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It was an handsome white haired middle aged man who shouted and you could also see a white haired boy who was so skinny you could think it was a skeleton at all.

The boy was running for his life like if they ever catch him then he would be dead

'I-i can't breath huekk..huuhhuhh'

'I'm t-tired..'

The boy cant keep it up anymore and fell down

"Hah hah.. There you are my sweet little son"

The white haired man said with an devilish smile.



'I can't see but the smell is this the baseme-...!'

The boy immediately stopped his toughts and realized that familiar sweet voice

"It seems your awake my dear"


'Sh*t my mouth is covered too?!..'

"Shhh I don't like noisy people..."

I immediately stopped and shut my mouth... 'I dont wanna die yet'

"Hmm...much better"

I could feel her cold hands touched my hair and taken off my blindfold. I could see a beautiful brown hair woman with dark blue eyes..

'It was mother...??!'

"It seems your suprised to see me, my dear Aleone"