
Afitera: Age of Darkness

He was treated like a pig by everyone else, he earned life with no joy at all. In all of his years of living in the world, he never received sympathy or the feeling of a human who was held deep in affection by anyone. 

Gi_Nicole · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Fading Light 1.2

A young man is sprinting alongside the structures. Fluids on his forehead flow onwards his chin. His eyes are fixated forward while he's inhaling and exhaling at a fast rate.

He opens his lip. "Lumina, please wait… for me."

Two women land in front of him and he immediately stops moving. The wind gently blows in his direction. The two women remove the white clothing from their faces, and one of them talks to him. "A dolorous meeting for the three of us. We have come here to bring you to the place appointed by the majesty."

"The way both of you talk," Afitera says, "so you two are servants of a high-class woman."

The other woman whose eyes are thin, tells Afitera. "We don't need to ask some questions nor introduce ourselves to each other. Our majesty requires us to bring you to a distant place."

"Lumina, she needs me-!" his eyes widened.

"You do know nothing about us," the woman with thin eyes narrows her eyes, "we are serving one human being."

She moves her eyes beside her, and the fat woman beside her jumps toward Afitera.

He narrows his eyes as he is clenching his hands. "Even if I have nothing to utilize against you-!"

The woman reaches his face with her hand; she tightens the grip of her fingers on his face.

Afitera opens his lip and closes it; his teeth crush a portion of her palm. Her eyes widen as she moves her eyes toward her hand and she sees Afitera pulling her upwards.

"This whippersnapper!" she yelled.

Afitera pulls her up, hence, he jumps and pulls her toward the ground. He lands on the ground, and folds his upper body; he settles his hands on his thighs while inhaling and exhaling at a fast rate.

The woman with thin eyes utters a soft laugh. "I can't believe what I am witnessing as of this moment… a child able to slam down a woman with a lengthy kilogram."

"L-Lumina… she needs me," Afitera straightens his upper body, "move! My friend! She needs my help!"

"What power do you have to help her?" she scowls at him, "what she's facing isn't a normal human being who can just be stopped by an authority or people who have tools! How can you save her despite being weak?!"

"I don't want to waste my time responding to your damn questions!" Afitera narrows his eyes, "I will sacrifice my whole life if that will be the key to her safety! I am willing to do anything just to save her-!"

A visual of Lumina smiling appears in his mind, and fluid begins to fall into a gentle stream down to his chin. 

Afitera sniffs as his memory of Lumina flow in his mind. He falls to his knees and looks straight into her eyes, and the fat woman remains standing in her position while smiling at Afitera whilst the woman with thin eyes is gazing at him.

Afitera arises and with his placid eyes, he closes his hands. "I am determined to save her for she is not just a friend but a family to me as well."

"Afitera, your determination is solid as a rock but do accept that we cannot let you go," the woman with thin eyes tells him, "for us, following the majesty's order signifies how much we value her."

Afitera begins to close his eyes and inhales through his slightly open lip. He opens his eyes and tells her. "Just you know, I won't step back no matter what."

She points her hand at him and blue particles appear on her palm. The blue particles turn onto a sphere and fly towards Afitera. 

He jumps aside but a pair of hands holds his arms; pushing him to the ground. Afitera keeps swiftly moving his hands from side to side.

The woman with curvy thick body swirls while lifting Afitera, hence she throws him forward. 

Glowing blue spheres reach Afitera and gigantic combustion of blue energy appears; spreading heavy wind force together with a portion of smoke.

The fat woman is coughing and then her eyebrows contract as folds appear on her face. "Are you out of your mind, Celia?! What if he dies?!"

"Relax, Ija," Celia waves her hands, "if he dies we could just fetch his soul from the world of souls."

Ija's eyes are widening, and she runs forward and halts. "That whippersnapper!"

"He escaped!" Celia halted in front of the hole in the ground.

Meanwhile, in a place where severe water, walls with moss, and feces everywhere, a young man is sprinting on a narrow pathway.

"I must get to her at once," Afitera whispered.

A blue sphere hits the water in front of him and an explosion occurs and the force of it strikes Afitera; pushing him backward.

Afitera pushes himself back on his feet and he begins to move at full speed once again. Celia and Ija halt in their position and gaze upon the scrambling young man.

Ija begins to run whilst Celia remains standing in her position. 

"Ija has great speed," Celia smirks, "no wonder she's going to catch the child. I have great faith in her and that faith will never fade away."

