
Anime system- Naruto edition

Arata begins his journey in his ninja world... with a system

kiingshet12 · Cómic
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39 Chs

Chapter 4 Arata vs Kakashi

Kakashi: " Hey you know... you're a little weird." He looked at Arata, " And you, why didn't you move and conceal your presence like the other two."

Arata: " Like I would abandon my family."

Naruto thought to himself, "family? He has never even meet him until yesterday. This is guy is weird."

Naruto: " Oh, yeah? the only thing weird here is your haircut."

Arata: "pfftt" What was a lame comeback, Arata thought.

Naruto then ran towards Kakashi with full speed. While running at him, Kakashi took out at a book and started running. Naruto saw that and stopped questioning his actions.

Kakashi: " What are you waiting for? Make your move."

Naruto: " But... why are you reading that book."

Kakashi: " Why, obviously to see what happens in the story, of course. Don't mind me, with your weak attacks, it doesn't really matter if I'm reading or whatever."

Naruto grew agitated and ran while yelling, "I'm going to crush you".

Naruto jumped and punched towards Kakashi's face, but before the attack landed, Kakashi had already disappeared and reappeared behind Naruto, crouched with a hand sign meant to concentrate chakra.

Sakura yelled, " Naruto behind you."

Kakashi: " Too late. Leaf Village, Secret finger jutsu! Thousand Years of Pain!!"

But before his finger landed between Naruto's butt crack, two shurikens flew out from where Arata was standing. The shurikens flew out making a curve motion on both sides of Kakashi. 'cling' a sound was made as the two shurikens missed Kakashi as he dodged and knocked against each other.

Kakashi landed not far from Naruto and looked at Arata. " oi oi oi, what precise shuriken throw."

Arata: " Oi Naruto, what do you think you are doing fighting against a Jonin without a proper plan. Is that how you are going to be become a Hokage?"

Naruto: " Shut up. I'm just hungry and can't move as well. I can't fail here."

Naruto made a hand sign and used Shadow clone jutsu, and then 7 Naruto clones instantly appeared.

Naruto: " Hehe, you're too overconfident sensei, bet you didn't expect that I can create so many clones."

Kakashi looked at the amount of shadow clones, " So the rumors are true that he can use shadow clones." He put away his book. " It's a forbidden skill and he defeated Mizuki with it." " You got a great technique, but I don't think you can maintain it for very long. You talk like you're the best, but you're still the worst. You can't beat me with this jutsu. "

As the multiple clones came after him, Kakashi prepared to handle the clones, when suddenly, a clone showed up from behind him and grabbed onto Kakashi.

Arata: " looks like you're not all talk."

Sakura: " Naruto, when did you become so cool."

Sasuke: " A diversionary tactic, nice."

Naruto: " Here I come."

Naruto jumped up and punched towards Kakashi, but before the punch landed Kakashi had used the replacement jutsu which switched out clone with himself.

Naruto: " Ehh?"

Arata shook his head. Of course a Jonin would let down his guard. Before he approached Naruto, Naruto found a bell that fell on the ground and went to pick it up. As he was about to pick it up, a trap was sprung and a rope came from the ground and grabbed his foot as he hung upside down.

Kakashi came in front of him and said, " A shinobi should learn to tell the difference between the real thing and deception."

Arata: " Chance."

Arata threw two shuriken, one at Kakashi and the other at Naruto's rope and then he ran forwards, knowing that the shuriken wouldn't hit Kakashi. As this happened, Sasuke also threw out multiple shurikens, but as the shuriken landed, a log appeared in it's place.

Arata looked around for Kakashi but failed to see him. At the same time, Sasuke and Sakura ran from their location as their location had already been discovered.

Kakashi was not far from their location and was hidden in the woods. He had sent two shadow clones after Sasuke and Sakura. After Naruto was brought down he immediately ran from the scene and hid in a spot and started eating. Arata, didn't follow him though and just waited on the spot. Although he could not sense Kakashi, he had a feeling that Kakashi was still watching him.

Kakashi: " well let's test his abilities."

Arata stayed vigilant as he continued looking around, looking for a clue. A few minutes later, the ground beneath him began to crumble and a hand was just about to grab his foot. However, Arata was vigilant and prepared as he used a kunai in his hand and pierced the ground beneath him. The hand stopped for a split second and then disappeared.

Arata then stuck his kunai behind him, 'cling' Kakashi had appeared with his own Kunai and the two clashed. As the clash happened, Arata leaped backwards to gain some space while throwing the Kunai in his hand. 'cling' Kakashi easily blocked the attack and stared at Arata with seriousness.

Kakashi: " Impressive."

The two continued the stare off, when suddenly, Arata made a move, he threw several other Kunai's at Kakashi and ran forwards. Among the Kunai's however, there were some that had a wrapping around them and symbols on it. As Kakashi continued to block the oncoming shurikens and kunai's, 'swoosh' Arata instantly appeared at the closest one to Kakashi that he had blocked.

'cling' Kakashi and Arata clashed once more. However, the former was greatly surprised at this move that Arata had used.

Kakashi: " Flying thunder god techinque!!??"

Before Kakashi could use further moves, Arata had already made a move and used shadow clone technique which brought forth two clones. The two clones also started throwing shurikens and kunai's and instantly disappeared and reappeared around Kakashi.

While Kakashi was being cornered with the numerous ninja tools bring brought at him, Arata used hands sped up as he started using a jutsu. Lightning appeared on Arata's finger.

Arata: " Lightning strike."

The lightning on his finger suddenly shot forth aiming at Kakashi's back. Kakashi saw the situation that he was in and quickly made hand signals and brought forth a thick wall made of earth.

Kakashi: " to think that I would need to use a jutsu against a genin."

Kakashi leaped backwards gaining more distance. Just as he leaped backwards, he did not notice that there was already a kunai stuck there. 'fwoosh' Arata had appeared behind him and grabbed towards the bells that was at Kakashi's side.

As the hand almost grabbed the bell, Kakashi grabbed Arata's hand and flipped backwards, grabbing Arata's head and slammed it into the ground. 'poof' The body that he slammed into the ground was only a shadow clone.

The next instant, a lightning covered Arata appeared before him and also made a grab towards the bells while another Arata appeared behind Kakashi and stabbing towards his back. As the Arata that appeared behind his back pressed against 'poof' during this whole fight, Arata was fighting a shadow clone.

Arata saw that he was so close to getting the bells but sadly, he got outplayed.

In the distance, Kakashi saw and experienced what happened.

Kakashi: " 'phew' what a strong kid. So young and is already able to successfully use so many jutsu's and cornered me. Well, it's already almost noon. It's about time to wrap this up."