
Additional Story Part 2 ( Kurenai's New Life )

With my vision becoming clear I could see the one who saved me from death was the head of the Ito clan, the 5 years old who turned his poor clan into one of the richest and strongest clans in the world... I hated him so much since he was the reason of everything that is happening to me right now!

I was so angry I screamed at him "Why did you safe my life? So you can laugh at me? Because I wasn't hurt enough? Why?"

He looked down, and then said to me "I found a way to heal your legs... But it will require you to have some of my cells in your body, it will change your bloodline... You will no longer be a Yuhi"

His sentance started by giving me hope, just to take it away in the next moment... He wants me to have his blood, the blood of my worst enemy!

"I refuse, now don't ever come here again!" My anger was taking control of me, I blamed everything on him.

He looked upset and said "If I were to insult your family and your beloved ones 9 months ago, would you forgave me if I was weaker than you? Would you forgave me if I was stepping on you and crippling your future?. I thought you would be more understanding to what I did, but instead of supporting me, a newcomer with no one backing me up, you teamed up with the ignorant Asuma. You both got what you deserve for attacking people just because you think they are weaker than you". He stood up and was about to leave...

I always thought that I was the victim, but until I heard him putting the blame on us, and talked about their perspective, I found out how arrogant we were at the time... Not that they were a new clan in Konoha, they were also being hated by almost everyone... Yet Asuma found it necassery to step on them and make them feel unwelcomed...

Him giving me a choice made me feel that I was correct, but once he turn around and gave me his back, I remembered that I was the one in need, while he was just doing this to help me... Helping me when even my family and the guy that I loved failed me...

I asked with a loud voice trying to stop him from leaving "Why are you helping me? You are not gaining anything from this!"

He looked at me and his red eyes carried so much sadness, I could feel it... He said to me with a worried voice... worried about me... "I don't want you to lose your life in such a way... I at least want you to live the life that you want... A life that you will enjoy! You have suffered enough!"

He looked sad, his tears started coming from his eyes, I didn't know why he is acting like that but he seemed genuine... I said "alright, but don't think that I will join your family or anything if you healed me! I might as well go search for Asuma and marry him!"

He nodded at me and then picked me up to the Ito clan house. He was so fast that it didn't take a minute to arrive. I couldn't even see anything clearly with my eyes from how fast I was being carried.

He threw me at the bed and gave me a glass of water and some pills... I didn't ask him anything and just took the pills, after that I slept for god knows how long.

I woke up seeing my legs have came back, I could move them and feel them! I started crying! Finally something good happened to me, after all that torture! I looked to the left to see Voidne sleeping while grabbing my hand... He looked really worried before... It made my heart beat faster, and I don't know why!

I wanted to stand up, just to wake up Voidne by an accident, he looked at me and said "You are finally awake! Thank god! You made me worried. Your legs are back but they are weaker than before... Actually your whole body is weaker than before, have you been eating well?"

"grooowl~". My stomach didn't wait for me and answered him on it's own, I was blushing on how shameful it felt like. Voidne on the other hand looked shocked then smiled and said " Ahh... I shouldn't have asked something obvious, come down, I know you hate both Fumiko and Fumika, but you shouldn't have any problem with Haru and Hatsuko right?"

I nodded at him, it looked like I will finally get to eat, and not just anything... I will eat the cooking of the best cook in Konoha, Haru Kurihara herself!

I was excited... I tried to stand out and almost fell, just for Voidne, who's body is as tall as a teenager, to catch me and hold my hand tightly saying "lean on me, I am here to help!"

His smile was charming, his hand was warm... My heart started beating faster again, but then I slapped his hand thinking about Asuma... The man that I really loved...

I walked downstairs with Voidne nearby trying to make sure I will not fall. Even though I slapped his hand, he didn't look sad or anything, he just gave me my space and I really appreciated that.

I looked at a woman breastfeeding a little baby... The baby looked super cuuuute! While the woman was so beautiful, and her smile had the warmth of motherhood... Something I always wanted to try... I started blushing looking at them just for the little monkey behind me to crack a joke "Kurenai... Why are you looking at my mother like that? Are you perhaps in love with Haru?"

I was flustered, he picked the best moment to tease me, and I was completely embarrassed... I said "O-Of course no~ 'Grooowl'". My stomach is acting up again...

Haru who was taking care of Hatsuko looked at me with a bright smile and said "You are finally awake! You wouldn't believe how worried Voidne was! He was even more worried than when I was about to give birth to Hatsuko!"

I looked back at Voidne who was now blushing and I also started blushing.

I sat on the table and Voidne started bringing me some food from the kitchen which I enjoyed a lot... She(Haru) is not called the best cook for no reason!

After finishing my food I stood up and said "I will go meet Asuma now, thank you for everything!"

He gave me a mask and said "Can you wait for 2 hours then we will go together?"

I asked him with suspicion "Why the mask? and why are you coming with me?"

He asnwered me with a sigh "Asuma is getting married today, this is why they sent you the letter yesterday... Take the mask because otherwise they will hunt you... I can get you to the wedding, but please don't make any problem for them, she is a monk from the Land of Tea just to our south. If he really loved you, he would have canceled the marriage for you instead of tossing you away..."

I heard Voidne openning my wounds one after another... I thought finally I would be with the man I loved, but turned out that he forgot about me and started going with another girl... As if I was nothing to him! I started falling to the ground with my body have no energy at all and with my tears flooding from my eyes just to be hugged warmly by Voidne who was the only reason I didn't fall on the ground...

He grabbed my face and started kissing me... In just some hours I found myself in the same bed as him raiding his dick and swearing loyalty to the Ito clan... Asuma might have gained his alliance with the monks and the Land of Tea from this marriage... But for me, I gained something greater! A person who truly loves me, and the person who I will truly love till the end of my life!

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