
A tour at the mall

Rose pov

Was he pissed? That's a stupid question to ask; obviously he was pissed; how else would he send me back to the lodge, just after a call? “dumb ass”. I said, smacking myself in the head as I stared at the chicken and waffles he had just sent.

Does he know it was Axel calling? Who am I kidding? He knows; he's not stupid; he probably knows everything, even if he never speaks out of the ordinary. He knows every damn thing going on.

Closing my eyes, as I ease the frustration, I realize maybe I shouldn’t have hugged it, no matter how inviting it felt, I know I shouldn’t have, and maybe that’s why he got pissed That explains everything

So Stupid

That must be the reason. I probably crossed my limit. I took my phone and pulled up our past messages—nothing more than office work and tasks. Bringing up personal matters shouldn't be sent through here; I should say them in person.