

There was a kid who went to school, his name was Paul. At first, Paul loved going to school when he was there all the other kids would ask to sit next to them.

Over time they lost the interest of him and would isolate themselves from him, this made him do act weird to get attention from the other kids but that made them want to get further away from him. Soon isolation became bullying and bullying left him miserable.

All the kids would group up on him and enjoyed to torment him for laughs. The one who didn't think it was funny was Paul he felt hurt every day and due to his disability, he could not communicate well.

Even if he told the teacher's all the kids would stay silent and not help him the teacher would say he was in the wrong even though he was not in the wrong.

Soon they're bullying started to get worse he would get shoved all over the place by huge kids and he was skinny and weak so he couldn't fend for himself.

So he could only accept it ,the bullying mostly was as so spitting on him, throwing he PE uniform on the roof of the school, kicking his backpack around, shooting him in the back with a bb gun, and even covering his head in candy.

All this time he thought in his mind what had he done why did this happen to him he was a nice person, in the beginning, why did they like to hurt him, what has he done to them?

He would just smile and act nothing happened but it hurt… not physical bullying but the fact no one was on his side and no one cared about him. He had a kind heart still though it didn't last long.

17 years later

he one day had gym class he was going to the locker's to change when he saw one of his bullies and a fat kid he didn't recognize.

The bully was Pete he was one his main bullies he was the most ruthless of the bunch. He would physically beat Paul up with his friend's, cause there were many of them he would lose hand down every time leaving him bruised but not bloody the reason so no one would find out about they're bullying.

They stood there Pete giving a glare while the other kid stood there nervously looking up and down the staircase.

Paul walked around them not paying attention to them when suddenly the fat kid grabbed both of Paul's arms and held him in place. Paul panicked and tried to escape but he could not get out of the fat kid's grip. Pete stood there chuckling as took a boxing pose.

"HAHA Hold him still so I could land shot!" Pete said laughing hysterically amused by Paul's panicked expression as he struggled to be free.

Pete swung a punch directly at his chest. (CRACK!!!) a sound of bone getting fractured could be heard. Paul felt extreme pain from his chest as he yelled in agony.

Though his screams wouldn't stop the blows being sent to his ribs.

After a while, Paul got loose by hitting the fat kid with the back of his head. He then charged at Pete like a raging animal and grabbed by the throat and punched him in the face.

"Why the hell do you do this to me you bastard!" Paul yelled in fury at Pete's face so close practically spraying spit at his face.

Pete didn't respond he just had a feral look on his face full of hate. He stood there being grabbed by Paul, he then kicked Paul in his crotch.

Paul collapse to the ground in pain grabbing on to himself. Pete then kicked Paul in the face. He was now bleeding in his upper lip and a tooth got chipped.

Pete just stood there looking at Paul who was in pain with a satisfied smirk. He then picked up Paul by the collar.

"It's simple it's fun making a fool at of you, the reason causes your stupid and I'm smart. You believe every little thing people say and you do it without hesitation. You're weak both mentally and physically, in fact, I don't think you understand what I'm saying right now. Here I say so even an idiot like you can understand." Peter chuckled saying the last part

" YOUR WEAK IM STRONG, strong people bully the weak and weak people could only accept it and not do a thing about it," Pete said smacking Paul with his fist hurling him near the lege of the staircase.

Paul just stood there dead-eyed he didn't know how to respond, he was just entertainment to them there toy to be played with?

Why don't I look for trouble? I never hurt anyone why me? I never liked hurting people, in fact, I just wished for everyone in the world to be happy why me?

As Paul thought there he finally understood…

" I understand now..." Paul said softly

" I understand that everyone in this goddamn world is just like you… no matter how kind you are to others they just take advantage of you at any possible moment… they like to treat you like a toy until they break you and throw you out looking for someone else to take the spot…








Paul snapped bellowing all these truths to Peter staring at him with animosity staring him in the eyes.

"HAHAHA look at this guy's look so scary" he mocked paul's intense glare

Just as he mocked Paul dashed toward him and bit Petes' neck, harshly ripping his skin with his canines, feeling warm blood and flesh in his mouth.

It reminded him of licking a penny. He then yanked and bit a small chunk of flesh off his neck. Pete was screaming in Agony his friend looked frightened and ran down the stairs.

YOU FUCKING ANIMAL!!! Pete shouted in anger and pain

He then pushed Paul off the edge of the stairs, everything went in slow motion.

Paul knows he was going to die it was a high drop from here to the ground. He would be able to survive, he thought why it was him who was going to die and not everyone else.

He saw Pete with a shocked expression as he could not believe what he did. Paul just stared at him his eyes cold. He then had a thought in his mind.

" Next time I see any of you… YOUR ALL DEAD!!! Paul said as his head smashed at the pavement his head splattered all over the ground like a watermelon.

On that day a student named Pete saved his classmate from a psychopathic student that tried killing him and he was titled a hero by all forms of social media. Though no one ever reported on or mentioned the name of the student that fell to his death...

This was an old project of mine thought I'd see if it was any good so I upload it if it get good response I might start writing it again thanks for reading :)

ano81creators' thoughts
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