Afitera suddenly flies and crashes into the water. He settles his hands on the ground and pushes himself, and then he turns around and his eyes perceive Ija staring at him with reddening eyes.

"I have never watched and felt a kid escaping from our grasp," Ija utters with a soft laugh, "I hope that you are not joking after you said to me and Celia that you want to save the majesty, herself?"

"She is my friend and she has rescued me from my sadness," Afitera tells her, "let alone my desire to save her, please!"

"What if I tell you something," Ija chuckles once again, "the majesty for sure has not told you anything about her family or her bloodline?"

Afitera closes his hands and it trembles. "You are attempting to manipulate the situation! I know what you are doing!"

Ija looks down and chuckles. She ceases her laughs and moves her eyes upward, ergo, she narrows her eyes at him. 

Ija begins to speak, "The majesty isn't just an ordinary human being. She came from the clan of Kref which is one of the most feared clans, and no creatures didn't fear them.

"The majesty's father has the blood of a santelmo making her a santelmo as well."

"T-That is not true!" Afitera's hands are shaking along with his thighs, "I don't believe you!"

"Afitera, I shouldn't have trusted you," Ija is raising her hand, "we should not have allowed our majesty to make a connection to a normal being like you.

"They are right, every human being is the same; you're just full of words and you cannot stand for your own words."

Ija's hand suddenly stops moving and it trembles as she falls to her knees. Fluids immediately fall from her forehead; the color of her fluid turns red.

"The majesty… s-she's running out of her lifespan!" she spoke.

"Take me to her!" Afitera walks toward her, "I said take me to her! I WILL SAVE HER NO MATTER WHAT!"

He ceases on his footsteps right in front of her eyes. She moves her eyes upward and he holds the collar of her shirt; shaking her.

"You piece of shit! If you should have stopped talking and just allowed me to go to her!" his grasp on her collar begins to loosen, "but I do want to walk away after knowing who she is… saving her will just cause me to harm myself."

His forelegs begin to fold, and he begins to fall to the water whilst Ija begins to cough and she releases a strain of blood from her lip.

Her whole body begins to descend on the filthy water. 

A shadow of a person is hovering on the unconscious bodies of Afitera and Ija. The person standing right in front of their bodies is gazing at them.

"The plan of killing the rat is a successful one, and I also slaughtered a pig," his lips which have multiple crack curves upward, "the majesty must be proud of me."

Inside a large room, a young woman with scarlet hair and fox-like eyes is staring at a white ribbon that she's holding.

"The light has faded." she looked upward and released waves of audible laughter.

The white ribbon falls from her fingers and hits the ground as a red fluid spreads all over it.

"Father must be proud of me," she said.

The person in front of Ija and Afitera's bodies jumps backward, and a blue sphere hits where he stood.

Celia lands between Afitera and Ija. She grimaces at the person. "I knew there was something wrong here. Sene, what are you doing here?" 

Sene closes his hands as his eyes narrow at her. "Celia… you don't deserve to hear my words. Stray from here!"

Celia cracks her knuckles as the corner of her lips curve upwards. "But how can I stray away? Knowing that my biggest rival is here."

"This young man and woman here are my prey." Celia raised her hand; pointing her index finger at Sene.

"Come on," Sene raises his hands, "we're comrades here aren't we, Celia?"

A blue sphere emerges from her fingertip and it flies toward Sene. He jumps backward and immediately swings his hands.

Blue spheres appear in front of Celia and explosions occur in front of the blue spheres.

Celia comes out from the smoke, and she's sprinting toward Sene with a grin on her lip.

Celia points her fingers at him. Sene moves his eyes around him and blue spheres appear in a flash around his whole body.

Sene yells, "This woman!" 

Multiple blue spheres around Sene expand until it bursts; its force spreads throughout the whole sewer. The ceiling breaks apart and falls onto the large smoke.

Celia turns around and her eyes fixate on the unconscious body of Afitera and Ija.

"I must bring these two to safety," she said.

Meanwhile, on a terrain full of trees and some being swallowed by raging fire, a young woman is inhaling and exhaling at a fast rate.

"Hello, this is Celia, your majesty," Celia spoke through her mind.

"How's the plan?" Lumina asked.

Celia replies, "The plan went well but a servant of your sister appeared and nearly ended our life."

"I'll deal with her later," Lumina tells her, "what is important to me is his safety."

Lumina's smile goes wide. "Celia, please keep an eye on him and do not let him come to me no matter what."

