
Chapter45: Sofia's New Experiences

We are now walking outside the mansion after we ate some of the foods they served to us. Sofia is now wearing a normal light dress that every normal girl in this city uses.

[ We could've used a carriage...! ] Sofia said.

[ you still don't get it yet? have you seen commoners use a carriage when they're outside? ] I replied.

[ Uhhh... ] Sofia pouted when she heard my reply.

[ that's why we won't use it, we're just going to walk this whole trip. ]

[ bu-but that's tiring! ]

[ hey hey, you asked for this, there's no going back now. ]

[ haah... fine...? how about you just piggyback me like what you're doing to Alice-chan? ]

[ no! ] Alice angrily replied to her statement.

[ you heard it. ]

[ hah! this is so~ boring! ]

[ we aren't even starting yet. ]

[ fine... so, where are we going first? ]

[ just leave that to us. ]


[ Wow... so this is what the plaza looks like! there's so many people! ]

As Sofia has said, there are a lot of people walking at the plaza right now and we're in the middle of it.

I decided that we should go to the plaza first because it's a place where there's a lot of things we can do.

[ it's amazing, right? many people are buying their stuff here, other's are here to look for a place to eat, some are just looking for entertainment. ]

[ really? I thought plazas are just a place for nobles to socialize and eat. ]

[ is that so? ]

I guess nobles don't really have any interest in buying their stuff here, people said that nobles only like expensive things so they can show their wealth to the commoners and also other nobles alike.

[ look, look! isn't that the famous Vacanti restaurant? ] Sofia-san pointed at the large building that looks like a medieval church.

[ oh? isn't that the restaurant where only nobles are allowed? ] I remember Alice telling me that.

[ I think so... are we going inside? ]

[ ha? of course not. It's only for nobles, right? ]

[ I guess so... ]

This Sofia isn't really thinking about us huh? What if Alice and I accidentally went inside... we might get executed...

[ onii-chan, onii-chan! look! they're doing a play! ] Alice forcefully turned my head to where she was pointing at.

It was a small stage in the middle of the plaza. I can easily guess that they will be doing a play as I can see some people on top of it wearing some costumes, but they're not doing anything so I guess they're not starting yet.

[ want to watch Alice? how about you Sofia-san? ]

[ Un! ] Alice immediately replied.

[ is it entertaining? ] Sofia asked.

[ hmm... maybe. Let's just go and try it. ]

[ fine... ]

we then walked towards the sits in front of the stage.

[ sit here Alice, pick whichever sit you like Sofia-san. ] I brought Alice down from my back and made her sit at one of the chairs in front of the stage.

[ are you sure? aren't we supposed to pay for this? ]

[ no, no, when they do it in the middle of the plaza, it means it's free. ]

[ is that so? ]

[ oh! they're starting. ]


[ Whe-where am I? ]

[ this is the realm of the Gods! you, my child, has been chosen to become the hero that will save this dying world! Take this sword and it will grant you unparalleled power that will assure you success at fulfilling this duty. ]

[ I will receive this sword and fulfill the duty you bestowed upon me. ]

[ That's how our hero received the blessing and power of our Goddess Clair, who is the Goddess of life, who was the one who granted every human of this world life. ]


[ This is the end of my journey. I will defeat you Demon King and end all the suffering of this world caused by you! ]

[ just try it. ]

[ Hhaaaa!!! ]

[ And that's how our hero defeated the Demon King and was able to bring back the peace it took. ]


[ that was amazing onii-chan! the hero beat the Demon king so easily! ] Said Alice enthusiastically.

[ is that so? you really liked it, Alice huh? ]

[ Un! ]

I actually have many problems with the story, like how they interpreted Claire as such an elegant and wise Goddess, it's just so far from the real Goddess Clair I know and I'm also not sure if the hero of the story is from a different world like me or something because they started the story the Goddess already giving power to the hero.

[ how about you Sofia-san? ] I asked Sofia-san.

[ I think it's average, but it was my first time hearing about that story. ]

[ really? I thought you might have heard of it before. ]

[ not really. ]

I looked at Sofia-san earlier when we were watching, she was actually watching it carefully and I can also see her reacting every time the hero does something. I'm sure she enjoyed it.

[ okay, should we go to the park next? ]

[ park? ]

[ yes, Alice and I always go there. We'll have a picnic! ]

We did it almost every day since we stopped doing tasks at the guild.

