
American female writer dreams back to ancient Tang Dynasty China.

A modern American female writer is carried to the Tang Dynasty by a profound dream. There, she is bestowed with another life, and in a foreign land's customs and emotions, she falls in love with a handsome and gallant knight. Their love quietly blooms in the ancient Tang Dynasty, yet is also filled with the bitterness of separation. The protagonist in the book endures parting from her family, portraying the sincerity and warmth of familial love. In the arena of power, she charts a course to the pinnacle of authority with the unique tenderness and wisdom of a woman. In that era, she writes her rise as a woman relying solely on her own strength, through twists and turns, finding confidants, and weathering betrayal. Bravely and wisely she navigates through the intricate fog, expanding territory and governing the people in peace. After enduring the wear and tear of time and the torment of spirit, it seems to have been destined in the stars, and she ultimately becomes an Empress. Seated high upon the throne, looking over the bustling Chang'an, she always remembers that all this may have started from a dream about time travel, but with her fresh strokes, she continues the legend of women, etching her name in the bronze plaques of history.

alexnovelman · Fantasía
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26 Chs

Chapter Twenty:The Secret of the Rings

After emerging from the cave, we returned to the edge of Chaka Salt Lake, silently reflecting on our recent experiences against the backdrop of the night scene. Under the tranquil night sky, the lake's surface mirrored the glow of the stars, and accompanied by the gentle breeze by the lake, the three of us sat quietly in front of the campfire deep in thought. When fatigue hit, I lay back next to Li Hao, and the ancient map fell out of my bag. At that moment, the map began to glow once again, and the sprite reappeared before us, bringing another round of mysterious revelations.

It shone brightly amidst the dimness of the night, as if it were a crystal of light and stardust, hovering just above the map. With a gentle gaze and a crisp, pleasant voice, the sprite said, "Brave travelers, the ancient ring before you is not just the key to unlock the secret passageways of the future caves, but it is also a treasure."

We stood facing each other, ripples of realization in our hearts. The sprite continued its tale: "At the beginning of the universe's evolution, when heaven and earth were undivided and chaos reigned, five elemental guardians used the primal forces of the nascent cosmos to forge five magical rings. They represent gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, each containing endless power. The five rings are not merely representatives of the five elements, they are also the keys to unlocking the wisdom deep within the universe."

With a heart full of awe, I asked, "Could you explain the powers of these five rings to us more precisely?" The sprite nodded, and its clear voice meticulously informed us:

"The Ring of Gold possesses steadfastness and dazzling brilliance. It symbolizes an unyielding will, able to inspire persistent courage and bring forth respectable strength to the wearer.

The Ring of Wood conceals the power of life and growth. It resonates with the life force of the natural world, offering vitality and the green nourishment of health to those who journey through it.

The Ring of Water carries the gentle and flowing wisdom. Like water, soft yet strong, it can permeate all obstacles, cleanse the inner clutter of the mind, and keep the spirit clear.

The Ring of Fire contains the energy of passion and transformation. It can ignite the hearts of people, shed light upon the path ahead, and in times of need, incinerate all in its way to bring about the rebirth of the phoenix.

The Ring of Earth signifies stability and harvest. It allows the bearer to deeply connect with the earth, gaining powerful protection and the ability to nourish.

Each ring harbors its unique energy, and when the five come together, they will trigger an immensely powerful force." The tone of the sprite suggested solemnity, as if foreshadowing some significant destiny.

"The ring in your hand is that of water and fire," it said to me.

As the sprite's voice faded, it flicked its finger, and rays of light from the map projected a star chart with five dazzling rings, seemingly aligning with five locations on the ancient map. Pointing at the star chart, the sprite explained, "These points, are where the five rings reside. Only by collecting all five can the gateway to the ancient dragon civilization be unlocked, revealing the secrets of the cosmos. According to legend, Mount Kunlun is the hiding place chosen by the guardians. There, the power will reconvene, unveiling the prelude to a new era."

The sprite spoke again, "The power of the five elements is sealed within the mysterious caves of Mount Kunlun."

We listened intently, our minds already soaring to far greater places. "What kind of place is the cave in Mount Kunlun, and what is its connection to the rings of the five elements?" I asked earnestly.

"The caves of Kunlun harbor an altar floating in mid-air, a confluence of the elemental forces," the sprite replied. "According to legend, once assembled, the ultimate function of the five elemental rings will be able to influence the fate of galaxies. They are the precious assets left by the creators for their descendants, capable of triggering a resonance of cosmic energy, awakening the Temple of Light sleeping deep within Kunlun."

Li Hao asked with curiosity, "What is the Temple of Light, and what is its purpose?"