Celia speaks, "You can trust me… but the boy, he is determined to aid you. Are you just going to turn him down?"

Lumina moves her eyes upward and hops backward, hence a fireball hits the ground where she stood.

Bene flies from the flames and he reaches her. He thrusts his flaming hands toward her but Lumina holds his hands.

Lumina swings him upwards and slams him on the soil. Bene sways his hands and Lumina's hands slip from his hands.

Bene flies closer to Lumina and holds her face, and Bene flies while holding her face. 


He flies at a higher level and throws Lumina toward the ground. She settles her hands on the ground and pushes herself while clenching her teeth, thence she looks upwards. 

"I will put an… end to this!" Lumina announced.

Her skin is beginning to turn red as smoke is occurring from it. Her sclera is turning dark while her pupil and iris are shifting to the color of red. Flames appear on her face, around her neck; wrists, and ankles. Two fireballs appear on her shoulders.

"Impressive," Bene smirked.

Lumina jumps and her foot releases a strong force of flames. She reaches Bene and thrusts her flaming hand but he catches her hand.

She thrusts her flaming hand but Bene catches it. He pulls her towards him but Lumina breathes a great force of fire that hits his face.

Bene's hands move away from her hands, and Lumina thrusts her foot which strikes Bene's chest.

Bene crashes on a group of burning trees. He arises from destroyed bodies of trees, and his eyes broaden.

Lumina appears right in front of his eyes and Bene swings his hand; releasing a force of tremendous scarlet flames toward her.

Lumina remains standing in front of Bene despite half of the trees that melted due to the flames of Bene.

"How can you remain standing so fine in front of me?!" Bene stands up, "you should have died or languished because of my flames!"

Lumina moves her hand towards his face, she lifts him and slams him on the ground; crater forms on the ground.

Lumina remains standing in her position while her eyes coated by flames are staring down at Bene.

"You are done for, Bene," she told him.

A soft laugh occurs and it becomes loud as it turns louder; echoing throughout the whole forest.

Bene's hands are settled on the ground; his fingers begin to fold and move rapidly. His hand moves toward her flaming face, and he tightens his grip and throws her aside.

Lumina hits the ground and rolls on it. She begins to push herself but a hand grabs her nape; pulling her upwards. 

Lumina swings her flaming hand; a tremendous force of flames emerges from her hand but Bene catches it and breaks it with his bare hands.

Bene who's holding her nape opens his hand; releasing Lumina and so he kicks her.

Lumina's whole body hits the near tree, and so she pushes herself from the tree and stands up on her feet.

Lumina shifts her eyes toward Bene, who is taller; his chest down to his abdomen is exposed; it's hairy and muscular. His arms down to his hands are hairy and also muscular.

His red eyes stare down upon Lumina while smoke is coming out from his nose as he's ambling closer to Lumina.

"Your failure is not being aware of my capabilities," Bene smiles; exposing his dark teeth, "I won't heed to my heart anymore. Now, that I am in this form then I can defeat without taking a break."

She places her hands on the ground and she arises until she is standing on her feet.

Lumina begins to move at greater speed towards Bene. He points his hand at Lumina and smokes occur from it.

Lumina inhales deeply and breathes the tremendous force of flames which swallows the smoke from Bene. He jumps backward and claps; the force from his clap crashes the ground and lifts its big and small pieces.

Lumina jumps from one floating piece of soil towards the other one and so on. She lands on the ground, and the flames on her face, wrists, and ankles are becoming big as it's glowing brighter.

Henceforth, Lumina jumps toward Bene and he does the same. Lumina continues thrusting her fists at his chest yet he remains staring at her with his calm eyes.

Lumina asks herself. "My punches are being boosted by flames, how come-!"

Bene thrusts his hand toward her and the force of his punch propels her toward the mountain. Her body is deepened into the crater on the mountain. She begins to unseal her eyes and sees the calm blue skies.

She touches the crater while speaking, "I must get out of here-!"

An entity lands on her stomach causing the cracks on the crater to spread all over half of the mountain; half of the mountain bursts apart.

Bene keeps punching her face, chest, and abdomen; the flames on her body begin to fade as strains of blood are emerging from her skin, and her eyes turn white.

Bene grabs her face, and he opens his hand; moving it away from Lumina's mug whilst Lumina remains floating in front of him.

Bene speaks while looking at her. "You may be strong, and you almost brought me to my knees, but do heed that I am still stronger."

Red particles appear around Lumina and it expands as it multiplies at a fast rate; forming a large diamond with baybayin words