
An hour before and after my death

KANTOJI_SAN · Fantasía
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7 Chs


"Let's go to Tokyo"

(Leon's perspective)

Doctor: Yes, but don't go anywhere without telling me because people think you're dead.

Leon: "How are we going then?"

Doctor: "I have a friend I can contact who will be able to smuggle you and Lance in."

Leon: "How are we going to communicate with him?"

Doctor: "This is the hardest thing here. If we use phone calls, they will complain about us. I will go myself and come back in a few days."

Leon: "And what are Lance and I going to do?"

Doctor: "Leon, you know that you ask a lot, like children, be patient, and everything has its time."

Leon: "Sorry, it's a bad habit," Leon said, putting his hand behind his head

The Doctor: "It's okay." The Doctor said, looking at Lance

The doctor continued: "I'm going to take Lance with me, and as for you, wear a mask or anything that covers your face and head towards Judeus' Tavern, which is located east of the city."

I replied: "You know that I am a minor and entered this college by forgery, and I do not want to enter these places."

Doctor: "Don't worry, this is not an ordinary pub. All you have to do is take the card that I will give you and ask to meet the waiter, and he will give you some instructions on controlling your ability."

I said in a calm tone: "I will not ask any questions and I will go where you ordered me."

He replied to me: "Go tomorrow at ten in the morning."

The doctor gave me a card that he pulled out of his pocket without even saying

He says anything, I immediately put on a medical mask from the clinic and walked out of the college looking at the mess Lance and I had caused and the roses laying in front of our pictures in the middle of the ruined garden, I thought to myself: "So this is how it feels to see your funeral, it's a strange feeling."

"What the hell is this?" I whispered between my lips and continued, "Who are these people?!"

I saw people in white uniforms checking the things I smashed, I kept walking without showing any signs of attention saying: "How long have they been following me? I walk with my head towards the ground.

I continued walking until I sat in a garden containing children's toys. But, I saw a group of children beating another child on his knees, without thinking I was going to get up until I thought: "Now you are a dangerous person, what will you do if you lose control of your power?"

The child who was being beaten looked at me as if I had given him a glimmer of hope, but when I sat down he looked at me with a look of fear and amazement and threw himself on the ground as if he had lost all hope. "If you want help, be stronger and help yourself," I said these words between my lips as I walked out of the garden and put on a hat.

I went to a cheap hotel that does not require any official documents and documents "a room for one night only"

The receptionist replied: "You can always ask for anything that comes to your mind. You will only add a few coins."

I replied, "I want orange juice."

The receptionist replied: "Only?!"

I didn't answer him until he gave me a glass bottle with juice inside and I pushed him and headed towards my room upstairs, I threw myself on the bed and went to sleep without thinking.

(Lance's perspective)

I woke up and found myself lying on a bed that did not look like the one in the clinic. I got up and opened the door of the room I was in while saying: "Where am I?"

I saw the doctor sitting on one of the chairs drinking coffee and watching the news on TV, when he saw me he turned off the TV,

I said to him, "Am I important enough for a middle-aged man to skip the news?"

The doctor replied: "You seem to have a good sense of humor."

The doctor said that his expression blurred

I felt an incomprehensible feeling at that moment, "Am I afraid of mere words?"

The doctor continued, "It's been several hours. Are you okay?"

I said to him: "I do not feel the time when I am asleep. When I die while I am asleep, the time that comes after it, I will be asleep as well."

I said these words while I was sitting in the chair opposite the doctor. The doctor said: "It is seven o'clock in the morning. I will explain things to you so that all doubts will go away."

The doctor continued: "Lance... what is your goal? Revenge, glory, power, wealth, there is no clear answer, all the answers are correct."

I replied in a calm tone: "My goal is not great, all I want is to die once and for all. But, if someone is obstructing me, it will be a staircase that I will climb towards my goal, even if it is on his corpse."

I didn't want the doctor to interrupt me, so I looked at him and said, "I don't want any boring explanations. Are you for or against my goal?"

After a moment of silence, the doctor replied, "I am not against your goal. As I said earlier, this is your choice. But know that if you are going to go this way, my task that I have been entrusted with is to help you become stronger."

The doctor gave me a card and said, "Meet Leon at Judeus' tavern at ten o'clock. There you will find someone who can help you. I will go find a way to smuggle you and Leon."

I headed towards the tavern while looking at the card the doctor gave me. "Private card." That was the only thing written except for the name of the tavern. "Judius' tavern."

Before leaving the place where I was, I put on a black mask given to me by the doctor.

(Leon's perspective)

"Damn, I slept too much. It's nine o'clock now."

