before continuing to speak... or even breathing. Take this. " I said to Goku, as it seemed that as time went by he finds it difficult to breathe even more. So I quickly made him eat a senzu bean.

"* Sigh * For a moment I thought he wouldn't tell..." Goku said as he sighed in relief... He was still lying on the ground, but much more relaxed... I'd say he's even about to fall asleep.

I quickly turned to Gohan and repeated the process.

Sometimes I feel bad for making such a small child have to fight these monsters... But I also feel envy, seeing the massive increase in strength that this child has achieved for his age... Besides those absurd transformations... They should be illegal.

Why don't humans have such cool transformations?

In the end I ended up taking a tour of the rest of the wounded combatants... Minus Vegeta... The guy seemed to be doing quite well... And the growl he gave me when I approached him, made it clear that I do not appreciate my concern for him.

Luckily Tenshinhan was in pretty good shape and joined me in helping the others, so let's finish pretty quickly.

In the end we all gathered in front of Piccolo's corpse... And although I know that we can resurrect him with the dragon balls... I still feel sad to see him there is thrown...

And to think that almost ten years ago this guy was trying to kill us all and now look at him... Fighting by our side and even dying for us.

"* Whimper ** whine * Mr. Piccolo..." Poor Gohan... He and Piccolo had a relationship... Strangely close... Having found that he kidnapped him after his father's death...

Wait a minute... There was no mental illness that the kidnapped suffered from that made him feel emotionally linked to his kidnappers... What was it called... stockh-.

"Easy son, we will resurrect him in no time with the dragon balls, so you must not continue crying." Goku said as he patted his son's head in an attempt to comfort him.

Which worked, since it wasn't the first time Gohan had seen Piccolo die in front of him, so he knew he would be resurrected... What a rockier childhood this boy has had...

Hmm... I feel like I'm forgetting something... A thought that seemed important… Well, if I don't remember, I guess it won't be that important.

"Well guys, now that it's all over, we will resurrect Piccolo and celebrate our victory." Goku said happily, which made some of them smile and cheer.

But to everyone's surprise, suddenly there was a ripple in the air in front of us and what appeared in front of us filled me with such horror that I fainted.



(Arthur's Pov)

"Surprise!" I screamed with excitement as I stretched my arms as if to embrace the world.

* Sound of Krillin hitting the ground *


Looking at the unconscious Krillin, who embarrassed peed on himself, I have to wonder if appearing like this was the best option.

Unlike Krillin, the rest of the z warriors did not faint… Although Yamcha was just a push away from pissing himself just like Krillin…

"Grrr…! What does this mean!? They should all be dead! Why are they here !? " Vegeta growled as his body tensed in preparation for battle.

The rest also tensed and prepared for battle...

And I really can't blame them...

Since in front of them, the enemies that tried to kill them appeared and ended up dead in the end.

Behind me were C-17 and C-18, along with Cell and his Cell juniors.

I suppose for the z warriors, who have just come out of hell and are now facing their demons again…

Yes, I suppose it can be quite a scary sight.

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