The sprite smiled slightly, as if amused by our ignorance: "The Temple of Light is a symbol of ancient civilizations, the source of the powers of the five elements. There, you can find the energy cores used and stored by ancient races, harboring the art of interstellar travel passed down among ancient cosmic species, and possibly even the ultimate knowledge in creating and healing life."

Lysandra's eyes sparkled with curiosity and longing as she inquired, "So, what do these energy cores mean to us? What can we do with them?"

The sprite's gaze was profound, as if peering into the depths of the unknown cosmos: "When the five rings are gathered and the Temple of Light is found, you can unveil more of the universe's veil. It's not just a treasury of knowledge and power but also a bridge that can guide planets to each other, connecting distinct civilizations."

As we listened to the sprite's words, our imaginations were ignited, and countless stars in our hearts shone at that moment. The secrets scattered across the stars might soon be known to us.

The sprite went on: "But this energy is vast, and you must handle it with care, lest it exceeds your control and leads to unpredictable consequences."

"Why choose us?" Li Hao asked in a soft voice.

The sprite smiled and floated onto my shoulder, its hand touching the rings of water and fire on my finger, which immediately radiated a softer glow: "It's because of her, she's the chosen one," it indicated me. Li Hao looked surprised at both the sprite and me, but Lysandra showed no sign of shock. "Only those who always hold sincerity and courage in their hearts can gather the five rings. They will not only awaken your inner power but also open the gates to new worlds," the sprite addressed me.

As its words ended, the light from the sprite gradually dimmed and eventually melded into the map as a strip of light. The three of us sat quietly, knowing we were about to face an unknown journey and many riddles, yet we felt no fear.

With each word settled, we grew aware that the five elemental rings were not only key to the balance of the universe but also the keys to unlocking the treasures of ancient civilizations. When the moon rises again, we will set out on our journey, venture deep into Kunlun to collect the remaining rings, and unveil all the mysteries. The gathering of each ring is not just an adventure; it is a deep excavation of our own strength, a profound understanding of ancient wisdom.

We understand that the journey of the five rings is full of perils. Yet, with the power and guidance of the rings, we hope to grasp the essence of the universe, touch upon another form of life, and even change the destiny of the entire world. This is not just a legendary expedition but also a journey reflecting humankind's spiritual exploration and desire, an endless and profound secret of the cosmos that surpasses our imagination.

In an immortal tale, the elemental rings are molded as mysterious relics that wield the power of the universe. That night, by the shore of Chaka Salt Lake, the millennia-traversing sprite revealed to us that these ancient treasures are not only closely connected to the natural elements but also, once combined, can trigger a force of unknown power yet unrecognized by humanity.

Lysandra crouched down, gently touching the moist ground by the salt lake, as if seeking guidance from the earth. While I gazed at the combined water and fire rings in my hand, my heart filled with curiosity and longing for that unknown world. As the night deepened, we took turns keeping watch, knowing that when tomorrow's sun rose, we would continue our departure.

The following day we left what is known as the Mirror of the Sky, Chaka Salt Lake, and continued on our expansive journey across the grasslands, walking in the open where the stars dance with the land. We carried with us a mix of curiosity and fear of the unknown world, our minds loaded with speculations and puzzles about the energy of the Five Elements Rings and the secrets of the ancient caves.

Golden morning light had just filled the prairie as the sun's rays played upon the dew atop the grass, each ray seemingly guiding us forward. We headed towards the borderlands between Tuyuhun and Tubo, ancient lands that had witnessed many past glories and declines, leaving behind only the traces of time and legend.

Walking on an unmarked path, we occasionally saw tents of nomadic tribes and their grazing cattle and sheep. As we paused to admire this portrait of ancient people's lives, a spectacular sight appeared before us—a towering monastery stood in our line of sight.

This monastery, like an aged fortress on the grassland, combined the architectural features of Tuyuhun and Tubo, with breathtaking splendor. Its massive golden roof sparkled in the sunlight, and amidst the red walls and green tiles, weathered prayer flags hung and gently swayed with the wind, whispering tales of years gone by.

I couldn't help but praise in a low voice, "This monastery is truly a paradise on earth."

The grand doors of the monastery were open, with indecipherable characters engraved on the ancient lintel; on either side, two majestic stone lions sat silently, guarding the path leading to the inner sanctuary. We walked over the moss-covered stone steps, each step heavy with the profound sense of history this monastery carried.

Upon entering the monastery, our gaze was drawn to the towering Buddha statues. The central Buddha sat serenely, with murals behind depicting ancient fables and legends. Lysandra approached one of the murals, lightly touching the lines with her fingertips, as if she could feel the hearts and efforts of the painters from days of yore.

We quietly observed our surroundings, with scriptures and ornaments everywhere attesting to the sanctity and historical depth of the monastery.

We watched intently, as if every stone and every painting held a secret, and the monastery itself was a riddle waiting to be solved on this land.