

"It's a nice day to die." While you lie down staring at the sky, it appears that all eyes on the planet are just on you. I closed my eyes and awaited death... "Huh?" A new life has begun. The 42-year-long black society has come to an end. In this life, I shall undoubtedly live the most magnificent existence with the greatest power in the deepest depths of the night. this is a translation of a famous novel

Arnnok · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Giyeon is unbeatable (1)

It had snowed the night before.

that buck! once more! that buck! once more!

There were lengthy tracks in the snow that had just begun to collect, one in the shape of a shoe and the other in dots.

Do Tong-dal, a single person with several footprints, strolled slowly along the street with the lights turned out.

"ha-! ha-!"

It was a frigid night, with white steam blowing away like ice, yet Dotongdal was unaffected.

It was due to his inebriation and the heavy cloak of regret he was wearing. That is how it is now.

The regretful recollections of the last 60 years emerged like frogs bursting through ice.

If I hadn't gone to the fixer's office at the moment, if I hadn't gone to jail instead of Jo Pyeong-sang, if I hadn't been sentenced to military duty, my legs would have been beneath my knees instead of wooden sticks.

that buck! once more! that buck! once more!

'I also had a chance to save Wangchil.'

A survivor of Dosan Geomrim's evil society for forty years. He was the only one who welcomed Dal back after he had recovered from a leg injury.

Dotongdal was the cause of Wangchil's death. He was stabbed because he was hated for overcrowding.

Remorse for what he hadn't done and regret for what he had done heaped up in his heart like the snow that was now falling.

Know. What is your greatest regret in life?

'I should've gotten it back then. Jang Jeongbaek should have gotten it, not me.'

At Hangzhou, the heavenly spot on Earth, there was undoubtedly a possibility to live like an emperor.

It was Do Tong-share dal's on that day, at that moment, if he had taken that way instead of Jang Jeong-baek.

It's a pointless regret.

Sereuk, jabak. Sereuk, jabak.

The woodcarving was swept to the ground when the knee was half bent. I had a long distance to go, but my legs weren't strong enough to support my weight.

There was nothing that I couldn't do. He once crawled 10 li on the battlefield, dragging his intestines, where he fought in the conflict after being condemned to military duty.

There was a will to survive that was hotter than the barbarians' burning heat at the moment. That was absolutely the case back then.

He was captivated by the prospect of escaping the endless existence of a worm-like mobster and having a magnificent life like the emperor.

'I should have perished there,' she says. He should not have abandoned his legs on the battlefield, but rather his life.'

Do Tong-dal had spent his entire life trying to escape out of the location like a bug.


He walked on a woodcarving, which slid and rolled on the floor. Do Tong-dal, who had tried to rise up reflexively, stopped moving.

You must crawl like a beetle today if you want to live here. I just wanted to put an end to this horrible existence.

When I laid down staring at the sky, it seemed like all the eyes in the world were on me.

"It's a lovely day to die."

* * *

I'm not sure, but I believe I was struck in the back of the head. Dotongdal, on the other hand, came to his senses as a result of this.

"You cretin has been napping at the workplace from the first day!"

My head stung from the grating noise.

"You cretin! Don't forget to come to your senses!"

Do Tongdal shook his head. I thought I saw his expanding lower belly in his wide face, which couldn't be covered even with four palms.

'What am I doing?'

Buried in the snow, he awaited death and was certain he would perish. He had been in suffering his entire life, yet he believed he had been blessed with an easy death.

Yet I awoke alive in an unfamiliar location, neither the afterlife nor the clinic.

"My elder brother is on his way, so hurry up and tidy!"

Do Tong-dal unintentionally caught the broom thrown by his broad face.

'Hey! You don't have any parents!' She would have yelled if it hadn't been for her own right leg, which she noticed since her broomstick was absent.


That wasn't just a plain piece of woodcarving. It was unquestionably a good leg. That was the appearance, and that was how the floor felt as I lifted my foot and rolled.

It wasn't only that the limb was OK. Her hand, which she put out to grasp the broomstick, was smooth and wrinkle-free, like that of a teenager.

