
Status Check

Today is just another ordinary day in the town of Firage, with townsfolk bustling about their business, farmers harvesting their crops, adventurers hunting monsters in the woods and a 17 year old dropping 200 meters in the air into the boundaries of the forest…

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!", What the hell is happening!? I mean, I was in Gym class climbing the rope dangling from the roof while I fell and a bright light shone from the ground, so how and why am I falling headfirst into a tree? I need to change into a forward roll position so I won't get impaled by a tree of all things. Luckily I rolled off the side of the tree hit a few branches along the way, so other than a sore back, I survived a headfirst drop with only a scratch . I brushed off a few twigs and leaves off my black hair and a strange sound like an alarm, along with a strange rectangular green translucent braided with metallic silver on the out lines popped up.


Player completed the first challenge with only one minor injury.

Player will be awarded extra.

What is this? A system? So I got transported into another world… This is fucking awesome! I mean it's not like I don't want to go back home or anything, but I traveled to another freaking world! This is every nerd's dream! But I guess I better find a way to get back, Hinata might chase me across the world to kill me if I don't at least try to get back.

Due to the extra points Player will receive sliver starter pack:

1 chosen element compatibility

1 chosen unique skill from any manga

1 chosen weapon mastery

1 chosen skill from any manga

1 chosen bloodline from any manga

Item Box

100 cp







Shadow: [Requirements not met]

Space & Time: [Requirements not met]

Shadow and Space & Time are pretty OP if you use it so I guess they blocked it before I am ready. Light is probably healing magic so Fire should be the most powerful, "System I chose Fire!"

Player does not need to shout simplely think of the words.

Fire compatibility purchased

Fire compatibility acquired by Player

My right eye burned like it was on fire. When it ended, I saw my reflection on the status screen and my right eye turned from black into a red hue. Next for the unique skill, I guess it's a unique magic or ability characters get so, All for One from My Hero Academy since it is so powerful even though Deku never used its full power! I'll hold off on Fire Dragon Slayer magic for next time, 'Purchase All For One from My Hero Academy'.

All For One [My Hero Academy: Deku] Purchased

All For One [My Hero Academy: Deku] acquired by Player

Now that I have All For One, this is fucking awesome, swords are pretty awesome but no offence, I think close combat is way cooler. Think about it, Naruto and Sasuke's fights, Goku and Vegeta's, Natsu, Gajeel and Grey's! Their battles are much more fierce and to be honest, using my fist would be more effective if I have all for one. But just in case there are enemies that punching won't work against, I chose a weapon that can fully utilise my strength, 'Purchase Dagger Arts mastery'

Dagger Arts mastery Lv.1 purchased

Dagger Arts Lv.1 learned

A pair of daggers appeared into my hands where nothing is there in the first place, it was a simple pair of curved short swords with the hilt wrapped in leather. To be fair I kind of fancied ninjas and their use of kunai in fights but daggers have a wider variety than kunais and what I use on daggers can be used in the same way. The most widely used skill in any anime would be appraisal since it can see the item's quality and even people's abilities and levels so I'm going to pick that too.

Appraisal skill Lv.1 purchased

Appraisal skill Lv.1 learned

Lastly, the bloodline. Maybe, Uchila, no, I could probably by one of those eyes later, so I'll buy Vampire bloodline, for its natural talent in magic, super strength and regenerative properties, so I hope it could keep up with All For One's body destroying effects.

Vampire Bloodline purchased

Vampire Bloodline infused

After that notice, I can feel my height increasing to about 173 centimeters, body's muscles toning and my canine sharpening and lengthening a few millimeters. I guess this is the side effect of having a vampire bloodline, I get a physical change that accommodates to my bloodline, if that's the case I better hold off on bloodlines with extreme or physical/mental changes that I don't know about.

Wait, there's something I wanted to do for a long time, "Status Check!"