[ ...what's a picnic...? ]

[ well, it's basically just eating outdoors. ]

[ is that so? then let's try it out. ]

[ hmm... I think we should shop first. ]


[ why does it feel so refreshing...? ]

[ I know right? ]

All three of us are now sitting at a small slope at the park below the shade of a tree. The sun is high but the wind is cold, small leaves are also falling on top of the tree. Looking around us, all there is are green grass and large trees, there are also other people sitting on the benches, some below trees like us.

[ it feels great to rest here. ] I said.

[ I agree. ] answered Sofia-san.

[ Alice, look at this. ]

what I showed Alice is a kite I made from materials I bought at the toy shop earlier.

[ what's is that onii-chan? ]

[ it's a toy. ]

[ a toy? how does it work onii-chan? ]

[ wait, I'll show you. ]

I stood up holding the kite with both of my hands while also holding its thread. I stood opposite to the direction of the wind and waited for a strong wind before I let go of the kite.

then a strong wind came, so I let go of the kite.

[ uwahh... ]

[ sugoi! ]

both Alice and Sofia were stunned when the wind carried the kite into the air.

[ is it magic onii-chan!? ]

[ no, it's just the wind blowing this kite into the air, there's nothing special. ]

[ i-it the first time I saw something like this... ]

[ do you want to try? ]

[ ca-can I? ]

[ of course, here. ] I gave the thread I'm holding to Sofia-san.

[ uwahh... amazing... ]

[ onii-chan...! ] Alice pouted.

[ right, right, I make you one too okay? ]

*** 10 minutes later...

[ look, look, onii-chan! mine's so high! ]

[ hey, I won't lose to you Alice-chan. ]

[ let's see whose kite will be the highest in the sky. ]

The three of us made our kites fly so high in the sky. Some people are looking with amazement at our kites which is now getting higher and higher in the sky.

and then...

[ o-onii-chan! ]

[ wha-what happened Haruto!? ]

both Alice's and Sofia's threads gave up. Their kites are now being blown away by the wind without their control.

[ haah... I guess that's it. ] I said as I also cut the thread of my kite.

[ uwaah... why did you do that!? ]

[ onii-chan... ]

[ well, it will happen anyway and I don't want to be alone flying my own kite at the sky. ]

[ I guess so... ]

our kites are still can be seen at the sky, being blown away by the wind causing it to get farther away from us.

[ say, you packed us launch Alice right? ] I asked Alice.

[ un. ]

[ then let's eat it now. ]

[ okay. ]


The sky is now orange and it's already getting dark. We did many things today, we especially took a lot of time shopping, we shopped twice at two different places at the city and Sofia-san bought a lot of stuff, it was a good thing that Guard A and Guard B turns out to be following us all the time, so Sofia made them carry all the stuff she bought back to Jacked Jack-san's mansion.

[ this is our last stop. ] I said.

[ what is this? ] asked Sofia-san.

[ a ramen shop. ]

[ it's our favorite! ]

[ let's go inside. ]

Alice, Sofia-san, and I went inside. Inside was still the usual Japanese atmosphere that I love and the usual middle-aged man standing at the counter.

[ Welcome. oh, it's you guys again. The usual? ]

[ three of it please. ]

[ okay. ]

[ you're pretty friendly with him. ]

[ well, we come here almost every day. ]

[ is that so? ]


the sky is now dark and the tour is finally over, we're now in front of Jacked Jack-san's mansion.

[ tha-thank you for today Haruto... I think I gained a lot of experience... maybe I'll ask you guys again sometime... ] Sofia-san shyly said.

[ of course. ] I replied.

[ uh... etto... thank you too, Alice-chan. ]

[ ...ye-yes. ] answered Alice.

I guess they became a little close because of today, especially when they both shopped for girls stuff.

[ thank you Haruto-kun for taking care of Sofia today. ] said Jacked Jack-san.

[ don't worry about it Jack-san. ]

[ un. ]

[ be careful on your way back Alice-chan, Haruto-kun, okay? ] said Jack-san.

[ we will. ]

[ well then, good night. ]

[ yes. ]

[ umm... by the way Haruto-kun... the ramen was delicious. ]

[ is that so? ]

[ well then, bye Alice, and Haruto-kun. I enjoyed a lot today. ]

[ un. ]

[ we enjoyed a lot too. ]

after that, we finally leave Jacked Jack-san's mansion.

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