

"It's a nice day to die." While you lie down staring at the sky, it appears that all eyes on the planet are just on you. I closed my eyes and awaited death... "Huh?" A new life has begun. The 42-year-long black society has come to an end. In this life, I shall undoubtedly live the most magnificent existence with the greatest power in the deepest depths of the night. this is a translation of a famous novel

Arnnok · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Mr. Giyeon Dolby (4)

"I'd want to observe and learn from my brother's gathering abilities." We also brought a worm from our branch with a bright future."

Jang Baek-dong, who had been training under Do Tong-dal, accompanied Gwang Hae-bong.

I had a wart on my left lip that was large enough to cover my nostril.

Jang Baek-dong gave Wangchil a nod.

"It's called Jangbaek-dong, and it's good to see you."

Wangchil inquired, his gaze drawn to the wart under Jangbaekdong's nostril.

"Are you having difficulty breathing?"

"Divination... it's fine."

Jang Baek Dong was touched on the shoulder by Do Tong Dal.

"How are you doing?"

"huh? Yes."

Gwanghaebong inquired.

"Who or what are you?"

Wang Chil responded rather than Do Tong Dal.

"A novice with bright prospects."

"oh! Isn't it the student who boasted about how well he organised the ledgers? "

Do Tong-ledger dal's became a big subject at the headquarters due to its lovely handwriting and precise computations.

"There are numerous abilities in many areas."

"When my brother retires, I want to bring him with me." If you just have one hand, no matter how big you are, you should resign."

Gwanghaebong addressed Dotongdal.

"Isn't it preferable for you to come to our branch than to the Gwanghwa-ro rubbish dump?"


"Do you dislike it?"


Gwanghaebong's brow furrowed.


"My eldest brother only leaves Gwanghwa-ro Haeso when he is promoted to a high position."

"This infant is talking... … ! "

Wangchil prevented Gwanghaebong's lift of his hand.

"This is my child. Don't even think of touching it."

"You do piri-ri in groups." I carried an axe with a keen edge for reference. Take it out, youngest."

Jang Baek-dong drew the hatchet from his waist, hesitantly. It was a well-bladed single-edged hatchet with a single edge.

"Should we then go and collect the debt?"


As he spotted Gwanghaebong, a member from the Baekdong branch who was protecting the elderly man's residence nodded.

"Has the elderly man arrived?"


"I'm feeding the cubs in the yard," she says.

"That jerk just gets a few pence."

When I entered through the wooden door that appeared to be about to fall off at any minute, I noticed an old guy sitting on his back and cradling a baby.

The old man, with his low stature and thin frame, was as unsightly as the home itself.

The old man's wife sold this property with three rooms for 50 pyeong six months ago and fled.

Unaware of this, the Baekdong branch gladly lent the gold old man a big sum of 15 nyang.

When they walked in, an elderly guy with scars on his face looked at them.

"Do you count days? I'm broke."

Gwanghaebong burst out laughing.

"Heh heh...know, they are the fresh players who will be facing the gold old guy today."

Gwang Hae-bong directed his finger towards Do Tong-dal and the others.

"These guys can certainly collect 15 nyang from the elderly man?" "Of course, I don't have any money, but if it comes out, I'll be extremely disappointed since it hurts my face."

There was also overt pressure not to contribute money; for Gwanghaebong, even if he took 15 nyang off, he could bring in the Cheonsangru's interests of Gwanghwa-ro Haesaso, so it was a profitable business.

Wang Chil, who had previously collected money due to his stern look, attempted to take a step forward, but the full moon was swift.

"What happened to your old son?"

"My son? I'm not sure; he's been missing for a month."

Gwanghaebong explained.

"The cretin knew sparks would fly at him, so he pulled it out."

"They said he was a dutiful son... I can't believe the reports, but to let the debtor's child flee like that, aren't you inept?"

Do Tong-dal murmured a glance about the home before proceeding to the main hall.

"I heard you wasted all of your money gambling?" I heard that the loaned funds were likewise lost in the Southwest gambling establishment. Fly it above our location if at all feasible."

The golden old man continued to tease the infant and responded.

"Did you come here to salt?" Beat them first, just like the rest of them. Get go of your meaningless old existence."