Name: Kagami Tensui

Lv. 2

Race: Human

Class: None

Occupation: None

Title: Traveler of Another World

Strength: 10{F rank}

Defense: 10{F rank}

Speed: 20{F rank}

Agility: 147{C rank}

Intelligence: 30{E rank}

Dexterity: 20{F rank}

Vitality: 597{B rank}

Mind: 563{B rank}

Luck: 742






Vampire Bloodline{A rank}

Unique Skill(s):

All For One[My Hero Academy: Deku]{UR}, Life Steal{LR}

Combat Skill(s):

Dagger Arts Mastery Lv.1{E rank}

Active Skill(s):

Appraisal Lv.1{R}, Radar sense Lv.1{SR}

Passive Skill(s):

Vampiric Regeneration{SR}, Super Strength{R}, Item Box[Tier I]{SSR}


#The details of the skills and bloodlines displayed would be listed at the end of the chapter

Yes! it worked! But the stats isn't as powerful as I thought it would be… My vitality, Intelligence, mind and luck stats are high. If we go according to gaming logic, Intelligence is how much mana I have and that stat is low. But there is something else to be excited about, Item Box, this is pretty standard issue, for an adventure into another world. And that Vampire Bloodline did wonders, I definitely did not pick or been given any other skills other than Appraisal and item box, its fuckin awesome. That's right! If this this a world of magic then that means I could hunt monster! But I guess, I should head into town to look for an adventurer's job or something before I could find a way back home. But if this world has magic… Its best to hide my powers before I know this world's standards, a lot of people in mangas make that mistake.

For now, let me test out one for all under the vampiric regeneration. In the manga, Deku learned to channel 20% of his powers throughout his entire body after he has training with All Might, Gran Torino and slowly grasping his powers but now, I get to enjoy the fruits of his labours.

Okay, concentrate and imagine this power as electricity, spreading throughout my body. Sparks flew out my my skin as I felt my strength increase in power. Five percent, no. 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%.

"Ahhhhhh!", I was slowly increasing the power outage, but when I hit the 31 mark, an intense pain shot up. I feel my bones rapidly breaking and mending, both forces fighting for control. But eventually, the regeneration could not keep up and the pain only became more unbearable from then on. I stopped using One for All right after that so my vampiric regen can kick in. I guess I could only use use 30% of One for All before my body would be destroyed and about five minutes before my body can fully heal a broken rib. So a 100% on one part of the body can be used as a final trump card when I am backed into a corner and there's only one enemy.

Radar sense is the power to sense movement of objects in a five meter sphere radius and range increases as the levels are raised. So to use it, I closed my eyes as I felt the direction of the wind and the movement of the leaves. As I felt the change in the wind and an unknown object charging at me from the air, I unconsciously jumped up and stabbed the object with the dagger before I landed.

Player has slain a baby rock bird

Dagger Arts Mastery leveled up

Would Player like to transfer baby rock bird corpse to the system?

What was that? Could be that the dagger arts got combined with my agility stat? This is a surprisingly excellent combo.But, If we are going by this, then swordsmen needs to enhance their strength so they can swing their sword and hold their ground to block other attacks.

'System, what would happened if I transfer the corpse?'

Player's Cp will raise

There was a question nagging at the back of my head ever since I saw my stats, 'What is Cp used for?'

Cp can be used to by new items, skills and bloodlines from mangas from system's store

This is awesome! I can buy items, new skills and bloodlines! I can actually buy dragon slayer magic, chakra and… Wait a minute, I don't see any lightning element to select just now, 'System, is there no lightning element in this world?'

Player is correct, mages needs to master wielding water, air and fire elements to use lightning type spells, typically a person from this world possesses one element from birth and two if you are lucky. It takes at least 10 years to fully master a element so lightning type magic is very rare

So if I can buy different elements or even chakra natures, I would be super powerful! This is amazing! I could be the strongest person here! I quickly transferred the corpse to the system, which added one Cp and tried how to manipulate my fire magic. I raised my hand towards a tree in front and yelled, "Fire Ball!"

I want to say gigantic ball of fire appeared and burnt of all the trees in front of me but truth be told, it was a very awkward 10 seconds. So that means, I have compatibility with the fire element but I can't manipulate mana. This world is completely hopeless. I finally have the opportunity to use magic but I can't use it!

Player can buy mana manipulation skill to manipulate mana

Oh yeah! Why didn't I think of that before. Thank god for this system! I scrolled down the store menu and I found mana manipulation under energy control along with Chakra control and Chi control. As a matter of fact, there is no energy from one piece or any from mangas or anime I've heard of but didn't watch. Does this mean this is a system made from my own memories? Shit, I should have watched one piece. Then I would've had another set of skills to buy. But I am content with this, after all, I was always told by my parents to stop reading comic books because they're useless. Ha! See, reading an over the top amount of manga is a life saver right now! Anyway, I strayed from the topic but all of these need 300 Cp to buy so I guess I will have to go the forest right now huh.

I turned around to the large mass of trees behind me, an overwhelming aura is oozing out of it, if by chance I encounter the thing generating that aura, I might not live.

