
Chapter 47: God Empress Nordeline

"What concept did she get?" Jurdelious asked, a calculative glint flashing in his eyes.

*sigh* Ris sighed, one could almost catch a glimpse of envy in his bright blue eyes. "She has the concept of Space, and the concept of Time".

Everyone went quiet with their own thoughts.

"Anyways..." Jurdelious resumed his calm demeanor. "She's not in her right senses, we need to wake her up, what are you waiting for?" He directed that question to Ris.

"I thought it wise to wait for your arrival. Perhaps, you might have something planned." Ris said with a cunning smile.

"Hmmm." Jurdelious didn't say anything.

Al'ravee sent a transmission to Ris "Ris, what's happening?"

Ris didn't look at him but still responded, "This empress Nordeline is a difficult person. Long ago, she was born directly on this planet in the presence of the humans here.

You may not know yet but gods usually take their first forms from the entities close to them during their birth. Because of your parents, you have a human body and because of the people of this planet, Nordeline also has a human body too

The phenomenon of her birth had caused a lot of ruckus and attracted the attention of their royal court. This is a land ruled by kings and queens with an iron fist so you could imagine the type of environment she had to grow up in.

She was taken to the king of that kingdom and made to live there as some kind of trophy to look at, a future cohort if you will. She grew up surrounded by scheming and witty people with an ambition to expand their kingdom and picked up one or two things from them.

Just when she was ten years old, she witnessed the forceful dethronement of a king and his public execution, getting a clear picture of just how dangerous the world she was in could be. Nordeline obviously survived and was kept in a dungeon, forgotten for a while if not for the wardens.

Later, she was released and trained to be part of a secret intelligence organization for the new king. She suffered a lot at that age but she endured, her immortality didn't allow her to escape into the embrace of death.

At that time, Krene stumbled upon her. This planet is just at the very edge of her territory and even her followers whom some are already capable of interstellar travel purposely ignored this place.

At this time, you were a bit older than her. She learned of her origins and accepted them quite quickly. Krene kept an eye on her but never interfered in anything.

Like that, she grew up into a young beautiful woman. Her skill in gathering information was mediocre at best, it was her leadership skills and decision-making that set her apart from the rest. With their help, the King managed to escape a lot of calamities that could have taken his life.

Nordeline's skills only continued to improve as the years flew by. Before long, she was the recognized leader.

Alas, the king started to see her and her group as a threat. They knew too much and he had grown to be old and untrusting of everything and everyone around him. It was at this time that she stopped aging.

The king had to find a way to get rid of them one by one and replace them with new loyal fellows.

After some schemes and plotting, he managed to trick her into an infiltration mission before using his soldiers to ambush her on suspicion of treason. Nordeline naturally fought back but it was all for naught.

The energy keeping her immortal was already reducing with each fight but it was enough.

After a stab in the chest, she pretended to be dead. Luckily, her head wasn't decapitated or it would have caused some trouble. She crawled out of the river she was dumped in and plotted her revenge.

But like a lot of us, by the time she had the chance, the revenge had lost meaning. The king had died of natural causes and his son inherited the throne. She had spent so much time plotting that she didn't even know at first.

She was still young, her mind was hardened but not hardened enough to exact her revenge on the unsuspecting son of her enemy.

She retreated into the calm life of a citizen. There are no ID's in this world so it was quite easy then. She even got married, never had kids though.

But nothing changed, she didn't get old, she didn't get fat, she didn't get slim. She was just there.

Her past with a lot of ambitious people and as a leader never left her. She wasn't the type to entertain someone superior to her so easily. Even her husband was made to look like someone who didn't have a backbone in public. It was like...she married him just for the sake of it, just to know how it feels.

If it was said that she was no longer capable of love, that would be almost close to the truth.

As she saw the people around her grow old and die, her sense of superiority did not decrease but increased. Everything was inferior to her and they must bow. Her hidden superiority complex came to light.

She of all people knew that the more ambitious you are, the more dazzling you appear, the higher the chance of someone above snuffing you out before you could grow. The best thing for anyone to do was to lay low and make plans silently.

It was naturally easy to cover up her immortal nature by moving from town to town.

Soon, she couldn't take it anymore and started plotting to become a Queen herself. She was about two hundred-plus years old at that time and had become very scheming and calculative. Experiencing the rise, fall, mistakes, and prosperity of different kingdoms could do that to you.