I quickly got up and grabbed the bottle of juice I bought yesterday and walked out of the hotel while I was drinking it.

"Judius' tavern is not far from here." I continued my way running until I reached the door of the tavern, in front of which I found a large bodyguard. I did not say anything to him except that I showed him the card that was with me. "V I P"

As soon as I entered, I found Lance looking at me and saying, "You're late. Do you know how much it's going now?"

She replied, "Sorry, I took so long."

I saw a person sitting in front of Lance, he had yellow hair in a formal coiffure and he was wearing the clothes of an ordinary waiter, from the features of his face he looked like he was in his thirties.

He said to me: "Are you, Leon?"

I replied, "Yes, Doctor Arthur sent me to you."

Waiter: "I know, you came to learn how to control your power and your friend Lance came to look for a suitable weapon, but let's start with you Leon come here."

I went to the waiter who was going to try to remove my gloves from my right hand, so I pulled them quickly and said in an angry tone: "Do you Are you crazy? We'll all die if there's even the slightest misstep."

The waiter replied: "Don't worry, do you think that Arthur will send you without taking this into account?"

The waiter said, "Do you feel your aura?"

I said yes

Waiter: "Try to concentrate it in your hand as much as possible."

When I did so, I felt that the aura that was around me began to disappear, and a white butterfly materialized from my hand and flew and sat on my shoulder.

I said, astonished: "What is this?!"

The waiter replied: "This is the embodiment of your strength and all I have done is pump my energy into your veins to activate and collect your aura. Now put on your gloves and you will take them off soon when you have gathered all your energy." into that butterfly."

I said, "How can I repay you?"

The waiter replied: "Rather, I'm repaying my favor to my friend Arthur now. Take this bottle and give it to him when you meet him again. It's his favorite wine."

"Now it's your turn... I can provide you with any weapon you want."

Lance replied, "Can I offer a custom design?"

The waiter replied: "Of course."

The waiter talked to Lance for about half an hour and all I see is Lance talking and the waiter listening intently to what he has to say."

(Lance's perspective)

When we left the bar, I said to Leon: "Prepare yourself, as we are at the latest we will go to our destination tomorrow. But before all of this..." I hit him in the shoulder and said, "You're the keeper, aren't you?

He replied, removing the hat that was covering his features, saying: "It seems to me that you have discovered my affairs ... But, it is too late now. You and your friend will make me a useful profit."

"Looks like he's trading people with abilities for experiments, be careful," Leon said to me.

The guard took the knife from his shoulder and without us realizing we heard a small explosion followed by the knife flying directly toward my face, Leon put my head down to avoid the knife and immediately after that I attacked to get close to him and distract him Until Leon takes off his gloves, the man took out many daggers before I reached him without me I realize all those daggers started to fly towards me violently but I saw how it happened, he brought the daggers closer to the edges of his fingers and there was an effect like pressure between them until I shot straight, I could not avoid the daggers but Leon had read the situation and he threw a stone at one of the daggers and it shattered them In succession when the stone was directed towards me, the effect of the butterfly effect was automatically nullified. It seemed that he could control his ability. I continued my attack without stopping and punched the guard, but he managed to avoid it with his head. My body is like a bullet against the wall, and as I approached the wall, I was able to mitigate the shock with my shoulder.

(Leon's point of view)

"This person is as strong as a curse." I looked at Lance, but he was able to save himself. I told him: "This fight is a fight of abilities, not physical strength." Lance said while shouting: "Damn you?! Pay attention!" When I turned around, I found the guard trying He lifted a vending machine for snacks, he hit the bottom of it with the edges of his fingers, and it rose towards the sky and kicked it, so it headed directly towards me, I jumped from above it, but I was surprised by the guard in front of my face, he punched me with a punch that made me fly directly towards Lance... but I was laughing in the face of the guard who he was startled as hundreds of white butterflies flew around him, a violent crash into the wall but Lance whispered a few words into my ear. I extracted a knife from Lance's pocket and threw it at one of the butterflies that I had created, so the knife began to move between the butterflies, and at every move, the guard got a wound from the knife while he tried to catch it, but to no avail. The guard: "Do you want to provoke me or what, brat?" Immediately after the guard said this, he lost his strength and fell to his knees in amazement: "What the hell have I done?!?!?"

"What a fool you are," said Lance, "you think I'll stay put with one blow from you? The knife that hit you...you know what? I've been hiding myself smearing him with some nerve-killing." toxin and he's scratched you a hundred times, and the wine that hit you contains alcohol and the pain you've got." Causing it will result in faster blood circulation in your body and faster transmission of the poison." As soon as Lance said so, the guard fell on his face

passed out.