"Well, here goes nothing.", the beginning of my adventure starts as I step into the monster infested forest.


The Summoning Tower of Shi'va Kingdom

"Kagami!! Hold on!!", a red haired girl named Hinata Odagiri wearing gym clothes and shorts appeared, jumping to catch a non-existent object, "Ahh! That was hard, wasn't the mattress here… Where is this place?!"

The magical circle's outline started to fade back on to the rough brick and concrete floor, while the mass of students summoned slowly came to realise they are not at the gym anymore.

"What's happening?"

"What is this place?"

"Ouch, just when I jumped off that rope, the mattress disappear."

"Where are we?"

Some students took note of the enormous red gate at the front amidst the chaos and started to pull it without succession, "Come ooon, opeennn!", just when they were about to give up, the gate opened and a majestic man with golden locks that looks like a wise, old wizard wearing a medieval gown and carrying a staff with a red orb at the tip walked through with a man with a french mustache wearing a tuxedo.

"So these are the summoned heroes?"

"Yes, your majesty.", The man in the tux replied to the old man while bowing to him, "Fellow hero candidates, I present to you, his majesty, ruler of Shi'va, King Mazir!"

Whispers began spreading over the students that began to notice the change in their surroundings, but none dared to speak to the one referred to as his majesty except for…

"Hey! Where is this place? Bring us back or else!", a very agigated student shouted

The man man in tux who seems to be his servant glared at him with eyes even a tiger would be scared of, or in this case, a demonic tiger.

"Your majesty, if I may", Himego Shiraishi turned and bowed to the king when he asked. Taishi Shiraishi, the straight A, popular and model student. He is the type that every girl flocks to, "May I inquire why did you bring us here? Surely, a man such as yourself would not summon us ordinary citizens for no reason."

"I like this lad.", the King laughed, "The heroes I summoned a decade ago were quite rude. But you are right boy, you are all summoned here to subjugate the demon king that has been expanding his territory and has already conquered half the Dosefud continent and one fourth of this continent, Tresuhed continent. Their rumored base camp is dangerously close to my kingdom, therefore you were summoned to eradicate the source of the problem and perhaps help spread my kingdom's name."

"Your Majesty, thank you for your honesty but were your own knights not sufficient?"

"You are quite the insightful man.", the king looked impressed, "Half of my knights and mages were killed along with some of our allied kingdom's who accepted my request. Therefore Gabriel here," Mazir pointed to the man in the tux, "suggested that I once again summon heroes to aid us. Now if that is all, my subject shall lead you to the oracle and you will be evaluated.", and he turned around to leave.

"Wait!", Odagiri cried out, "Kagami and Akira aren't here! Where did you take them?"

"Who are these people you speak of?", the king sounding intrigued by this development.

"They were with us in the gym when we were taken here, but they aren't here."

"Is that so?",The king gestured to the man in tux, "Gabriel, do you think this is what I think it is?"

"Yes, I do think so."

"Girl, what are the genders and age of the people you speak of?"

"They are both males and 16, and they have names you know."

"Their names won't matter once they have been cast out side our magic circle's area. Gabriel tell the mages to search mainly for around 16 year old males with great compatibility with magic and knights for swordsmanship. Hopefully, they are not in other kingdoms right now and I certainly wish for those two to be found, or else, we would lose two of the three."

The Cave of the Oracle

After Gabriel left for his assignment, the king accompanied Hinata and the others to the outskirts of the capital.

"How long do we have to walk for? It has been 2 hours already.", Goto Nagato, who kept his watch with him yelled out to the guide for the trip.

Kara is the guide that shows people the way to the cave of the oracle, he can see through the illusions placed around the cave as well as the traps laying in wait. As long as no one shows hostile intents to the oracle or the guide, they can enter the cave safely.

"I-I am very sorry.", the man in a 16th century villagers wardrobe called back.

"To prevent intrusion, the oracle uses her domain to change the roads and layouts of the traps during her breakfast and dinner times. And only a pure guide, like myself, chozen by the great oracle, can see through the traps.", he spoke with pride.

"Does that mean, you're a virgin?", a boy behind him yelled.


"But most of us are virgins so why can't we see it?", the girl cried out.

"You need to be…", Kara spoke the last words so silently, you won't be able to hear it even in the dead of night.

"Can you speak louder? I can't hear you", Shiraishi genuinly asked.


"Can you speak up?"

"Older than 40.", the man's complexation turned grim while most children chuckled behind his back and some were actually sad for him.

All the while, the king walked along quietly as if obvious to the conversation around him.

