
Chapter 2

"you have lived among us, monsters, and your shadow has been a light within our darkness. We have loved you when you first came to us. We still love you. But you should follow your legacy. Your place is among your kind."

"this is not our separation. We will find you at your crises and give you a helping hand."

" stand and reveal yourself to the world. "

"let not the moment separate us, let not the years you spent with us be a memory...Grasp it and hide it within your heart."

He pent his head trying to hide his tears, but those closest to him saw his tears.

The white tiger approached him and settled his head on his shoulders, " we will meet, I will forever protect you. All of us will."

" Even the bad monsters will stand by your side," said the serpent.

He looked at the little boy who was playing with the little wolves.

"protect him. Your destiny is linked together. He is in danger, so don't let anyone know that he was in the dark forest, or that you are not his father," the turtle reminded him. She looked sad.

Aiden knew she was hiding something. But he didn't want to ask her. He knew they asked him to leave for a good reason. He had a bad feeling.

" don't reveal that you lived amongst us. If you did a great danger will attack you."

He took his back and called Atain. Atain came running to him. "Father"

"Son, say goodbye to your friends. We are living our home temporary. " Atain looked sadly at him. He tried to hold back his tears, but the tears betrayed him and rolled down on his check. Aiden took him into his arms, " we will come back," he assured him "But now we should go. If we stayed here something bad will happen to our friend." The little boy nodded.

Aiden knew that his friends are in greater danger. He could sense the danger surrounding the forest. He saw strange movements from his tower. He could see everything around the forest; including the ruins, and the five elemental forests.

Aiden looked to his friends, he picked his bag and waved for them. Then, he picked the little boy who was waved to everyone goodbye with teary eyes.

While he was walking out of the forest he turned around seeing his tower disappear within the mist. He knew that as long as he steps out of the black forest, every evidence of his existence here will disappear. Like he had never lived here.

He held the little boy closer whispering to him that everything will be okay.

He stood at the southern borders of the forest, he could see the cliffs. He held the boy tightly, took a deep breath and jumped. He landed on the red forest. From his tower, he could see the red trees. Now he knew why it was called the red forest. It was more beautiful seeing it closer. There was sakura trees, Baldcypress, Red Maple, Black Tupelo, Sourwood…

From his towel, he could see clearly the forest. But, standing at the back of the red forest seeing the beautiful calm forest, made him happy. It was the second time he stepped a foot out of the black forest. The last time was ten years ago. But it was short...now he will be absent for a long period before coming back to his home.

Atain sighed in his sleep. It was night, but he can see everything. It was strange to be outside the dark forest. But everything had a meaning. Destiny may be playing his card with him. But, he knew that whatever comes attacking them, he would survive.

Looking at atain sleeping deeply in his arms. The little angel, his son, he vowed to save him even if it meant risking his life.

He cannot walk, so he decided to rest and in the morning they could continue their journey. He

He caressed atain's checks saying," don't worry

everything will be ok, I am with you" atain whimper then Aiden assured him, " I am here with you my little angel."


"Jack, stop it!" Lily said annoyingly. Jack was doing his pranks as usual. He loved teasing Lily.

"We should head back," said Eliza

"It is going to rain, we should build a tent here."

"Jack is right Iliza... I don't want to get wet."

" OK, but since it is Jack's idea. He should be the one building the tent."

"I hate you both," growled jack.

Jack felt the same feeling he felt when they were at the ruins. The feeling didn't abandon him. He turned to look to his friends shattering and laughing. "I think they didn't feel it," he thought.

When he finished building the tent. Lily had prepared the food. while they were eating, Jack started choking. And held his heart. He felt fire spreading through his veins. He couldn't breathe.

" Jack what's wrong"

"Lily do something"

"I don't know what to do…. it is strange" Lily was shocked and scared.

Jack eyes and hair turned red. He was shining. A red light covered him. When Lily tried to touch him, a light stuck her pushing her away.

Lily and Eliza felt scared, what was wrong with him. Nothing like that had ever happened before. Iliza tightened her hands feeling the air, her eyes shined

"Stop Eliza, his hair is turning black… his turning normal"

Eliza looked at Jack who no longer had red eyes and red hair. The red light disappeared.

Jack was panting, he looked at Lily and Eliza. "I .." He tried to say something but he fainted.

Eliza run to him holding him closer to her " lily what should we do."

" he is breathing. Let's take him to the tent. I hope in the morning he will be ok."

They carried him to the tent. They lied him down the blanket. They spent the whole night watching him. They were afraid that what had happened would happen again.

At the moment Jack's power takeover, seven people had been through the same thing at the same moment.


