

Leah Flemming,just pregnant, witnesses a murder and becomes the victim of a continuous threat from a twisted killer. In a bid to protect herself,she must work with Detective Dennis to solve the crimes. Time ticks ever so loudly since the killer would kill her unborn child at three months. Updates : Sundays GMT+1

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7 Chs


Blue moon by Billie Holiday sang off the vinyl player causing a huge sigh to escape Leah's chest;the self imposed ritual of soaking herself in scented water every Wednesday night seemingly satisfactory now. Focusing on what Billie sang,she wondered if her heart was without a dream. Of course,she had a career based dream-that strong desire to be a published author. However,the dream Billie sang about was a partner. A partner that could turn a blue moon gold. 

Leah believed partnership was overrated. What was more important was having good sex every once in a while. Romance had a cycle too tiring to keep up with. So her heart was definitely without a dream,if dreams meant swoon worthy kisses and all those cringe things that followed being a person's partner. 

Her mind drifted to more outstanding things in her life;her female lead. She had made Bella's character very strong,she seemed almost unreal. Maybe adding a little 'dream' into her powerful role would soften the responsibilities that would come into play. Her book was going to be a very unprecedented fantasy action;she smiled.

As the album switched to Aretha Franklin's voice,she rinsed herself up and stepped out of the tub. Masai got to her towel before her. "Come here,boy" The naughty dog did the opposite. "Masai!" His little legs scurried away. Not in the mood to play chase,she dried her hair and humming to the soulful song,she roamed around naked. 

Comfortably inside her old PJs now,she turned off the music and settled into bed with popcorn and her laptop. After a heated mental debate,she settled into a horror movie which promised to be more gory that terrific. A tissue box was close just in case she leaked,as usual. Death made her cry. She started on the movie and not long after,tissues were scrunched on the ground.

Despite deliberately leaving the light on,so she had to stand in order to turn it off,she didn't realise when she slept off. Her breaths synching with Masai who slept by the foot of her bed.

Her face scrunched in disapproval,the next morning, to the sunlight breaking through the curtains and warming her face up. It was the type of sun people like Anne go under to get a soft tan. Except,it wasn't the weekend,it was Thursday. Which meant work,bad coffee and several cusses. Shit,work! Her first cuss of the day came out. 

She tripped all around the house and once again,she knew she was going to get scolded.


Her bag plopped first on the ground,then her shoes came off from her sore feet. Heels would be women's own undoing! 

"Masai" Even as the name left her mouth,the American Eskimo barked sharply in a race to her. She locked the door and stooped to play with the fluffy fellow a little. "You look so happy. Have you been eating loads?" Her face was licked in response. She laughed. 

Picking herself from the ground,she threw her coat on the couch and rubbed on her neck as she entered the kitchen for a glass of water. Changing her mind to settling for juice,she pulled a carton of mango juice from the refrigerator,took a large gulp and sighed when the chill from the drink hit the right place within her. Now balanced,she walked to the attention seeking answering machine and flicked play. Her mother's voice came in first.

"Leah Carolinda Flemming! This is the fifth time I'm being directed to your answering machine. Pick up my damn call." 

Her voice came up again. A second message. "I swear on my honour,I'll come to that little paradise of yours and tumble it. I've a spare key,remember. Call me back when you get this.' Leah rolled her eyes. Very much like her mum to leave threats around.

"Hey Leah!" Her frown upturned when Anne's voice came up.

"By God,I'm having the most amazing time here! I saw the Eiffel Tower today and even though some people say it's nothing spectacular in person,it totally is worth it! Maybe we could come here another time? Just me and you? Put it up our Vacation destination plans. I'm positive that'll be the 55th city on our to visit locations." Leah laughed along.

"How's Masai? I miss him so much. I miss you too Leah but you never take my calls. Shit,do we have the same time zone? I didn't check if we've the same time zone. I need to look that up so I don't disturb your sleep or work. We're not very far away from you,are we?." A pause. "Merde! Look,I've got to go now but say hi to Masai for me,will ya?" Someone seemed to say something from the other end. "Va te faire foutre,Louis!" She seemed to cuss at someone in French. "Call me Leah so we can catch up. Maybe cuss someone or something out." The message ended and the answering machine stopped blinking. 

Leah fell on the bed and drew out her phone to call her best friend and room mate. Oh,of course we share similar time zones,she thought even as the lines connected. "Hey,Anne"

"Oh,Leah. I've missed you tons." Masai barked from wherever he was. "You too,Masai,you too"

The pure bred Eskimo jumped unto Leah's back.