"Look at you, you're flabbergasted!" Do you want to be beaten to a pulp with that broom?"

I instantly remembered the man with the broad face's name.

'Island of Jopyong!'

It had been a long time, but the memory came back immediately since he was the one who had treated him particularly poorly.

'How come Jo Pyeong-do has such expression? It's just like the first time we met...'

Thinking so far ahead, Do Tong-dal dashed in front of the office mirror.

His visage appeared young when reflected in the low-quality mirror. He was beyond his years. Maybe late adolescence?

Dotongdal bit his cheek. The sensation in his hand was twisted and terrible as well.

'Is this for real?'

He could see Jo Pyeong-do looking at him via the mirror. The moon questioned, turning his head.

"Are you a genuine photonic Jopyungdo?"

It was Jopyungdo's nickname, which was formed by shortening the bastard of Gwanghwaro. Of course, Jo Pyeong-do despises the moniker.

"What... what? This jerk convinced me to murder him today!"

That didn't fit at all. Yet she was hit hard enough. Her face was swelled, and she had bruises all over her body, but she didn't seem to mind.

If I didn't wake up after being hit like this, it was obvious that it wasn't a dream. Do Tong-dal had returned at the age of eighteen.


Jo Pyeong-do was going to pick up the fallen broom and offer it to Do Tong-dal when he was frightened and backed away.

"This bastard, now that I see him, is a genuine lunatic."

"Senior, please hand me that broom."

I was worried looking at Dotongdal, who was beaming brilliantly with a bloated face.

"Hello, here...."

Do Tong-dal, the broom's recipient, cleaned up while singing. I cleaned as if it were the most pleasurable thing in the world.

Dotongdal even cleaned the office and washed the cloth.

'This is a gift from a gentleman named God who was sorry for my misfortune!'

As Do Tong-dal had finished cleaning, the door opened and a guy walked in.

"Oh oh! "How come the workplace is so clean?"

A big-eyed guy with a bulbous nose and a shaggy beard. The man who was prepared to function as Da Tong Dal's older brother and father and was stabbed to death as a result.

It reigns supreme.

"Younger brother-!"

Do Tong Dal rushed forward and hugged Wang Chil. It smelt like Wangchil's distinct alcohol-soaked aroma, yet even it was pleasant.

Wang Chil stared at Do Tong Dal, his cheek rubbed on his shoulder, puzzled.

"Who or what are you?"

"That command. "There's a full moon!"

I couldn't identify him because it was the first time we met, so even though he must have thought I was insane, I didn't want our joyous reunion to go unnoticed.

"If you don't want to go to the clinic where only insane people congregate, leave right now."


Do Tong-dal quickly retreated, but his smile did not fade.

"What's the matter with your face?"

Cho Pyeong-do explained.

"As you can see, he appeared a little out of his mind, so I educated him."

"You are not a teacher." It's not that he's returned; rather, he appears to have fled from home."

"Did you come alone, elder brother, or with Wang-soo and the other new recruits?"

"I'll be right back."

Wangchil waived his hand towards Dotongdal as he was going to walk to his desk.

"You must keep a minimum of five feet away from me."

"Wouldn't it suffice for only one character?"

"Do you think you're going to break your leg?"

Because of Wangchil, I didn't want to become a leg fool. Wang Chil didn't come across his office until the full moon hit the wall and sat down on a chair.

Wang Chil inquired, looking at the ledger on the desk.

"Have you completed the book organisation?"

Jo Pyong-do moaned.

"How simple is that?" The following two trials will have to be sacrificed."

Seo Wang-soo, deputy director of the Gwanghwa-ro Maritime Office, and Kang Bu-song, Do Tong-motive, dal's arrived at the same moment.

To Do Tong-dal, Seo Wang-soo, then 25, was remembered as a nice person, but Kang Bu-song, then 18, was recalled as a fool.

"The temperature is rising."

Seo Wang-soo was wiping sweat from his brow with a cloth when Wang-chil inquired.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

"Sunghwan urged me to fix it as soon as possible... Eh-! To be honest, I'm not sure I can do it."

