
Alabaster's memoir

In a world of magic, torn by an ongoing mass war, powered by weapons and artifacts never seen before. Isolated along the barren borders of a mighty empire lives a man with skin of alabaster. Alone, he would hunt the numerous monsters and other mutant abominations that plagued the otherwise abandoned edge of the empire of course, for a decent price. He lives a secluded life. A simple life .With a steady, consistent routine, little did he know that laying next to the singular glaciated river that passed through the frozen permafrost covered fiord lay a surprise . A surprise that arrived abruptly just as the fierce storm that brought it .A surprise that would shatter his peacefully isolated way of life almost as fast as it had arrived. Laying in layers of blankets and rags, an infant boy with hair, the colour of the sun, and eyes of Sapphire. Wrapped around the boy was an amulet of gold, bearing an emblem belonging to a nation, a far away nation beyond the lands of the empire. Through the lands of countless enemies and monsters infested plains past seas that were considered uncrossable … on a good day, all whilst guarding his newfound responsibility. Using old allies, forgotten friends, past foes, and debtors alike, the man ventured into the vast void with one underlying question. Will the man with skin of alabaster succeed in reuniting the boy with his family? Or will his efforts lead to a foolish end as he dies trying.

Arsenalhole6ty9 · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Dog fight?

chapter 4: A dog fight?

It was growling, drooling, frothing from its widened maw. The ginormous beast opened its massive jaw, revealing rows of dagger-like predatory teeth.

The sunny boy sat there awe-stuck clueless of the impending danger.

Amused, unaware of the imposing threat as the beast clamped its jaw shut.

Suddenly, a flash of white zipped through the trees.

In between the widened maw of the beast was a man who forcefully peeled open its imposing mouth, pulling apart the massive muzzle of the wolfly mutant.

Shaking, the man slowly looked behind him. Trembling under the tremendous pressure of the legendary beast, as it attempted to crush him under its hefty aura.

Thankfully, the boy was untouched.

The beast shook its head as it strenuously attempted to devour the man of alabaster.

Slowly, its jowls fastened. The man's legs began to buckle under the immense tension as the beast closed its jaws.

"ahckk, shi..."

The massive razor-like teeth dug into the man's right shoulder, biting through his thick armor, causing the man's bright red blood to drip onto the monster's thick, moist, steaming tongue.

The man then grasped the kaiju's teeth. Pushing the monstrous jowls from his now wounded shoulder.

He then burrowed his fingers, cracking the beast's off-white teeth.

Before ripping them from its jaw.

Painting him and the surroundings in its dark red blood.

The beast's face bled profusely, as chunks of its visage were ripped off with its razor teeth.

The man discarded the meaty chunks of the wolf's jaw as he unsheathed his sword.

Blasting a thick crimson chaotic aura illuminating everything under a filter of red.

The man once again spun his sword in his blood-soaked hand as he took a step forward.

On the man's stoic face was a wide grin.

He pointed his blooded sword at the oversized wolf, and in a sinister mocking voice announced.


"Let's give the sunny boy a show,



The wolf's face began to bubble as its skin stretched over its exposed skull, regenerating its mangled muzzle.

Letting out a deep growl as it charged toward the man who continued to mock its prestige whilst grinning like a lunatic.

The man fazed towards the wolf, appearing before its cataract eyes wielding his sword piercing it through its thick skull, gruesomely ripping its head from its torso.

The wolf's nape bubbles viscously as a new head began to grow.

The monster could regenerate multiple limbs and organs at a rate incomparable to the mutants the man faced within the edge of the plains.

In a matter of seconds, the wolf replaced its mutilated head.

The man rushed at it blade in hand, his agile movements leaving an afterimage as he slid under the beast, gutting it from underneath.

Its organs spewed over the slithering, grody, ground still pounding, beating, pulsating.

Its core is now exposed to the elements tucked under its coarse rib cage.

The man now knew where the core was.

The wolf then began to snarl as its innards bubbled.


The beast began to glow as its suffocating aura let out a deadly boom.

The wolf's empty eyes started to glow a bright blue as it morphed. The beast had now grown an extra meter as the black fur that encapsulated its body started shifting colours to an ashen grey.

Resembling a well-known beast of legend.


The wolf then pounced from its spot twice as fast as it had previously. Scratching, grasping, scraping, chomping, chasing the man who was just barely evading the Fenrir's barrage of fierce attacks.

Even the surrounding ecosphere was damaged riddled with sizable gashes, holes, and craters from the wolf's endless barrage of attacks.

The wolf opened its jaws wide once again, attempting to devour the man who, in return, happily obliged.

As his leg glowed red enhanced with his chaotic mana.


Shattering the wolf's jaw from its ugly mug. The now dangling jaw swayed side to side from the muzzle like a revolting pendulum.

The man didn't waste any time as he flung his sword at the Fenrir that was still recovering its mangled jaw.

