
Alpha Xavier's Dungeon

A saint pup in the open and a whore in his prison. When Alisha Michaelson registered for a session in her Alpha's lair, she had no idea what she was getting herself into. Her hopes were for a little chain and whip play, but after the intense night, she yearned for more. She started to want to be imprisoned inside the stone walls, stripped, and taken until her soul was completely gone. Her cravings took a dark, cruel turn.  But she could only obtain so much before she was forced to go to hell.

DaoisthlETPL · Fantasía
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9 Chs


I removed the lipstick stain from my lips by rubbing the back of my palm over them, and I then flicked my finger under my eyelids. I would be dead if anybody found out what happened in the lavatory of the school where I was attending class. I pulled a few strands of my hair back from my face and pulled it tightly into a ponytail.

The Alpha watched me dress myself up and stated, "You should enter the tournament," as he stood behind me. "Having a high pain threshold might be advantageous in the game. Wouldn't want to see such a priceless victim decline to enlist.

My whole body began to tremble once again. Uh. "Oh, wow." I whirled around while mumbling. Did the Alpha personally invite me to participate in the competition? It was the first time I had ever heard someone express appreciation for me, although obviously not in the right way. 

He stopped leaning over the counter and sprang forward. Saying "Goodbye, Alisha." As his eyes met mine, I forced a firm swallow.


I'll run into you around.

I gasped as The Alpha turned and went out the door. I stopped feeling overheated and agitated when the vibe in the room changed.

One or two?

I had no clue how many orgasms I experienced as a result of him flogging me in a short period of time. I shook my head, a grin spread over my face, and my cheeks started to flush. I grabbed my purse and exited the bathroom, looking down at the floor and avoiding thinking about what had transpired.

I made a big stride forward and ran into the kid I had assumed had long since vanished.

I exhaled slowly and said, "Lucas?"

"Alisha. Good or bad? He inquired, maintaining his lofty posture in front of my little physique.

I suddenly felt afraid. Did he catch me? How long did he stay here? Was he expecting me? Fuck. I just could not imagine.

"I—I'm good. What's up? It's been a while. I tried to appear composed. I suddenly came to life again and momentarily forgot everything that had transpired. 

"I'm OK. I was simply roaming around—"

Oh, you're back, right? I rudely interrupted him. "To the school, I mean? The town, too? I had to maintain my composure. Lucas was oblivious to everything, and it was obvious. There was no need to be alarmed.

Yes, I arrived yesterday night.

I just arrived.

Observe, Alisha. I reprimanded myself.

"Last evening?"


All I remembered from last night was that I was engulfed in a nightmare and Lucas' abrupt appearance started to raise some red flags. The writings and dreams did begin two days earlier, and he had just arrived in town.

Not him, obviously.

He exhaled, his toned chest rising. "Yeah," I'll return to school the following day. Although it was challenging, they were able to accept me into sixth form.

Oh, that's great. While listening to him, I tightened the leather strand of my bag. I hadn't seen him in a few months, and when he showed up, those memories resurfaced.


After clearing my throat, I came to a conclusion. Well, I do hope you enjoy yourselves here. I'll run into you around. What did I do?

"You, too, Alisha."

I felt a bit, or a lot, anxious as I passed by Lucas. Even though those days were difficult, I had recovered from our disastrous split and I had decided never to date him again since I knew it would be hurtful for both of us because we weren't a good match.

"Alisha?" I stood still on my stairs while he took my name.

I cocked my head to the side and said, "Yeah?"

"Are you competing in the event?"

My inside cheeks were nibbled. "Maybe."

He nodded, and I left again—this time permanently. After knowing me for a year, Lucas and I became friends before dating. We both participated in the event last year and although I was upset, he persisted and finished in second place.

The question, "Where were you?" Hannah gave me a shoulder tap before interacting with me.

Is the meeting finished?

She spat out, "It was over a century ago. Was sex taking place in the lavatory, or what?



"No," I yelled while shaking my head.


I was only preoccupied with Lucas. I came upon him nearby, and we briefly talked. The best defense I could provide was this.

I was unable to inform Hannah about it. What if she even thought about me? And if I revealed the identities of my pals, the others would find out as well, and I didn't want anybody to suspect that I was the Alpha's whore.

What transpired between Lucas and you, then? While we were moving through the school's corridors, she poked her elbow into my stomach and said, her cat eyes full of interest.

In sixth form, the only things we had to do were consistently turn in homework and show up for assessments. We had a small class with only a few students. The rest of the time, we were either at a coffee shop or a library.

"Nothing. We talked, and that's all there is to say. I made an effort to have no interest in Lucas' visit.

Hannah gave me a brief mhm before halting in the center of a group of people who were signing up for the tournament by putting their names down.

"Ew. You won't even get through the preliminary stage. Hannah stated to a different form of participant.

"Like you will," Zara said in reply.

We shall see, my pal sneered. She handed it to me after grabbing a paper from the box and a pen from the back of her trousers. Please "sign up."

"What?" My eyes became wider. "No, no, I haven't given it much thought yet." I honestly didn't, either. I required five business days to consider any significant issues before making a choice that weighed the task's benefits and drawbacks.

You're not required to. Simply provide your name, and I'll do the same. Hannah recorded hers and completed her form. When she turned to face me after I had been staring at her in confusion, she said, "It's just for fun, Alisha."

Yes, Alisha, it's only for entertainment.

"Pisses off, Jeff." He moved away from me as soon as I rolled my eyes at him and slammed my elbow into his stomach as he drew nearer. "One day, baby, one day," I told him, "keep dreaming that you'll ever get in between my legs." Before rushing away with his pals, he grinned cruelly.

"Jeff, ugh." I choked and hunched over the table to sign the paperwork. I had to follow Hannah's instructions if I wanted to escape this disgusting mob.

Why not just inform him that you are asexual? Hannah enquired as she left the gathering.

I approached her from behind, saying, "Mhm, maybe because he doesn't care."

One of the males at the school who wouldn't quit pursuing me was Jeff. He stopped during the little while I was seeing him, but soon after we broke up, he started up again.

The question "Are you?"

My face twisted, "No, Hannah, I just got fucked, and I'm pretty much very sexual."

"What? Wait.

I took her by the arm and ushered her inside our class. "Nothing, not a thing at all." The craziness in our school made me groan. When will I ever be able to leave?