
One more day

I sat in the window not caring who saw me looking out at the view. But I wish I was out there in the forest where I could taste the sweetness of the lake on my lips.But I was stuck inside because I didn't want people to know what I am. But as I sat in the window I felt thirsty, i felt hungry but I knew if I left this room people would see me. you see I'm normal I never was I never will be and I'm ok with that. I looked in the mirror and saw a girl with black hair that went to her shoulders, lips as red as a ruby, a perfect nose with a nose stud that was white, her eyes shined dark red like blood, her eyebrow sat perfectly ontop of those eyes. "Aaahhhhh" someone screamed from inside the mansion, "aaaahhhh" more people screamed as I got up from the window seal. I opened the door to the room and walked down the long corridor and went down the stairs and took a sharp left into the extremely over sized dinning room. The sweet scent of blood filled my nose the taste of sweet delicious blood made me fell so excited. There were bodies all over the place being feed off to satisfy the hungry beast I lived with. "look who finally decided to join us" a sweet male voice said as I looked to see who said these words I saw a boy with Sandy blonde hair that went to his shoulders, gorgeous black eyes that shone like a blackhole, a nose that sat perfectly with perfect eyebrows and longish eyelashes. "Jax" I smiled "oh baby sister is that how you greet your other half" Jax said with a smile that could blind anyone. "Baby sister? you know where twins right?" I said as I ran towards my brother and hugged him. "yea yea yea whatever, did you miss your handsome brother?" Jax said as he wrapped his arms around my back. Jax had been away on a mission for a month don't ask me what he did cause I don't even know. we might be each others better halves but even we have to keep secrets when it comes to missions. "Meh It was nice to have some peace and quiet" I replied had just stood there and laughed. "my lady your dinner is waiting" a young girl with long brown hair and ocean blue eyes said as I turned to see who it was it was. "of course it does" I replied "I'm sorry for interrupting this moment of yours but I'm your new maid killer" the girl replied with a sweet smile. as I turned my head to look at my brother he laughed and said "I haven't eaten yet and yes that's what I came to get you for". "you really are a horrible horrible messenger" I laughed as we left the room and went straight than took a right. two people where tied to chairs and mouths were covered with cloth "untie them" I commanded as the killer untied them "you may leave" Jax barked at her. killer left the room and I looked at the two people in front of us "are you afraid" I asked them. " what do you want from us" the man replied in anger and with a blink of an eye I appeared behind him and laughed. "what the hell is this" he yelled in fear "run" I laughed as the boy started to run I appeared in front of him and bite his neck as the warm liquid ran into my mouth I kept on drinking until there was non left. "aaaaahhhhhhh" he screamed as I drank from his neck than shortly after I started the other male screamed. As I looked up at my brother who had already finished I smiled and licked my lips and went to my brother and wiped the remaining blood off his face. "young Masters" killer called as we left the room "what is it" I bitterly spat out "you have training please go get dressed" she replied and in a blink of an eye I was back in my room. I pulled out a cute all-black sports outfit and put it on with black converses.

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