When Seo Wang-soo saw Do Tong-dal, he asked, 'What's wrong with your face?' 'I taught him to educate him,' Jo Pyeong-do enthusiastically said.

"Bastard, who arrived barely two months ago."

"Where is the scorching sun today?"

"You have to crawl in front of me if you think about it."

Wangchil inquired, just in case.

"Greetings, two newbies. "Do any of you know how to write letters?"

Gu-hal would not have been able to crack even a hundred characters out of the 1,000 characters among those who desired to become a knave. The number of thugs that smashed the Thousand Character Gates could be counted on one hand among the remaining assignments.

A knave who knows how to read goes to the branch or headquarters but not to the marine office.

"I know."

Do Tong Dal was the one who responded quickly.

"Aside from three, how many letters are there in your name?"

"I'm not sure."

Jo Pyeong-do has been misinterpreted. Do Tong-statement dal's about not knowing.

"You claim you know, then you say you don't know?" I fell asleep after calmly telling a falsehood that would shortly be uncovered. "Do you have a carp?"

"That indicates I have no idea how many characters there are since I know a lot... yo. this."

"what? A X-sized scoundrel has gnawed his teeth and fallen asleep. How many characters are there in total? I'll be a hundred characters for reference."

Do Tong-dal was fully aware that Jo Pyeong-do understood just around 50 of the Thousand Character Classics.

"I've already studied the Thousand Character Classics as well as the Three Classics."

Wangchil, who was ready to smoke a rolled cigarette, looked shocked at Dotongdal.

"You mentioned opening the Thousand Character Gate?" What are you purchasing?... I believe I heard about it someplace. "Isn't that a challenging book?"

That was challenging. Wangchil advised ghostwriting to Do Tong-dal, who returned with a damaged leg. His duties included writing someone else's dictated letter or organising the merchant's books.

Do Tong-dal, who couldn't read the Thousand-Character Text, was forced to begin learning. He didn't have an option but to work.

Do Tong-dal knows practically every letter after studying to live and die and ghostwriting for more than 10 years.

Jo Pyeong-do became agitated.

"How is this cretin cleaning his teeth?" "Can you tell me what the Three Classics are?"

"Saseo refers to Confucianism's foundational texts, such as Daehak, Jungyong, The Analects, and Mencius, while the Three Classics refers to the Book of Poetry, Seogyeong, and the Book of Changes."

"Well, that's where I heard it. "Are you able to read it?"

"You can write as well."

"Baby! I have to say something sensible! Why would someone like that visit Gwanghwa-ro Hae-sa-so?"

Jo Pyeong-do was struck in the back of the head by Seo Wang-su.

"How is Gwanghwa-ro Haeso, Bastard?"

"no… … That isn't..."

"I'm not cursing you for putting Jago in your rice bowl."

"Oh, yes. I'm astounded by that cretin's falsehoods..."

Wang Chil cut Jo Pyong Do off.

"I am the youngest." "What was your name again?"

"I warned you earlier. "It's the full moon."

"Yes, sir." "Do you have any experience organising books?"

"I learnt something."

"How did you find out?"

Jo Pyeong-do went out for nothing, only to be smacked in the back of the head again by Seo Wang-soo.

"Baby! "What's the deal with you today?"

Jo Pyeong-do is agitated as his uniqueness approaches extinction.

Wangchil indicated the ledger on his desk.

"Then give it a go. Pyeongdo taught me how to do it as well."

"It's OK. "I can do it on my own."

The bookkeeping was what made it tedious. The scent of Jo Pyeong-ink do's lingered because he put off what he needed to accomplish.

"Such a jerk!" Do you realise that our accounting system is as easy as selling a stall? Are you really going to entrust it to him, Big Brother? I'm not sure what will happen if you mess it up. You are aware that the ledger must be sent to headquarters by today, correct?"

Basic ledgers are distributed to branch offices every five days, while monthly ledgers, which are settled once a month, are forwarded straight to the headquarters.

When money is involved, if the records are not kept properly, serious reprimands will be issued.

Wangchil paused, but Do Tongdal spoke forward.

"I will accept responsibility if something goes wrong."