The Fenrir quickly dodged the blade that severed its leg in its wake, causing the massive beast to tumble on its side.

As the man's sword then impaled a tree behind the Fenrir, that was blown to smithereens spreading, roaring crimson flames across the battlefield.

Spreading flames across the battlefield...

"Damn it! the kid"

The man turned around, bolting full force at the sunny boy as the roaring flames began spreading uncontrollably.

He had to get to the sunny boy before the flames did.

The Fenrir that stood behind the man began to chase after him.

The man ran desperately towards the sunny boy that spectated their battle with eyes of fascination as the feral fire spread across the sprawling veins of the mutant forest.

The man grasped the child tightly as he franticly grasped the spear he had dropped. Lost to the floor when he forcefully opened the wolf's slobbering jaws.

He turned around to face the beast that menacingly darted at them like a bullet.

Appearing to be an immovable force as its eyes glowed blue, making the wolf conspicuous from the crimson flames that engulfed the horrid alien landscape.

The man guarded the boy behind his broad shoulders as he loaded the spear in his bright crimson mana that spread menacingly, covering the entirety of the monster plains in a sweltering uncontrolled chaotic red blur.

Even the sunny boy that had been oblivious to all forms of danger began to whimper under the man's ghastly macabre aura.

The man then began to tortile his entire body as he heaved the silver spear over his still-bleeding shoulder.

Gasping, the wolf's enormous figure towered over them.

It pounced, leaping towards the man that stood spear in hand.

He then tossed the spear with all his remaining strength, bracing for impact as he covered the boy shielding him with his swole body.

The spear then flew into the wolf's gaping jaw. A bright light flashed as the spear met the innards of the Fenrir.

As the metal of the spear came into contact with the wolf's moist gullet, releasing the manic crimson mana.

Causing the Fenrir to implode spewing its pungent entrail all over the alabaster man as the crimson mana destroyed the surroundings.

Incinerating the lands to ash and tearing down the alpine trees.

Even the man clung for dear life as the aftershock of the initial explosion raided the plains looting the land of life.

Upon opening his eyes, the man looked upon the now-ruined land of monsters.

A fair chunk of the woods was now engulfed in the crimson flames of the man's mana as he slowly stood with the boy in hand.

The man stood to bear witness to the destruction. He was now standing in a hundred-kilometer scorching crater.

He looked down at what appeared to be the remains of his spear...

Not much of it survived the blast

It had been shattered to dust on impact.

The man then continued to scout the plains to find his sword unscathed in the pile of ash. That was once a mountainous tree.

The land of the crater was so damaged it no longer glowed blue or regenerated rather.

It was dead.

Then, from the corner of his eye, the man spotted a bright blue glow.

In the centre of the crater was the corpse of the Fenrir, which was regenerating from the small clump of flesh.

That had managed to stay attached to its core.

It had almost finished its regeneration in the time it took for the man to retrieve his sword.

"This dog is way too persistent!" complained the man as he plunged his mana-embed blade into the beast, prying its core from the top of its ribcage.

The huge core was perfectly spherical and shiny it was practically mirror-polished!

The man could even see his blood-soaked figure in the looking glass that was the core of the monster.

He then looked at the boy he held in his left arm, who was now drooling in anticipation of devouring the wolf's magnificent core.

The man looked to the boy and, in a calm and tender tone, said,



There is no way he was letting the kid have another ultra-rare core.

Though it was true that the kid had somehow found the beast.

But the alabaster man was the one that had slain it.

Thought it is a wonder that the kid was able to track the thing...

Was he able to discern mana signatures already?

Mana signatures are formed when a living being uses mana.

Like one's fingerprint, it has the characteristics of who so ever uses it.

Or, in a monster's case, the strength of the mana that they had stored in their core can be traced.

That would explain the boy's reaction to the man's macabre mana.

Besides, he had intended to use this core for the barrier the moment he saw the quality of it.

The man then placed the core in the item ring before looking at the enormous corpse of the Fenrir, which had regenerated after imploding all over him.

His armour is to get an upgrade.

It's only fair considering the wolf had bitten through his current set.

The man spared no time, dumping the entire corpse into the item ring before setting on his way back home.

It was already dark.

The night sky shone brightly. As the multicoloured galaxies painted the sky, numerous shades of blue with variating pink hues lit up by sparse stars that sparkled, glistening in the vast boundless sky. As the three bright moons shone illuminating the now crimson plains that burned in a fiery discord.

Emerging from the chaotic crimson fire was a man drenched in a dark fluid his hair mudded red, fluttered in the gales of the oncoming white plains, his eyes a mirror to the bright burning flames of the raging fire that surrounded him.

Coddled in the man's blood-stained arms was a small child no older than five months. With hair of sun, that lay untouched as he snoozed in a deep dream.

On the man's shoulder was a bubbling wound that had slowly been closing, leaving a deep scar.

It had been a long day, but at last, the time for rest had come.

chapter 4 fin.