
Ancient Demon Lord Rimuru-Remake

It's been 80 years since Yuuki's defeat. Rimuru after dwelling for countless years on time and space, has surpassed Veldanava in terms of strength, And therefore being The strongest being in The Cardinal world. With his strength, He easily dealt with the aftermath of the final battle And finally accomplished his dreamed of coexisting monster's and humans. Although he is happy with the results, his daily routine consists of constant paperwork. During one of these boring days Ciel, who is worried about the mental state of her master, suggests creating an alternate Timeline and traveling back in time. Rimuru, not wanting to do everything over again, comes back with an alternative idea. Going back in time but with one addition: instead of traveling to his original time of reincarnation as a slime, he decides to go much further in time and become one of the ancient demon lords. (A/N:The original author of this story is, Mert_Dertli. However he stopped working on the novel at chapter 4, Which was quite sad he have a good story that's why, I copied about 2-4 chapter of the original book. So that's why I will continue this work, If you are the author please contact me I will definitely dropped this if you don't want it)

WenxyButDiff · Cómic
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9 Chs

「Ch-4 - The unknown entity? 」

(Pov:Guy Crimson)

"Millim, you have to stop this right now. You already killed the one's responsible so stop your rampage already" Guy Crimson who confronted Milim, was trying to calm her down. At this point, they've already exchanged several blows. Velzard meanwhile was maintaining a barrier surrounding the two to prevent the leaking megicules to destroy everything around. Although Guy didn't want to hurt Milim, he couldn't hold back either. If he would, there was a probability that he would simply die. And this, the battle continued. With her newfound power, Milim threw everything at Guy and drew him into a corner. Velzard, who tried to hold the barrier, was struggling. The megicules which the two demon lords were leaking were too rampant.

While guy was busy calming down milim, He suddenly felt a presence he glance at Velzard and by his side ramiris who suddenly appear

"It doesn't look good, Does it. If this goes on a calamity will befall the west" Velzard then replied

"Ramiris! Glad you're here, I don't know what yo do. Do you have any idea how to stop these magic rules and on top of that Milim?"Ramiris who is in awe dicided

" Poor Milim-chan, I have something in mind, but you have to keep the barrier intact. 'll absorb the leaking magic rule"Velzard hearing this couldn't help but widen his eyes, On the otherhand Guy heard this too but couldn't find a way to speak because he is busy fighting milim

"WHAT! Even thought your the Queen Of Spirits, You can't just absorb everything! Think of what will happen to you!" Hearing this Ramiris immediately replied

"There's no other way, Keep the barrier intact."

"WAIT RAMIRIS" Velzard shouted, But its already to late Ramiris was already on the action, Guy also want to stop Ramiris but, Suddenly a blue haired beautiful maiden appeared before Ramiris could activate his skill,


I was just enjoying my massage by the spirit's, When I sensed large amount of magic rule's, On the sorcery kingdom, I thought they created, A Legendary equipment. But at the moment I teleported there. All I could see is ashes, Barren land, Destruction, I could even see Guy fighting milim. And instantly know why he is fighting, Milim is in berserk Is what I thought

"It Doesn't look good, does it. If this goes on, A calamity will befall the west" I said so myself When velzard asked me

"Ramiris! Glad you're here, I don't know what to do. Do you have an idea how to stop these magic rules and Milim?" When he said that I look around and indeed there's so many magic rules leaking And I fell into deep thought 'I could just absorb the magic rules but, It will exchange my power well its better than destruction' I thought of myself

" Poor Milim-chan, Have something in my mind. But you have to keep the barrier intact, I'll absorb the leaking magic rule" Velzard was still arguing but there is nothing we can do, When I was already in action suddenly a beautiful blue haired maiden appeared. Because of my instinct I could tell 'These girl is dangerous but even if she is, She would likely get hurt or even worse DIE! Judging by the amount of the leaking magic rules'

"You should get oy of here! If you stay any longer, You could die" I said which the being replied with a calm face as if there wasn't any need to worry about

"Me?" Said the blue haired Maiden. "Don't worry about me, let me help, I tjink I can absorb these magic rules. Don't worry its not harmful for me" The maiden replied which shocked us even Guy & Velzard was shocked

'Absorb? How could she even do that without getting harm?, Even I wouldn't survive this without serious consequences, Why would she-' But I was again interrupted by this bule haired, Maiden

"Devour all, Azazoth" And in the next second all, The magic rules in the area including the leaking ones. We're devoured even Velzard's barrier we're also devoured, Which of course shocked as all, Not even us could do that he then continued with his speech

"Oi red head, leave her to me, I have a way to calm him down" This shocked Guy I mean through though his entire life no one would there to speak like that be he did that would mean one thing, He is stronger than Guy Crimson, Guy was about to reply when he said there's a way to calm him down

"Who are you calling-, Wait calm him down? How could you-" But he was interrupted again by this maiden

"Just leave her to me, I promise I won't hurt her"

Guy was still dumbfounded but can only nodded when he says he won't hurt her

"Oii! Pink haired girl, look I'm here. Come and get me"

"I WILL KILL YOU ALL, ALL OF YOU. ALL OF YOUUU!!" Milim rushed to the Maiden and give punches but all of it were easily avoided which widen our eyes, Even Guy was having a hard time with milim but he easily avoided it

"Milim I need you to sleep right now, When you wake up, there will be a surprise for you"

Said the maiden while absorbing his magicrules after that he gently lay him to the ground and was about to leave, But we all stopped her


"Yes?" He replied

Guy took the initiative to talk to her

"We have to talk

(Pov:3rd person)

"Hmm, Is it okay here?, I Mean this is the enemy's base" They all shook their head and Guy replied

"Then I would like to invite you to my castle, And have a tea. What do you say?"

"That's fine with me, But I would first let's wait until she, Milim awake. After all there's a surprise waiting for her" The three was Hesitating at first cause they can't wait because they have alot of question, But they couldn't help it. And just nodded on agreement, They all flied to the white castle