Nordeline spent her time gathering information. For her, getting into the eyes of the current king and becoming a concubine was easy. But her sense of superiority was so high that it would be considered a stain on her image.

She preferred to bring up her own force with her own hands, and that's what she did. It started slow as no one wanted to get executed for treason, but after she stopped hiding her immortality and showed them proof of her nigh-undying nature, it became easy to gather subordinates for her cause.

Her name was spread by her followers as she took over a small piece of land in her name. By the time the king was made aware of a growing opposing force in his empire, it was too late. That's why it's not good to have a stagnant civilization.

Indeed she proved to be very smart among the mortals. No general was able to predict her movements. Never reacting to anything, only either attacking or hiding.

The rebels grew in numbers, and so did their morale. They were convinced that Nordeline was the rightful ruler of all humankind. Every battle was fought with her at the front lines, the soldiers couldn't help but get hot-blooded over this fact.

The spies of other dynasties sent back messages about a possible rebellion to their own kings and queens. How could all this escape Nordeline's eyes though? She was known for her uncanny nature of always wanting to be in control of everything happening around her. This was a nature that none of her enemies could take advantage of.

Mortal life was no different from ant life in her eyes so it wasn't a big deal to make some sacrifices for the 'greater good'.

With the alliance of an enemy king, she was able to successfully raid the capital and declare herself queen of the new kingdom. No one rose to oppose her, even though the generals and ministers were not fully convinced.

That didn't stop her from executing the fallen king and the royal family, even the servants, children, and those tied by marriage were beheaded at the city square. It was a much-needed action if she wanted to reduce her future obstacles. This act showed the nobles just how ruthless Nordeline could be, putting everyone on guard.

The people who sent assassins against her were very frustrated too. Even if the killer landed a hit, she still wouldn't die. Nine out of ten of those assassins never returned.

News of an immortal empress spread far and wide. In this world where it was easy for people to believe in anything superstitious without evidence, it wasn't a surprise that a lot of people believed it.

Nordeline proved to be quite generous too. Her loyal followers were rewarded with noble titles and government positions. This way, her influence could spread to the whole kingdom.

But to prevent any possible chance of rebellion, she spared no effort in training spies of all genders, mostly females though. She also raised a force of eunuchs who through a pyramid set, only received orders from her. A bunch of eunuchs were stationed in every territory and switched every month with the majority of them at the capital. This way, she could keep an eye on everything.

Fun fact, the easiest way to make a man loyal to a woman without having 'impure' thoughts is through castration.

Everything would have been okay but...

There was no rest for those who wanted power. The king who previously aided her in the rebellion proposed marriage to unite their kingdoms. He had grown fond of her beautiful visage and the false character she usually put up. His intentions were pure at best.

Nordeline accepted the marriage, not everyone was happy but the majority were. But things just didn't go as planned.

The courtiers could still remember the scene of Nordeline standing above the fallen king with her sword dripping with his blood.

With that, she declared herself Empress of the newly united kingdom. With this, Nordeline had made it clear that she wanted all the power for herself. She was immortal so she had no need for an heir.

Every kingdom surrounding her was put on alert, everyone could smell war coming. No doubt the war came, and it was bloody.

Would you believe that the war lasted for nearly more than a hundred years? Nordeline could already feel her soul and would have taken the next step if not for Krene asking her to wait. At least, she had respect for her elders.

Finally, an alliance was made among a lot of kings on the continent. By now, Nordeline had already conquered quite a few more kingdoms and rewarded Dukedoms to those whom she observed to be her die-hard loyalists.

Well, the war dragged out. Nordeline was so frustrated that she went to the battlefield personally. It was in the midst of battle that I appeared and gave her the go-ahead.

She was able to acquire two very complex concepts at once which came along with some simple concepts. One of these concepts made her hair grow to this extent.

All these made it hard for me to prevent Nordeline from entering a state of senselessness. I arrived too late, only managing to dull her mind and thoughts a bit but that won't last either.

It's either we seal her and wait for her to run out of concept energy, then she would naturally come back to her senses or we could just wait and hope that she comes to her senses soon..

The last option would be to beat her out of it. That's the fastest but most expensive."

The transmission ended.

While Al'ravee was thinking about how and who was going to beat this empress Nordeline, he heard his father's voice.

"Al'ravee boy, why don't you fight her? It would be good for you to experience firsthand just how 'wonderful' it is to fight another god."

Al'ravee "..."

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