
After Z

5 years have passed since a biological weapon was released on the U.S. leaving the western half of the country as an apocalyptic disaster zone. Zombies known as Zeaks are the main enemy, however enemies can be found everywhere in this world. Follow Zulu team and other reclamation teams to take back LA as the largest metropolitan area that was infected. Unravel their history and discover their futures, if they still have one.

Monty_christo · Ciudad
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12 Chs

6. The meeting

"Okay, fellas let's pull over here." Cap said. "We'll go the rest of the way on foot."

"Split up. Teams of two. Duke you get the new guy. Frank and Travis. Brook you're with me." Cap said as he pulled out a map and laid it out. "Rendezvous is here, Duke that's you and the kid. Frank I want you and Travis posted in the appartment building down the street. Brook and I will be posted at the store in between ready to lay covering fire if needed" He folded the map up and as he said, "Keep your eyes peeled and stay loose."

An hour latter everyone confirmed their positions were set as Duke and Davis made their approach.

"Keep your weapon at the ready kid" Duke snapped at Davis.

"The area is clear of zeaks."

"It ain't the zeaks I'm worried about kid."

As soon as the words left his mouth three people in head to toe tactical gear came up on them with weapons drawn.

"Calm down fellas." Duke said "This doesn't need to get violent."

Davis caught by surprise took a step back and fell over backwards. This caused the three newcomers to chuckle as he quickly scampered back to his feet.

"You think you can take us with just you and this loser?" The point man jibbed.

"Who said it was just us." Duke shot back.

This caused the three to pause for a brief second as they they tried to read the situation.

"We are willing to take you all in, treat injuries, and provide shelter and security. All you have to do it bring all the supplies you aquired with you" Duke said before the trio did something rash.

"Fat chance we would trust dogs like you." One of the others said.

To Davis's shock it was a feminine voice. "Duke I thought they tried to keep women out of the military camps." he whispered.

"Not now kid. Just follow my lead." Duke snapped back through gritted teeth.