

My name is Hero Koto I'm a girl I live in a city called Fiveroth, I am an only child, my life here is not pixies and fairies, my mother is an alcoholic and my father left us when I was five, he wasn't able to stand up against my mom, so he left us without saying word, I've been abused by my mother and bullied at school but I do have a friend his name is Dion suo, he's nice to me and hangs out with me until the day I got hit by a car that was probably only 1% of people in this world who even cares about me and the other 99.99% just laughed at my death no one cared they will forget about me not even remember my name I was glad that I died I didn't want to live in a world of pain anymore.

I slowly open my eyes, I looked around, all I see is trees around me, I could feel a warm embrace they're running from something or someone the person stops, I think we're safe from the being that was chasing us. Someone removes the cloth from my face, it was a beautiful woman with short light brown hair and wolf ears. It was unusual to have ears on your head she gave me a smile and kiss me on the forehead, I think she was my mother, she had an aura as a mother so she must be my mother, but how? I got in the car accident was I given another chance in life?

" I'm sorry but mama has to go" she had me to a man with armor on he had pointy ears, he must be an elf. The woman gave the man a hug and left the the Elf men covered the cloth on my face again and started to run. He was running for hours, then he stopped and removed the cloth from my face it was night already, he had me in his arms and gather firewood, he placed his hand out and chanted the word "Fire Ball" he said it in a quiet voice, a small ball of fire came from his palm and lighted the wood, honestly, it was the most amazing thing I have ever seen, it has been two days of running he would always remove the cloth from my face to let me breathe and then covered the cloth again.we finally got to were we were going I heard some whispering going on he took the cloth from my face once again and handed me to a Woman with long light brown hair who looked just like my mother

"You shall take care of this girl as your own daughter, her name is Arcene" "Thank you Eldar, you and my sister has my deepest gratitude for giving me this opportunity to raise a child" "Your Welcome, where is Mr. Les'tier" " He went out on a warning hunt" "I see then I will be going, I will be back in a few days" "Thank you once again"

I was taken out of the cloth I felt somewhat weird "Oh you already have a tail and ears", I have tail and ears, I must be a wolf then like my mom and her sister maybe I want to do that fire ball but I have to wait a few years or when I'm able to speak or walk, stuff happened I met the lady husband he looked nice, and he cried when he saw me, I guess I must be ugly I haven't seen how I looked like yet "Our daughter is really beautiful" "Yes she is, and as her beloved father I have to make sure no guys goes after Her".

What the heck are they talking about, grownups these days, it has been 4 years since I've been living with these people I've decided to call them my mother and father they may be a little weird, but they are fun to hang out "Momma where is Papa" "He went to the guild to go and try to hunt down that Carin (Toddler size creatures with pointy teeth and long claws, very dangerous) "Momma what is Eldar" "Eldar is an elf who can use magic he is a very powerful elf he lived longer than any of his Ancestors" "Can he teach me magic Momma" "You want to learn magic" "Yep" "You can't it's to dangerous" "Okay, well can I go to the Market" Miss Rosetta came in the room and went to my mother.

Miss. Rosetta is the maid who works for us, when my parents aren't around she looks after me but I always sneak away "Rosetta what are you doing here, today you have a day off" "Well my Brother wanted to meet your daughter he was begging me all day but I wanted to ask your permission first" "Sure you can bring him over, Arcene doesn't have any friends, so I bet they will become best friends in no time" Miss. Rosetta walked out and came back in the room, someone was hiding behind her it was a boy he looked like he's the same age as me I walked up to Rosetta and looked behind her the boy scratch my face and I fell on the floor "Arcene!" "I'm okay momma" "I'm sorry Mrs. Les'tier, Nathaniel say sorry" "I am not saying sorry you said she was just like momma but your wrong she is ugly" "What did you expect I'm only five" "You are not going to cry?" I was surprised when he asked me a question like that "Why would I cry It's just a little scratch It'll heal in a few days"

He stretched out his hands toward me and I grabbed them "I'm sorry, your different from all the other girls in town, all they ever care about is their looks and cute guys" he cleared his throat and Smiled "My name is Nathaniel Kurosaki nice too meet you""My name is Arcene" Miss. Rosetta was happy "This is the first friend Nathaniel ever had" I looked at Miss. Rosetta "Wow really I'm his first friend, I'm happy because he is also my first friend" My mother bend down and patted my head "Your father would be home soon, If you want you can go play with Nathaniel outside" "Yay thanks Mommy" We went outside to go play "Arcene what do you want to play" "How about tag" "okay, but Your it"

I started chasing Nathaniel I was surprised actually he was really fast for a cat but not as fast as me, I started to catch up to him but I heard something, so I stopped "Nathaniel." He stopped running and looked at me "Yes?" "Go inside" "why" "Just go!" "Okay" he went inside but before I could tell what it was It pounced at me with force a WinterWolf?! What is it doing here in this time of season, I tried to push it off but it was stronger than me "Wind Spiral!!" The WinterWolf flew off of me I looked behind me and saw that it was Eldar

"Come here Arcene we have to get to the safe room" I got up and ran towards Eldar I went inside while Eldar was holding of the other WinterWolfs "Arcene! Your okay, thank goodness" "Mrs. Les'tier we have to go to the safe room" My mother picked me up and started running towards the safe room when we got there Nathaniel was already there Mother put me down in the room and helped Rosetta close the door "Momma, Is Papa going to be okay what if he gets home and gets attacked"My mother walked to me and gave me a smile "Papa is going to be okay he is strong he will be able to fight them off"

I could tell Momma was worried too, so I left the topic alone we were in there for about an hour until I heard banging on the door Eldar probably couldn't hold off the WinterWolf I told myself that I have to protect Momma and everyone else.

I walked in front of everyone and I had my hand stretched out towards the door I took a deep breath and Imagined the Wind slowly flowing around in circle you probably have to say something in order for the spell to work I said the first thing that came to mind "I call forth the goddess Gaia, Wind Spiral!!" a big ball of Wind came out of my palms and send me flying back I hit the wall and lost conscious.

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