"How do you beat an elderly person who isn't a nursing home child?"


'Gaehoro's son,' Wangchil remarked to Gwang Hae-bong. Do Tong-dal, who had gone up to the main hall, came to a halt in front of the altar.

Altars to Gwanunjang were widespread in every home. Do Tongdal took a half-burned incense stick from the incense burner.

"Did I tell you I'm a god, Baekdong-ah?"


When Jang Baek-name dong's was abruptly announced, he was surprised.

'What is that jerk doing to me?


I didn't say anything during my ten days at the training facility.

"Did you do that?"

"Don't be too concerned; my elder sister, who departed two years ago, will return shortly."

Jang Baek-dong was taken aback.

"How do you know my sister has fled? I never mentioned anything about it."

"I told you I was amazed."

Gwanghaebong explained.

"Who must have heard it, shining bitch?"

Even if you think about common sense, Jang Baek-dong nodded and agreed with Gwang Hae-statements. bong's

Do Tong-dal gave Gwang Hae-bong a kind grin.

"Why did I suddenly bring up Shingi... yo. this?"

"Are you insane?"


"You'll recognise it when you see it... yo. this."

Do Tong-dal strode around the hall, holding the incense stick in both hands.

"Let's look... I think there's something here... … ."

The grey eyes of the elderly guy, who had no regrets in life, trembled frantically. Dotongdal's hand trembled as he held the incense.

"It's here, it's here!" Uh yeah! You are abusing the god of riches for your own gain! They will suffer the consequences! "

Dotongdal suddenly began smashing the altar. Gwanghaebong stared at Dotongdal, puzzled.

"That man is really insane."

Anybody would have thought it was insane.

"Stop! What exactly is this?"

Wangchil apprehended the elderly guy fleeing.

"Stand firm!"

I'm not sure what it is, but Dotongdal's behaviour must have a cause.


A stairway going down to the basement arose when Do Tong-dal raised part of the daecheong at the bottom of the damaged altar.

Do Tong Dal smiled at the elderly gentleman.

"Gwanjaesin appears to have properly told us, but what did our old man in gold hide in this secret place?"

"There isn't anything!" Hey! There is no such thing! "

Wangchil's grasp on the struggling golden old guy was too strong.

"Because there's nothing there, may I go in?"

The individual who went down to the basement was alone when he returned, but there were two persons there.

Geum Sang-jin, the son of old man Geum, was pulled out by Do Tong-hand. dal's

Gwanghaebong was taken aback.

"Why is the person who fled a month ago here?"

Geum Sang-jin shook and yelled for his father.

"Don't worry, Sangjin-ah; the rules of the land are tough, but they won't hurt us."

The full moon was on its way out.

"You misinterpreted the elderly man's age; haven't you heard the expression "fist over law"? Should we call it an axe instead of a law in this instance, Baekdong?"

Jang Baek-dong, quick-witted, swiftly gave up the hatchet as Do Tong-dal extended his hand, and as a result, he was hit in the back of the head by Gwang Hae-bong.

"I'd like it if you could give me 15 pieces right now..."...

The golden old guy who caught Dotongdal's eyes yelled.

"You guys! Because I don't have any money! Aren't you terrified of the country's laws?"

"The minute the old guy borrowed our money, we became the law that we were the country of the old man; if you breach the law, you should be punished, but in a country dominated by the Red Tiger Society, there is a system of guilt-by-association."

Do Tong-dal took Geum Sang-right jin's wrist and tossed it to the ground.

"Straighten your fingers if you don't want your wrist to fly."

Geum Sang-fingers jin's trembled in response to Do Tong-whisper, dal's and Dotongdal's hatchet fell without warning.


Sangjin Geum screamed in agony at the pain of his little finger coming off.

Geum Sang-jin, the tiny, was unable to endure the fierce Dotongdal's force and was shaking on the spot.

"It's only the beginning, so don't panic. Thumbs up next. Without the pinky finger, picking up the nose would be troublesome, but without the thumb, snorting would be tough. it's alright, it's okay Once I cut off all your fingers and toes, I'll chop off that X too."

The old man's wail could be heard as the hatchet was raised.