In the white empire, Leo was talking to the princess and Ida, when he felt his body heating, he felt like the air is drained out. He can't see anything. Everything turned white. 'What is wrong with me' he taught. He felt like someone was calling for him. "Don't worry everything will be ok. I am with you"

The princess and Ida looked at Leo perplexed, the princess tried to reach him, but the veil was preventing them. Leo's eyes turned white his hair was changing to grey. Grey light was spreading around him. The crack of thunder and lightning can be heard. The sky became grey and the wind roared.

"What is happening….we should stop him," said with a trembling voice

Suddenly Leo cried "ahhhhhhh" then he fainted. And the thunder no longer can be heard.

The princess looked to Ida and walked to Leo who was turned to normal, with brown hair.


In the blue empire; Ezra was playing with her friends when she suddenly started shaking. She felt like her vein was going to be frozen. Her eyes turned blue and her hair turned grey. Water flow underneath her, and frost was surrounding her. Her friends run as soon as the earth started cracking underneath them. People gathered around her. She flew in the air. Water around her turned to ice. They were afraid, no one can control the three elements of the water. Water, ice, and frost were creating beautiful terrifying artwork. Ezra shouted closing her eyes she started falling down. One of the guards who was watching jumped and saved her. If she fell on the sharp ice she would die. She lost her conscious. He looked to the little girl worried.


In the green empire, Linda was making dinner to her brothers, when she felt her heart beating faster. Everything turned white She blinked and nothing. She couldn't breathe. Her hair turned brown her eyes turned golden. She hears a voice saying "don't worry ok, everything will be ok. I am with you." She felt safe. The voice was kind. She took a deep breath. And everything turned normal. She didn't know that outside of her home, the earth had cracked, and roots were covering her house.


In the west-north, a young man was reading his book, when suddenly he felt shilling and saw white, he blinked his eyes. And continued reading. Suddenly he felt a presence around him. He raised his head from his book and in front of him a little boy in golden clothes, brown hair, sapphire eyes looking into his eyes. He gasped and the little boy said "you can see me"

"What?!" behind the boy was standing a black figure, he was shocked and stepped back falling from his chair.

The little boy stood on the desk, looking at him " you can see me, no one has ever seen us. As far as I know"


The door opened, and an old servant entered and with worry, he asked, "little master, we heard a noise.. is everything ok?"

" how did this boy come in my office" he pointed to the little boy.

"Little master are you ok"

The little boy came closer to him " he can't see me. If you want to look crazy… go ahead tell him about me"

He turned to his servant and said: " I am just tired, I thinking to deprive myself of having sleep affect me after all."


In the North-west; in the study room of the kings youngest daughter.

The little princess was arguing with her teacher.

"I want to go to the councils meeting"

" lady, you can't go"

"I said I want to go" she angrily told her teacher.

The ingrowing rage she felt rage eating her inside, "I want to goooo" the room checking, books, chairs, started floating in the air. The lady's eyes became purple. Her here turned to dark blue.

"Lady stop it"

she looked to her hand, noticing the purple light. She looked around her and everything around her was floating in the air. " calm down, I am here with you my little angel" the tender voice calmed her. And the furniture fell down shattering into pieces.

"Oh my God" "what has happened just now"

"I don't know" she replied feeling ashamed of her behaviour

" we should tell the king"


North- East of the dark empire, A black warrior was closer to the ruins when he felt energy walking through his vein. Something is wrong with him. He can clearly see through the darkness as if it was the day. He turned around him feeling the shadows surrounding him. He felt like the wind was trying to whisper to him. He closed his eyes and listened, "don't be afraid, ok. I am with you. Soon we will have many friends. I will protect you to keep that in mind". He felt safe listening to the voice. Who was he? Sure, it was a man's voice, but to whom was he talking too. " I don't want to be lonely anymore," the same voice said.

He heard a noise around him. He turned and saw a snake. Grey snake with blue strips. "You can see me, black warrior"

"Who are you"

"You are a chosen one"

The snake got closer to him, yet he didn't feel afraid. "I will be your shield, don't be afraid. I am with you"

"The same words," he said looking to the snake " this sounds crazy but I trust you"

The snake vanished with the air, and a black grey arrow appeared in front of him. He took it, and a tattoo of grey snake engraved on his arms.


In East-south, a boy was taking care of the baby dragon. When suddenly his arms started shining with light. "Wha what.."

He felt energy running through him. He felt his body on heat "grandpa!" He shouted his grandfather came running to him. His grandchild was shinning, a coloured light was emerging from his hands. The worker came running when they noticed the beasts running to the stable, The stable boy was surrounded by beasts. They looked at him as he fainted and the beasts approached him, a dragon lay down beside him, the queen's wolf came running passing through the workers and lay beside the boy. The boy's grandpa was astonished. The beasts had never done anything like that before.

The guards came and stood surprised by what was in front of them. The stable boy was surrounded by beasts.