

Author note:

Hello everyone.

I know I haven't updated this fan fiction for more than 5 months, but I am now announcing that it is not dropped.

The reason for my absence was a lack of inspiration and will to continue, but in the past months I have been reading more, and since the summer vacation happened, I could relax a bit from school and other stuff.

I do not promise consistent updates and in fact I have been thinking about restarting the whole fan fiction anew, but I hope inspiration will come to me and that I will be able to produce chapters more frequent than before.

Thanks for reading and for your patience.

Old readers, thanks for sticking with me even if I've been missing for 5 whole months.



'Izuna... managed to absolutely destroy him in this spar...'

"Wait! Before you go, I want to tell you to come here tommorow morning. We will start the actual training then."

"Yes, sir."

Izuna then left the place. Fugaku helped Itachi go back inside, looking at his bruises and thinking:

'Itachi... even after all of these hard hits you still stared into his eyes and told him what you felt. The fact that you awakened your sharingan as well must mean you care deeply for Izuna...'


(At Izuna's home)


After getting home, Izuna went straight for a shower. He felt the need to have one. After all the fighting he got quite dirty.

While showering, Izuna couldn't help but wonder:

'The Prodigy of the Uchiha, huh? I guess I am famous for my performance in the chuunin exams. Still, there is another test to pass, and, quite possibly, this one might be the hardest.'

Taking a moment to think about how the tournament worked, he thought:

'If there are sixteen participants, that means I will have to fight four people in a single day. Hopefully there are no major threats, getting exhausted by difficult opponents would leave me weakened, vulnerable to enemies I would normally defeat easily.

I have no doubt that I can beat most of the people there, but too many and I'll run out of chakra and stamina.

I guess I'll leave it to luck then'

After finishing his shower he looked around his new home.

it felt very familiar, having the same architectural style as the old compound houses.

Looking at the entrance he felt somewhat sad. This home reminded him of what he lost. Not the house, but his parents.

They raised him, made him into what he is now. Izuna simply couldn't wonder what he did to deserve losing them like that.

Maybe he was destined for some great fortune in the future and this was a way of balancing things? Maybe a god looked at him and thought it would be amusing to ruin a poor human child's life!

In the end, there is no way to know such thing. What is for certain though, is that what happened is reality, and reality goes on.

It won't wait for Izuna to recover, it won't pity him for what he lost. Reality will instead leave him behind if he is so weak.

That is why Izuna will train and will seek vengeance. He already promised himself the pain he went through once will not ever come again.


(The next day)


Izuna woke up early in the morning and headed straight to the Clan Head's home.

There, he knocked on the door and was greeted by Mikoto and brought to Fugaku.

"Ah, Izuna! Are you prepared for today's training?

"Yes, Fukagu-sama. I am well rested and prepared. What will we be doing?"

"I was thinking maybe we should try focusing on the jutsu you currently know. A master of one technique is better than a novice of multiple ones. Let's go to the Uchiha training grounds."

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