
Chapter160: I'm sorry 3

"this is the famous Felix Campbell. Of course I know this man, who doesn't. He's your friend?"my mom asked and I smiled at her.

"Sort of, but he's more close to Alex. They are best buddies. He's also Shawn's boyfriend."I said and my mom's eyes widened. She didn't know about this? I looked at Shawn raising a brow at him but he looked away. Well, I guess I just got someone in trouble. Serves him right for always being a big mouth about other people's shit and not his shit.

"Shawn..!! you gotta a boyfriend and you didn't tell me? What the hell is wrong with you guys? My daughter was keeping a secret from me and now you too? Let me guess, Andy, you have a secret you are hiding from me?"mom asked angrily. Did I just get people in trouble.

"Well, antie, I wanted to tell you, I just wanted it to be a surprise."Shawn defended and I smirked at him.

"To hell with surprises. Kim just hid something from me and she gave an excuse of a surprise. You too have to give the exact damn excuse? Andy, what excuse are you having?"mom asked looking at Andy who looked really scared that I felt like laughing. I would understand why she is scared though, my mom is scary when she's angry and right now she's breathing fire.

"Antie, I'm really not hiding anything. You can ask Kimberly."she said and I looked at my mom.

"It's true. Andy is not hiding anything from you."I said then I looked at Andy and I winked at her.

"And you expect me to believe that? You have become three little liars always covering for each other. But you know  what, it's fine. If you all don't want to tell me what the hell is happening in your lives, it's fine. I can see how much you hate me now and it's fine."mom said putting that sad face and for a moment it tricked me but remembering how dramatic she is I smiled.

"Mom, stop being dramatic. Let's sit down, you must be tired."I said but she still had her sad face on." Fine, we are really sorry and it's not that we hate you. We really love you, right guys?"I said and I looked at Andy and Shawn telling them to cooperate. My mom wants to be soothed and we are gonna give her that. Sometimes I wonder how the hell she behaves like that.

"Yeah antie, we really love you."Shawn and Andy told her and she finally smiled. We went and we all sat down at the couch. I sat next to Alex while Shawn sat next to Felix and my mom next to Andy.

"Where the hell is Anderson?"I whispered to Alex once we sat down.

"I don't know but I think he left. Maybe he didn't want to cause chaos so he left."Alex said and I nodded.

"I hope so."I said and I looked at mom who was talking to Andy.

"Andy, you really don't have a man or a woman in your life?"she asked Andy who smiled and nodded." Man, you should hurry up now. You see Shawn is no longer single now. You are the only one left and hey Shawn and Felix, I didn't get to congratulate you. Congratulations."Mom said and Shawn and Felix thanked her smiling then Andy looked at me her eyes seeking help. The conversation with my mom about Andy's love life may be uncomfortable for her.

"So mom, how's everything going?"I asked to divert the story. But then before she could answer, we heard something fall down and it made sound like it broke or something and my heart started racing. That could be Anderson. I looked at Alex worried but he squeezed my hand comforting me.

"What was that?"mom asked and I looked at her panicking again.

"Umm...it must be the maids. Maybe one of them dropped something down. So.. how long are you here for?"I asked her and she frowned. Damn, that came out as rude.

"I just got here and you want me gone?"she asked and I smiled.

"I didn't mean it like that. I'm just asking so that we can prepare something for you. You know."I said and she smiled.

"I'll be leaving soon don't worry. I left some things undone in my business so I need to go back. I can come some other time but I want to spend this time here. I'll be gone by dark."she said and I sighed a relief inwardly. I really want to spend time with her but right now Is not the right time for that.

"Okay mom."I said and I laid back on Alex's arms a bit relaxed. I looked at everyone and I could see the questions on their faces but I just have to ignore them for now until mom leaves.

We spent the day very well and with so much fun. Evening came and my mom had to leave and so did Shawn and Felix. Felix and Shawn left first then my mom followed suit. Andy was staying with me for a while so she didn't leave.

I breathed a relief when I heard my mom's car drive away. That was really close and e don't fucking know what I would have done if shit went down. I looked at Alex who was so quiet." Where is Anderson?"I asked him and right that moment Anderson appeared front wherever place that he was hiding. He looked at me looking really apologetic.

"I'm really sorry kiddo. I didn't know your mom would be coming. I'm really sorry."he said and I felt blood boil in my body.

"You are sorry? Do you know what could have happened if she saw you? Why the hell did you come here?"I asked him and he looked at me worried.

"You need to calm down kiddo. It's not good to be this angry. You are pregnant now so you need to be careful."he said and I felt like screaming.

"You want me to calm down?!! Do you know how much I hate you? I really hate you Anderson."I screamed at him and I felt tears stinging my eyes.

"Please honey, calm down."he said stretching his hands in front of him for me but I stepped back.

"Honey? You don't get to call me that. You don't have the fucking rights to even look at me right now. You get to call Sheebalie that and she's not even your daughter and you are calling me that now? Do you fucking know how I have longed for you to call me that? I have waited for years but now that you called me that, I feel like you don't deserve to call me that. Do you know what I have gone through?"I screamed and I felt like I was loosing my mind.

"Baby, please calm down. Let's deal with this calmly okay?"I heard Alex's voice but my anger and pain was overtaking his voice. I couldn't think straight.

"I can't calm down. He has to know what I have gone through. He has to know how I watched kids play with their dad, they got to be called honey by their dad, they got to play with their dad and then there was me. I watched all that, wishing that one day my dad would be there for me too. to do all that with me. I waited and waited but my wish never came true. I had to suffer from all that and do you know what the most painful thing was? When people always asked me where my dad was and I didn't really have an answer. What could I possibly tell them? I had to go through people calling me names because I was fatherless, I had to watch people look down on me because I didn't have a dad. I had to..... I had...to suffer all that... It was so painful."I said tears rolling down my cheeks.

"It's okay honey, now that's enough."

"Mom?"I said and I turned around to look at my mom who was standing behind me tears rolling down her cheeks.