
Superstitious believes

Rosalie pov

“He's a vampire jauna,i know what I'm saying” pacing around, my room with a bottle of mountain dew, " i know what i am saying” she seats down saying nothing , just smirking at me, “ it's just one day and you are already worked up, calm down’

‘'now tell me, what did he do”

“ well, he has insane eyes, hes super quiet, like as silent as the wind in the morning i dont know when he is coming, fuck he terrifies me, and secondly i have this feeling that he read minds too” for a momnemt it felt dumb, but then i remember i was the only one in the position.

“How do you mean he read minds"

“ jauna. The moment i concluded he was not a human, his word were, ‘ stop your superstitious belief’, who just comes up top a worker, and says ' stop your superstitious belief', you have been working for a while, this isn't the era of witches and flying pigs you know"

" and I have been having countless nightmare after the_after the interview my instincts tell me this path isn't for me"

“ well that's normal”

" both of us know you have been thinking about crap since your last interview so dreaming about it is messing with your mind well enough to make you think you seeing things"

For a while I felt believable but then again I haven't been so certain in my life, not as certain as I was on a Christmas morning that santa was sure to drop my gift close to the tree, ok that's a wrong example, I was certain about that till I had seen mom placing gift close to the tree, at night when little rosy wanted to see santa so bad.

Weird memories…

“ I don't know, but it's all weird, first it was a werewolf, and now maybe I don't know” sitting back down as I wandered off to the world created in My mind this past week, good enough to be sane.

He had given me the opportunity, to fall back now, just like he knew so well, 'read my mind' he offered me to fall back, “ well why don't you fall back” jauna said, her lips arcs in a mockish smirk , with a hoppy brow , " fuck you"

Talking a long gulp of my drink I toss the can at her, " hey calm down, was just giving you obvious options"

" keep them to yourself"

" but consider this, you have new car, a well breathing bank, and also a job like a normal human being should then if you want to fall back you can, and everything will be taken away from you”


” but what” she rebuffed, " let me tell you what the but is all about yes, hes fine looking, has an active intuition, and also more intriguing to have around more than your Harry Potter book clubs, that's shouldn't be overwhelming “ she said,

" hey anything but the club, you aren’t supposed to say that" she shrugs, with her pal, held up " just saying "

Maybe I am taking this too much, maybe it's just in my head, sitting back I reconceive my thoughts . Is there anything like werewolf, no it doesn't exist rose, and if he was a vampire, he would have made more effort to drink blood, my blood.

Now that's just stupid, looking back at my watch, i have few hours before tomorrow, if i don't find it convincing enough, or as thrilling as Lord Voldemort in a pleated plaid skirt i would take it down, , besides there are other job offer out there, better working in peace, and a clear conscience, than a man who is so color blind he revolves around one color.

The lopez!


“Rose wake up” I feel light taps on my shoulder, pulling me out of slumberland ones more, mumbling words obviously said in my sleep, i turn, "what" i said in a hoarse voice, as i rested on my back “someone is looking for you” jauna said.

“Who?” I asked, with my eyes still shut slightly, my mind a mess, at least if I get a good sleep, it won't kill anyone,would it, “ who?’ i asked again, as i feel myself getting drawn towards the sleep i had been woken up from

“Work related i guess, your presence was request” she said yawning,

'Work, work, work !'

I have a job, “work?” looking back at good old alarm clock, still resting the wall, “its fucking 2am” i yelled.

“ i am not aware” she said sarcastically, “maybe you should end it anyways, it's a weird job, to be this sleep deprived” she said standing up, hastily i stood from my bed, “where's this person’, “living room” she replies just as fast, as she closed her eyes with her hand long sweater.

“ lets go answer him shall we" she said, yawning again, cleaning my eyes, to see clearly, we walk to the living room, the light were on, but way too deem to picture a true reflection, blinking consecutively i could see the person clearly now, not a face i can remember, with the looks of it, he was sleep deprived as well, those saggy bags told it all, but he still looked more awake than jauna and i.

‘Hello ” we said, pulling his attention, “ hello, good morning rose’ he said, how voice echoing in the quiet, almost empty living room.

“ well, good morning to you, sir” i replied,taking a seat just opposite him, he smirks at my remark, “ i am rex, rex jordan you can call me RJ” he said, hovering his palm over his open mouth in attempt to hinder a loud yawn, I could help but notice the sparkly leather at the hem of his night wear.

‘Hi RJ”

" yes rosalie"

His smiles gives him a warm look, as his lips stretches in adoration, “ please why are you here mister RJ” jauna blurted obviously pissed at the charade displayed, i would have been pissed as well, but his smile was so calming he got me smiling as well, or faking a mile that felt real.

“Well, sir asher,sent me to you, there was an urgency, and he would like you flying to Peru with him, for a business, as his assistant”


Jauna and I yelled in unison, “ my job is just a day old mister!” sitting back down on my chair, “ i haven't decided yet, if i want to still work for him, how can he say i should i fly with him, overseas!”

“ that's why i came” he added, with calm look, “ why don't you go with him, you know the drill” jauna said, absolutely bemused, “ well, he hired a personal assistant for a reason, i am just a driver, nothing more”

“ This doesn't make sense, I just had a few minutes of sleep, and here you are trying to deprive him of it” My face sank into my palm, I knew this was for me. I didn't ask for a sign to prove I didn't need it, did i?.

“ Sorry Miss Rose, but i just came as requested, maybe you could contact the company telling them you wouldn't be able to partake in their request from you “ he said, exhaling in my palm i fell back on my seat, i hate my life so much, so so much, why me.

How can one family be so archaic!, no one does this synmore no one.

“ Are you going to take the offer or not?.’

“ i would"

I said seating upright, the only way to see this is like a mini adventure without wands or huge debris making snakes, chasing me in a valley, even though I would be taken against my will, i never wanted a job like this, but a job is a job, and i signed up for this the moment i woke up so early for an interview.

“ i will go with you, or better still, meet him up in his apartment"

“ thank rose, you are such a kind heart” RJ said as he stood up from his seat, “well time for me to sleep i guess, he said smirking, if he didn't look older that statement would have warranted a slipper slap, juana growls at him not hiding her digest, "get of my house RJ” she said.

He looks back then pauses, staring blankly at me, “ the bosses might be weird but they are kind and generous, you will like it there” he said, then turns , walking out like he hadn't just terminated every possibility of making a choice .