
First semester

'' based on real story '' written by Aaesha

First day of school a girl named sophie she's a senior in Alreem middle school, sophie is a shy and strong girl she was always surrounded by friends but ever since she entered a new middle school she changed, she started to be alone and always gloomy and silent that was'nt what she wanted actually but because her mother was the one who helped her made friends she never knew how to make one so she was always alone ever since she went away from her old friends. middle school started and sophie wanted to make friends but because of her personality she could'nt, she continued her middle school alone until the last year of middle school, sophie was tired of being alone she wanted her friends to come back, she wanted someone to laugh with and someone to share secrets with. Sophie had an idea that she wanted to go to her friends school but she have no idea how cause she was 13 only, she asked her mother that she want to transfer school but her mother refuses cause sophie is a smart girl and she transffered because of her abilities and going to the school where her friends is will be a great loss for her and her future, her mother does'nt want her daughter to toss her talent away instead she wants her to have a big future where she benefits from her talents. Sophie was still young to understand all of her mothers worries, and she ignored it, all she understood from her talk was that because she is smart, she won't let her transfer schools. Sophie was sad regreting all the hard work she've done these years suddenly she does'nt want to study anymore thinking that if her grades went low her mother will be willing to transfer her as times goes she conviced that idea in her head, she never do her homework, nor solve her exam correctly, nor paying attention to her class, Sophie the smart girl was completely gone. Her mother started to notice her progressing going down, she thought that her daughter was sad and want some comfort so she went to sophie and asked her if she was okay but nothing much she said she was fine. days comes and the end of semister exams was near, Sophie as she would normally do will go to prepare and write notes for her to study later but when she went to do that her mind was confused because it seems that she never payed attention in class so she does'nt know what to study for the exam. Sophie is still a girl who hates to lose or be like those punks who have low grades. Sophie start coming to her sencee as she started to study hard but she never understand anything cause she was falling slowing without her noiticing, she decide to go to someone so they can explain to her but since she is a shy person she never done that. Next week will be the end of the semister exam, Sophie as nevous no nowing what to do. She has 7 exams, but she doesn't have the time to study, she was missed up. before the exam started, she studied all day, and because of pressure, she went to the bathroom at night to cry, she was nervous a lot that she does'nt know what to do. Now it is exams day, and sophie is nervous while praying for god to make her life easygoing and make her exam easy and understandable. but unfornutely, the exam was hard enough to make sophie cry right after the exam she knew that she messed up and she was scared of the other exam to be as hard as this one. luckily all the exam she encounterd was easy until the last exam which was math, sophie loves math but at that mommnt she never felt that much hatred toward it before she lost interest in math, she wanted math to disappear she wished the school to be burned she had full of hatred wishes toward the school. Today is Math exam the most hated subject among students, sophie was nervous as hell she just wanted to go home, student enters the exam while sopohie entering as well, the teacher sets the timer as 1:30 hour student starts the exam some of them start crying because they don't know anything till now the exam was doing fine for sophie while time were running girls were finishing and someof them was crying cause they did'nt solve anything, sophie reaches the end of the exam where the qeustion with highest marks is, sophie start to have difficulties with the exam she could'nt solve some qeustion because she didnt practice enough for the exam she regreted the time whereshe did'nt study she felt sad and about to burst from tears exam time finishes and its time for submition, sophie submited the exam and ran to the bas so she can go home as soon as possible she did'nt want to reveiw the answer with the teacher she doesnt feel good about what she did in the exam. sophie went home while her mother was waiting for her respond she asked how did she do in the exam, sophie said that she did good and no need for worries, sophie did'nt want to tell her motherthe truth cause she did'nt want her to be disappointed as she wanted to forget the idea of transferring to another and start focusing on studying again. Spring break starts and everyone was happy sophie forgot abou the exams and the idea of transferring as she told her friends from the other school that she won't change school and she will work hard to make her mother proud of her, sophie enjoy her break with her family and meeting with her firends online, she was happy that she forgot what gonna happen to her after school starts. break was near to it end as sophie's mother was asking her if her daughter report is out or still, sophie remembers what happens in the first semister and was scared of the report card to come out. School starts with the sedcond semister, sophie has a new goal of becoming the person she used to be but changing bad habit was hard for her, she started to focus in class and get a hundred in qiuz and assignment, her mother was proud and grateful for god that her duaghter is back to how she was. week of announcing the results is near, sophie was scared as hell from her mom, not from her mom anger but from her mom disappointment she does'nt want her mother to look at her that starte of disappointment, but unfortuntely.....