"I'll give you! money! I'll give you cash! "

"I must have heard the elderly man hand me money 100 times." It's pointless to keep talking about it for a hundred days; money must arrive before my eyes. The axe is hefty, therefore it appears that it will fall shortly."

The hatchet dropped to the ground and came to a halt.

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute!"

The old guy burst into the room, carrying a leather sack.

"Here's your money!"


The bag tossed by the old guy lands in front of Dotongdal and makes a clicking sound.

"little brother."

Wang Chil hurriedly checked the contents of his pocket in response to Do Tong Dal's request.

"That's right. Fifteen hermits."

Geum Sang-jin seized Do Tong-wrist dal's and threw him to the side when he let go of it.

"These scumbags aren't even worth it!"

Do Tong-dal spoke to the elderly guy who was hugging Geum Sang-jin.

"What should we name the golden old guy who reduced us to the status of beasts?"

Do Tong-dal, who had returned the hatchet with the words, 'Well written,' turned to Wang Chil.

"Doesn't Cheonsangru now belong entirely to us?"

"Heh heh...of course, I left a paper like this."

Do Tong Da stated when Wang Chil opened the document.

"I heard it backwards, brother."

"Is it... okay?" What do you think? Apart from you, I'm almost blind. hehehe... … ."

"This... This is invalid!"

'This is invalid! Invalid!' screamed Gwanghaebong five times in a row.

Wangchil inquired.

"It's not just a mere promise; you even stamped your finger on the document." Are you suggesting you'll insist on it? "

"It's a violation of the rules! Foul!"

"What's the matter?"


Gwang Hae-bong increased his voice when he hesitated.

"You wrote a book!" It is not something you should use! "

"What sort of stupid gibberish is that?" You must insist on sobbing! "

Gwang Hae-bong added another rationale, as though he didn't think it made sense.

"my... You used my axe! Pay me the use price!"

The degree of nonsense was astounding.

"What age are you?"

"thirty... obese."

"All grown up, Sir X! If you're an adult, behave like an adult! Or go about nursing your mother!"

Gwang Hae-bong, who didn't have anything to say, merely reddened and spit the words between his teeth.

"Do you believe you can correctly carry wine and women to Cheonsangru? How about the Haeranghoe, which desires Cheonsangru? Brother, excessive greed that exceeds your abilities is the law that calls for fury; I'll close my eyes and pretend this didn't happen."

Wang Chil exhaled a deep breath.

"I used to be someone who wanted to live long and thin, but this time I had to make it thicker." "Get off the Cheonsangru, you scumbag."

"You appear to be rejecting Kwonju and attempting to consume punishment wine."

"Have a drink and discuss it."

Gwanghaebong's attention was drawn to Dotongdal.

"You bastard, you're utterly smitten with me..."

Gwanghaebong's comments were cut short by Do Tongdal.

"oh, a ghost on the left shoulder?"


Gwang Hae-bong, surprised, shrugged his shoulders and took a side stride.

"ah! "It had to be Paris."

"you... Let us see you bastard!"

Wang Chil made a foolish jest to Gwang Hae-bong as he was exiting the gate, saying, 'If you have the strength, hold it up and watch it,' and chuckled.

When Wang Chil saw the father and son still hugging, he told Kang Busong to summon a doctor.

"Clean up here and take your time; I'll master it and go first."

Wang Chil sung Do Tong Dal as I exited the residential area's lane and joined the main roadway.

"Master, are you truly... Excited?"



"How else could he have known the elderly man's son was hidden in a secret cellar?"


"When I walked, I realised there was an empty area on the main hall floor, right?"

Of course, this is a falsehood.

"huh? Did you sense it? "

"Well, I have a sense. It's odd that the son of an older gold man abandoned his father and fled while he was a famed filial piety."

"How come you're hiding in the basement?"

"If you stay with the old man, the Baekdong branch would attack you, and even if you tried to flee with the money, there would be no time."

"So the son hid, and the father suffered since he didn't have any money?"

"Both would have sought to flee when they spotted the opportunity; fifteen hermits is enough money to start over someplace."

That was the entire account of an occurrence that occurred in Do Tong-prior dal's life.

"So you don't believe in gods?"