
Ain't No Rest For The Wicked

Want to hear a story, eh? One about treasure hunters? if not, too bad, I'm telling you anyway. Pandora is our home, but make no mistake, this is not a planet of peace and love. They say it's a wasteland, that it's dangerous, that only a fool would search for something of value here. Then perhaps I am a fool. But do not be fooled by what Pandora appears to be. There is a legend of a Vault, with advanced alien technology, infinite wealth, fame, power, women. So you can understand why some little kiddos who hear the stories grow up to become Vault Hunters. But I tell you the legend is true. This tale begins right here on Pandora, with a brave young man, his guardian angel, a funny looking robot and most importantly, me. Anyway... this young man wakes up on Pandora with the body of Anakin Skywalker. Well.. anyway, this young man starts his journey at the same time Handsome Jack becomes Head of Hyperion, and sets his sights on Pandora. Authors Note : Eh.. No I'm not the main character. Sorry for the bad English, I'm not writing the story, Marcus is.

PringleEater · Derivados de juegos
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12 Chs

Author's note

This story is about the borderlands universe so if you haven't played the games. Go play them, otherwise the story won't be making any sense.

Also, I will be skipping some action and mini-bosses fights simply because I want to get done as fast as possible with the real lore, then I can start making fan-made lore and make the story for interesting, since only bl2 and tales from the bl are the interesting stories.

The goal of this story is to have "meh" level of entertainment.

thank you.