
Wanna be a superman?

"Oh..I'm so full.."Kenji rubbing his stomach

"let's burn this fats noona! let's go to the bar.. just bar hopping..no drinking.."

"haha..from now on I will drink less " Yillan swearing with her hands

"not quit!.. just less?" teasing her

"it's a less..I can't quit we have more drinking meetings coming.."

"hahaha I really like your reasoning noona.." laughing

"I'm sorry dongsaeng I can't go today I have to be back home, Eldest brother were arriving 9pm tonight, I had to be there to greet him"

"what is he a royal prince? being sarcastic, he knows all about Yillan dramatic life.

"Yillan just stares at him with discontented look"

and he knows that look saying don't continue or else..

"ok..I get it! but let me take you home noona my ways of saying sorry" please..again blinking eyes

knock.. knock.. Louie at the door.. Zai office

"you want to drink? it's time to go" invited Zai

" you go first I have some documents to finish and I don't want to drink, I'll go straight home" is that answer your question?

"ok as you order master, I know you would say that" I'll go first..I have a date.. smiling at him with a motive

"just go" cold deep voice , Louie quickly leave before he Frost

Good evening sir..the guards greet him as he entered Empire Tower building.. arriving at his floor he went straight to his room ,change clothes get a drink and went to his own 100 meters indoor swimming pool,he specifically designed it,

swimming is an Energizers to him .. although he didn't pursue his dream to be a swimmer he didn't quit swimming..he still maintain that atlethic body, he dive in and free himself at the water

lying while floating he still can't get over that night

he can't believe he lost control in just simple kiss and to a girl who just dreaming while kissing him back, the feeling still linger over him.

for the past 4 years he didn't into dating..he just meet a few ladies with the recommendation of his mother..she always introduce him to her circle of friends daughters,

he agreed to it but only ends with one date no next.

but with just Yillan unexpected appearance he lost all his 4 years of cultivated control.

he keeps swimming until he was tired only then he can close his eyes to sleep coz it may last a week his sleepless nights..

Louie is late.. running towards the elevator before it closes.. inside he catches his breath didn't notice a lady beside him.

"your still the same old man, always catching your breath in any way" the lady beside him commented

he was surprised to hear the voice and more shocked to see who it is ..it was Anni Li one of the best private agents of Lee Empire Security Office one of Zai trusted aid in his secret and confidential missions. but what's is she doing here?? a curiosity in his thoughts..

"wow! who have we got here..the lady tiger of LESO

you still as stiff as usual nothing's changed" his back comments

one eyebrows up ( Anni) just emotionless faced

hmm!.. Louie looked sideways

elevator open..Anni just walk straight without looking at him.

"what an old maid.." Louie thought as he looked Anni's back..he go straight to his office

"good morning sir" Anni bowing to Zai

"no need to be formal Ms Li just sit" Zai telling her

"here's the things you want, all the details are there" handing him a folder

Zai open and read each page

"And here the proposal that you instructed to make fo the actions to be taken in that information" Anni handed another folder

"You can go now Ms Li" he ordered

"then I'll get going Sir" Anni bowed and left the room

A curious Louie imediately went to Zai office as he saw Anni left, before he enter he tighten his tie and swipe his suit..

Why is Ms Li here? casually asking

"Wanna be a Superman?"

Zai with two hands interwhined and elbow on the table, smiling at him devilishly..

"what do you mean" Louie's excited

" here take a look" handed a folder

"what!?? this is?" looking at Zai

"yes the one you hate bullying ladies" I'll leave it to you, just follow the plot, handle it quietly and quickly"

"Yes Captain .. right away!! (hand salute) "Justice will prevail' hahaha..

Louie like flash disappeared from his office

taking action..left in the room Zai continue tapping on keyboard.


opening her eyes..she sees two blue eyes staring at her it was Zai..they stare each other for seems a long time, then Zai face slowly closer to hers then she feels his lips tiuches hers it's like marshmallows so sweet and soft ,then a gap of air and she wants to taste it more she put her hands in his neck and pulled her closer to her as the kissed deepen she felt Zai hands were roaming around her body from back to her waist and slowly unbuttoned her shirt ,she feels his warm hands cupping her hidden hills..she can't help but moaned with pleasure then

BOOOG!! ... Ouch..that hurts!!! oh my waist... ouch!!

it was a dream?..and of all Zai..but it feels like it was real.. rubbing her heart..Oh No! . shaking her heads

stopped it "mind"..then her cheek became red without her knowing..I AM awake slapped her face..

Yil what are you doing? Rose at her door looked confused


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