
Chapter 1

AN: I have created the cringe





'Flashback talking'

Our protagonist, and the guy who we will be following for most of the story, is walking back from his friend's house after a late stay and a few matches of Jump Force. He was playing Madara and his friend playing Kaguya. Seeing the obvious winner which was Madara. They then surmounted Madara Uchiha as the strongest character in Naruto.

He was well on his way to his house but stopped when he saw a man with a hoodie. He looked carefully at the man, feeling some cold sweats. The man then said, "Ah shoot I only have a few minutes left to get 1 more kill before I fail this mission." Confused by the ramblings of the man, he thought he was mentally unstable.

He paused his thinking when he saw the man pull out a knife. He then used a technique so powerful that it still shakes the very fabrics of reality to this day. [Joestar Secret Technique, NIGERUNDAYOOOO!!!!]. Sadly the man noticed the all-powerful technique and started to chase after our protagonist. The man whispered to himself, "You will be the final kill for me to complete the system mission and get the Sharingan." The man quickly sped up and stabbed the protagonist with the knife.

But our mc wouldn't let him get away that easily and so even though it was a horrible decision that would depend on him living or not, he pulled out the knife from out of him and stabbed the man many times until he died. The man kept saying stuff like, 'the system chose me'. 'I am the chosen one.' 'How can I die here.' But our mc was having none of that.

He kept stabbing him until he died, he kept stabbing after he was dead, he kept stabbing until he died of blood loss. Just before he closed his eyes his regrets passed upon his eyes as he thought of his friends and family who would be mourning his death. He then closed his eyes for the final time.





Our protagonist was awoken by strong light, and his mind was in disarray. He thought he died, maybe he was reincarnated into a different world, he didn't know at the moment. He willed his body to stand and saw the beauty of his current place.

{Assimalating host... 1% ... 37% ... 69% ... 99% ... 100% Completed assimilation, Welcome to the Akatsuki System}

"What the hell in the hell of the hell kinda hell, I HAVE A SYSTEM! Ayyy, LESS GOOO," Our protagonist said.

"Ok then, um... Open interface?" The mc said out loud.


Akatsuki Members



"Ok then, status," our protagonist said.

{Name: Kyle

Organization: Akatsuki

Class: Civilian

Jutsu: None

Chakra level: N/A

Akatsuki members: 0}

"Bruh why do I have no chakra, isn't this the Naruto world?" Kyle said to the system

{This is not the Naruto world, you are in the continent called the Rat continent, in the world called SB-47J69420, but formally known as Gaia}

"Oh, so I am in a foreign world that has no correlation with Naruto, correct?" Kyle replied, but got no answer.

"So, what is the power scaling in this world," asked Kyle.

{There are Stages and levels, but stages are bigger than levels. Stage 1 is the beginner stage that has 3 levels in it, Stage 1 level 1 is Low beginner, Stage 1 level 2 is high beginner, and Stage 1 level 3 is peak beginner. They correlate with the Genin, as low genin, mid genin, and high genin, respectively.

The second stage correlates with Chūnin, the second stage is called the Advanced stage with the same levels in the first stage. Low advanced, high advanced, and peak advanced just replace Advanced with chūnin and that's the ninja levels.

The Stage above this is called the Apex stage and this correlates with jōnin. Same old same old, low, advanced, peak, but there are only 100 known in the world and they are called the top 100. If someone wants their ranking then they have to defeat them.

Next is the Transcendent stage, which goes with the Kage level shinobi. There are only 10 known in the world and they form the top 10 in the top 100. Same old same old low for 10 - 8, advanced for 7 - 5, and high for 4 - 2, but the elite level goes to top 1.

After this, there is no specific stage but they just call these, the divine stage. this correlates with super Kage like Nagato, who decimated the hidden leaf. There is no stage after this, so they just lump Madara and Nagato together even though they have major differences in power. There are no levels in this stage.}

"That was a huge info dump, but I got the gist of it. So, Kage level shinobi are extremely powerful in this and this world is weaker than Naruto's world." Kyle said.

"Wait, Open Interface." Kyle suddenly said.


Akatsuki Members



"Go to Akatsuki members,"

{Welcome to Akatsuki Members, here you can roll for Akatsuki members by using roll tickets.

The rates are these:

Nagato 4%

Yahiko 8%

Konan 8%

Deidara 8%

Hidan 8%

Itachi Uchiha 8%

Jūzō Biwa 8%

Kakuzu 8%

Kisame Hoshigaki 8%

Orochimaru 8%

Sasori 8%

Tobi 8%

Zetsu 8%

It is currently Itachi Banner! Character Itachi Uchiha's rates have been boosted!

Itachi Uchiha 20%!

Nagato 3%

Yahiko 7%

Konan 7%

Deidara 7%

Hidan 7%

Itachi Uchiha 7%

Jūzō Biwa 7%

Kakuzu 7%

Kisame Hoshigaki 7%

Orochimaru 7%

Sasori 7%

Tobi 7%

Zetsu 7%

You have 1 freeroll ticket given by the system, would you like to use it?}

"Alright then, use ticket!"

{Rolling... ... ...}

{You have gained Itachi Uchiha!}

"AYYY, wait how do I use this," Kyle said.

{Using Itachi Uchiha... ...}

Kyle then felt extremely sleepy, not resisting his body's urges, he went to sleep.

When he woke up, he was standing and had a higher vision than before.

He looked at his body and was surprised to see an Akatsuki cloak, and painted fingernails.

"Wait, have I inherited the body of Itachi too!?!!??!"

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