
All I could ever want in DC

A weak boy wants nothing more then strength even if he is powerful all he wants is to show others there place below him. Cover not mine I can take it down and I own nothing but my oc

Armoti_Nelson · Derivados de juegos
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19 Chs


Chapter 1 :

"Hhhaaaaa" was the first thing that came out of my mouth as confusion and a massive headache assaulted my mind. "Hmmm...." I said as I slowly calmed myself. I look down at my hands that were was larger then a human and covered in blackish sliver faded armor.

"Well I'll be Damned it actually worked" I said to myself. As I thought 'so whatever that being was told the truth'. I look over at the huge axe next to me and the armor I would say one of my wishes was granted.

{imagine here}


My name is Luke I won't go in to detail about my life or that I was a great person. I did what most people my age did which was to play games and watch anime/comics. I was bad nor god and I didn't die from our lord and savior truck-sama. As a child I always had a weak heart and body but I pushed myself to the limit trying to become stronger. So I could live my life how I wanted no one helped no one stopped to show me the way. Even my parents my father to be exact my mother died giving birth to me and my father was there until he saw how frail I was and couldn't cover up that look in he's eyes like he blamed me for my mother's death. But that's another story all together but non of that matters now. After growing up I spend a lot of time gaming and watching dc movies and reading there comics.

One day after coming home from a run I did every day to try and help my weak body I felt dizzy and my heart felt pain I never thought possible. 'What is happening to me' I thought to myself as I walked in the door and tried to get a glass of water. The pain kept increasing and I dropped to my knees. 'Haa...having a heart attack at 25...what a way to go out I guess pushing myself finally caught up to me'i thought as my vision started to blur.

"Haha your a pitiful one aren't you" -???? Said a deep voice that Echoed in my mind as my world finally went black. I thought as i heard the voice speak again "haha that was pretty pathetic and I've seen much In my time" -???? Said someone but the voice sounded like many people talking at once. "Are you g.." I was about to say before I was cut off. " before you ask if I'm god or some being that picked you out of all the better people or I accidentally killed you I'll tell you I did not" -???? The voices said. "And I am no god well not that you would understand". I listened and then said " so why bring a pathetic person here" I said with a hint of self-mockery with a smug smile atleast I think I was smiling.

"No reason I watched you pass away alone no family no women just a lonely guy who loved dark souls and dc so let's cut the bullshit pathetic one say 3 wishes and a world". 'What the fuck' I thought to myself didn't this guy just say I was pathetic. But it spoke "I have no Time for this you said you wish for strength if you want I can give you what you longed for in your past life or you can go meet ROB or whatever you people call that weakling". I could hear in its voices that it was getting irritated so just asked to make sure I heard it right. "So 3 wishes and a world you say?" The voices said yes. With out very much thought I said "I wish for immense physical strength endurance and speed far more then darkseid and superman with high martial arts and weapon skills " " my second wish I want to have the dragon slaying armor and axe with a ethereal body I can change at will and if the armor and axe could be made out of some of the strongest metals in the dc universe that can repair itself that would be great" I said "my last wish I wish to be darkseids master and to be there right after his defeat on earth" I said as I thought maybe that was to much the voices spoke "hmmm interesting I thought you'd want to be a hero and fight for justice or whatever and I'm assuming you want to go to the movie dc worlds?" The voices said to me. I said yes and they spoke again "granted now go if you use the power you have for good or evil I do not care but don't meet a pathetic death like the first time hahahahaha"

[flashback end]

The voices still echoed in my head as I sat In this room that could only be described as a throne room black and gold metal pillars that ran from either side of the huge hall. Flag with different symbols on them lined up on ever pillar. Metal looking walls with a black marble floor that had a long red carpet going up to were I was sitting. I was happy that whatever that being was kept his word it's time to start this new life and I be damned if I die a pathetic death in this life.

As I thought these things I heard footsteps outside the door. I raise my head and looked at the large door opened and there I saw him the big bad guy himself. looking at me with a face that I couldn't really tell what was on it but I had a feeling it was worry. I looked at his shoulder to see a big scar on it I knew this wound he must have lost earth no long ago given it healed.

He bent down on one knee and in a deep Stern voice he said "master I have failed you"