Kara's grim face turned to joy as he finally found a way to change the conversation, "Your majesty and company. We have arrived at the cave of the oracle.", he said proudly as he pointed his hand towards the mouth of a cave so dark, it seems as though even light could not escape its ferocious jaws. Should we be sad that only mages with magic detection could detect this level of power or should we pity them because they could? Compared to the darkness of the cave, even the demonic aura seeping out of the forest seems minuscule.

"Hey.", Nagato walked next to Odagiri and whispered into her ear, "Don't you think its weird?"

"Ah!", Odagiri jumped from her spot, surprised at Nagato's sudden entrance.

"Shhh! Quite down." Nagato put a finger to his mouth to signal it, "Don't you think its weird that only Kagami and Akira are gone and this guy that calls himself the king immediately sent a search party for them?"

"That is strange, but we can't get away right now.", Odagiri said, "What would Kagami do in this situation?"

"Hey! You guys coming in?", Kara called to Nagato and Odagiri. Only then did they realize that they were the only ones that didn't get in the cave yet."

"Coming." Nagato went in first despite feeling the ominus energy that radiated from the cave.

"Aren't you coming in?", Odagiri asked Kara as he was about to head in as well.

"My job as a guide to the cave has ended."

"Well, bye. See you soon."

As the students walk deeper and deeper into the cave, the energy became so dense, even the ones that don't have a magic detection skill started to feel the pressure looming in the cave. There was indeed no light that shines the way. Yuuri tried to light a torch she took from the carriage to light a path, but as soon as the torch lit up to provide warmth and light to their destination, it went away just as quickly. The king simply walked along like this is an everyday occurance for him.

Just when the magic became so unbearable that the ones that could detect magic were suffocating, the cave widened and opened to…!

the other end of the cave, no it's more like a tunnel. At the end of it, an open grass field with a horned rabbit hopping across the field. A pristine white solid wooden table with beautiful carvings engraved into it. A single chair was placed by the side of the table with a women with orange hair flowing pass her hips, drinking tea and cookies from chinaware. It all seems very peaceful if the horrifying mana did not come from this very same woman.

'There is something strange with this place.' thought Odagiri. The place is very peaceful but the same rabbit kept hopping from one end of the field to another, it's almost like its on a repeated loop. Odagiri noticed this and began to walking towards the rabbit. Usually if a larger animal walks towards a smaller one, the smaller one would scamper away. But the rabbit continued on his path as if the girl did not exist in the first place. Odagiri stood in the path the bunny was hopping on, hoping to get an reaction but the result shock her and the students behind her. The horned rabbit simply hopped through her.

"Sigh."The women on the chair stood up and sighed, "Albert, I thought I told you to not interrupt my tea time with brats, they are always so noisy."

"My apologies Madam.", The King that was silent all this time finally spoke, "These are the new summoned."

"You know, Al. You turned boring after you became king. Come on, lets have some tea and biscuits."

The king sits down in a relaxed manner and began to gossip with the woman while eating the food offered. When the food was finished, he finally stepped into the main topic, "Vile, would you mind if you check their status for me?"

"Fine, but don't forget what happened last time.", Vile snapped her fingers and the lush green field along with the trees in the background converged on to her and the space became pitch black for a moment, then color spread out again but this time the floor was covered in white marble. The table and chair she sat at stayed the same but the one the king was sitting at disappeared while a gust of wind help him stand before he fell. The students were astonished, they knew they were dealing with a world with magic when they came but they did not felt real until this very moment where a grassland disappeared as it turned into a cave with a white marble floor and a woman that only needs to snap her fingers to do just that.

Vile moved her fingers delicately as if moving a wooden puppet, then a crystal ball appeared with mist swirling inside. As she pressed both her hands down on it, Odagiri felt a slight tingle on her head as if Vile was not pressing on the crystal ball but her head! A rectangular green translucent braided with metallic silver on the out lines popped up. The panel is filled with numbers and letters:

Name: Hinata Odagiri

Lv. 1

Race: Human

Class: None

Occupation: None

Title: Traveler of Another World


{Fire}, {Water}, {Earth}, {Wind}, {Light}


{Fire}, {Water}, {Earth}, {Wind}, {Light}

Strength: 5{F rank}

Defense: 6{F rank}

Speed: 3{F rank}

Agility: 7{F rank}

Intelligence: 1783{A rank}

Dexterity: 953{A rank}

Vitality: 25{E rank}

Mind: 563{B rank}

Luck: 85



Unique Skill(s):

Element Change{SR}, Chemical Mastery{UR}

Combat Skill(s):


Active Skill(s):

Judgement Eyes Lv. 1{SR}, Tame{SR}, Summon{SSR}

Passive Skill(s):

Empathy{SR}, Item Box[Tier I]{SSR}, Mana Manipulation{R}, Mana Detection{SR}

"Okay, now everyone line up to the table and show us your stats. Don't even try to use your max level stealth to get out of this, the boy in the back." Vile called out.

