
alien bloodline

the great dragon age the age were the dragons came to earth and changed the earth's atmosphere were they put energy so humans can absorb it so they evolve bloodline abilities by using the energy stored inside them the can use it to strengthen there bodies increase there Lifespans and use there ability that is unique to every individual thanks to the dragons humanity now has interstellar space travel space systems have been colonized by humanity and now humanity is the dragons friend in three war with the arrogant race of the elves were recently the two races have declared war after tensions between the already rivals have gone out of control. the great age of dragon's 2100 to 2500 this when humanity's technology have gone at an all time high thanks to the dragon's and after centuries of evolution humanity unlocked bloodline abilities and now in the year 3000 we follow the story of Alfonso and his journey in this big Fascinating world.

dragon_born_0239 · Ciencia y ficción
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17 Chs

fighting part 1

Alfonso didn't attack at first he learned from his first fight though he did make the same mistake when Michael was hurt from the rock.

Emily transformed instantly to her wolf form it was strange first it wasn't a long Drawn out transformation nor did it make her turn completely to a wolf it didn't even change her jaw all it did was give her a tail claws and fangs instantly one moment she was a girl the next she is still a girl but with some wolf Properties.

Emily started dashing towards Alfonso but this wasn't a normal dash no she did it on both legs and arms like a wolf she slashed at Alfonso with her claws Alfonso Sidestepped missing Alfonso by a hair.

Dam she is fast thought Alfonso so how will I beat her?

Let's see what she has to offer in close combat thought Alfonso while approaching her she slashed at him with her right claw Alfonso dodged and attacked with a right hook.

It landed Square on her face which threw her a fair distance but she managed to stay on her four limbs.

Alfonso smiled and said good it would have been disappointing if you lost from that Emily didn't reply in fact her face was Complete concentration on the fight as a result of that she Immediately attacked when she saw weakness that Being his talking.

Emily's claw had a few drops of blood on it

Alfonso had scratch marks on his left side of his face that started bleeding with a face Filled with Disbelief he narrowly dodged that attack it seems she is a Serious fighter thought Alfonso not only she attacked while he was talking but also if he didn't narrowly dodge he would have lost in fact the only reason why he finished was because his sentences was short.

All this factors combined would make someone nervous because there victory is not Guaranteed but Alfonso was not nervous

no it would be more accurate to say it was not the main emotion right now the main emotion was Excitement.

Alfonso put himself in a battle stance and started smiling despite the situation with the blood coming down his cheek giving an almost sadistic look said come on.