Odagiri looked back and saw Nagato appearing out of thin air. He sighed, "Damn, that was quick."

"How did you do that?", Odagiri asked

"I saw my skill so I tried using it. It's not really that hard."

The students lined up one by one to let the others see their stats, the stat panels that popped up are blue in color with green outlining but there was no one really eye catching until Shiraishi turn,

Name: Himego Shiraishi

Lv. 1

Race: Human

Class: Knight

Occupation: None

Title: Traveler of Another World




{Wind}, {Poison}

Strength: 463{B rank}

Defense: 7{F rank}

Speed: 23{F rank}

Agility: 15{F rank}

Intelligence: 4{F rank}

Dexterity: 1{F rank}

Vitality: 43{E rank}

Mind: 35{E rank}

Luck: 76



Unique Skill(s):

All Weapons Mastery{SR}

Combat Skill(s):

Provacation{R}, Spear Charge{R}, Sword Dance{SSR}

Active Skill(s):


Passive Skill(s):


He compiled so much skill devoted towards combat that even the king's jaw dropped, but Vile remained a bored expression as she examined it, "This is a bore, you don't even have a passive skill. Kayden is so much stronger than you in terms of skills and stats."

A couple more people got evaluated but Vile's expression is the same as ever until Nagato touched the orb.

Name: Goto Nagato

Lv. 1

Race: Human

Class: Tactician

Occupation: None

Title: Traveler of Another World


{Wind}, {Earth}


{Wind}, {Earth}, {Shadow}

Strength: 5{F rank}

Defense: 6{F rank}

Speed: 49{E rank}

Agility: 575{B rank}

Intelligence: 20{F rank}

Dexterity: 1{F rank}

Vitality: 24{F rank}

Mind: 648{B rank}

Luck: 97



Unique Skill(s):


Combat Skill(s):

Dual Wield{SSR}, Bare Handed Combat{SR}

Active Skill(s):

Analysis Lv. 1{SSR}

Passive Skill(s):

Eyes of Truth Lv. 1{SSR}, Mana Detection{SR}

Nagato didn't have a lot of skills but all of them are SSR skills excluding the bare handed combat skill and mana detection.

"Finally, someone with SSR skills that aren't useless!", Vile cried out, "Hey Al, can I keep him? I wanted a tactician a long time ago."

"No. Its not like you can leave the cave anyways, you don't really need one."

"Fine.", she pouted.

Odagiri was extremely nervous when she was next but what happened is what she least expected.

The green status panel popped out of the orb when she touched it. Her status was shown for all to see.

"She doesn't have a class?"

"That's a lot of skills."

"What is that empathy skill?"

"Aww. I want to get item box too."

"It's green… The status screen is green!",Vile stared at the screen in awe then she put her two hands on Odagiri and said, "Congratulations, you're a hero candidate!"



Two hours ago back on Earth

The wooden floorboard of the gym lit up in a blinding light merely a second after all the security cameras in the area blurred out. But within that light lay a dark pit where a single person stood, Akira Saoto

I stood dumbfounded by the light surrounding me while a pitch black hole where swirled into existence where I stand. As I saw my fellow classmates disappearing one by one, a dark, crooked and burnt hand stretched out of the hole and grabbed on to my ankles.

"AHH!!", I screamed out as more and more of these hands appeared and pulled him down. What I did not know was that these hands' objective was not to drag my body with them but rather, my very soul.

"AHHHHHH!!!!"I felt an agonizing jolt as the hands pulled even harder. I closed my eyes and felt like I was weightless, slowly flowing down towards the other end of the abyss. No, wait. Even when the hole opened up right underneath me, I didn't fall into it. My eyes shot open as I saw my own body, disintegrating little by little into ash. But the angle I'm looking at my body is wrong, I can clearly see my back and the back of my head as they vanished. Therefore, I looked down, only to find a faint yellowish gilt all over my body but I can also see the hole I'm being dragged into through my body. As more of this "body" is being pulled in, I can hear a soft voice calling out.
