
Adventure Guild

In the world of Adventure Guild, there's 2 factions that divide those who protect people... The Adventurers and The Magic Security (MS for short.)

normal_name · Fantasía
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13 Chs

The Brave And The Coward Against The Giant Spider!

Simon and Owen wait in anticipation, they will try to counter the spider's move. The spider takes a huge leap at Simon. It's fangs grasps onto Simon's sword, who held the blade to block. The acidic venom almost burnt through the blade but Simon pulled away and dodged. He realised blocking is futile, as it will only damage the sword. The two will have to take advantage of Owen' s long ranged attacks. The spider seemed to target Simon as of now, with Owen unable to move from the fear.

"Owen! Do something!" - Simon

Simon's words didn't get through Owen. He did manage to ready his bow but he was too shaky to aim straight.

"I- I- can't..." - Owen

Owen slowly lets go of the bow's string... He couldn't shoot.

Simon felt a bit betrayed... He believed in Owen... The spider took advantage of the hurt Simon and tried to stab at him with it's weirdly sharp legs. Simon barely managed to block and was sent flying into a tree, he spat out blood as he made impact.

Simon stumbles back onto his feet with his sword. The spider begins crawling slowly... Simon was brave, but he also felt...scared... The mere size of the spider was intimidating but he didn't give in. He held his sword up and dashed at the spider aiming for one of its legs. The sword swipes it off easily, the spider cries in pain and reacts with a quick jab with one of his other legs. Simon was unable to block and got knocked down once again, the strength of the spider was certaintly great. It begins drawing a trail of blood behind it as he once again goes toward the knocked down body of Simon. This time he could barely stumble onto his knees. The spider readied her fangs and was about to bite into Simon.


An arrow hits the backside of the spider. It's cries louder then ever. Owen stands with his bow in hand. He seemed to shake more then before.

"...I-I I- did it... So get up Simon! I can't defeat it alone!" - Owen

Simon coughed up blood onto the floor. He stumbles back onto his feet. The spider charges at Owen.

"Owen! *Cough* RUN!" - Simon yells out as he begans making his way after the spider.

Owen's feet were stuck in place. He barely manages to didge the acidic venom the spider shoot outs at him, Owen responds by trying to aim for its eye. But... With all the shaking, Owen couldn't aim and the spider swoops from the side. Knocking Owen out almost immideatly.

"OWEN!!!" - Simon

Simon jumps at the spiders back and brings his sword into it. The spider jumps around from the pain and shakes off Simon, the sword remains in it's back. The spider was heavily injured and bleeding from multiple spots. It's movements were a lot slower now, and as it spat acid towards Simon even that seemed weaker... Perhaps it is unable to produce strong acid without enough energy, Simon thought. Then he got an idea. Simon himself was also hurt, but he could still move mostly fine.

After a few seconds the spider began crawling at Simon once again, trying to attack with its leg from the side. Simon jumps up and lands back on the spider's feet. It makes a crack sounds as it bends and the spider cries out in pain. The spider attacks with another leg, which Simon responds to by jumping at it's head. The spider tried using its fangs to bite Simon but with a well timed push off of its head Simon gets back onto it's backside. Pulling out his sword, which is covered in it's green blood. The bleeding got even heavier and the spider felt a sharp pain as Simon pulled out his sword. It didn't cry out this time, as it focused on getting Simon off of itself. With one swoop the spider knocks Simon's feet out of under him. Knocking him down back onti the ground. The spider turns to face Simon, it's fangs reaching for him. Simon blocks with his sword, the weaker acid proves useless as it cannot burn through metal anymore. Simon pulls away, his sword still covered in it's acid. Simon smiles as he jumps to its side.

"It's like salt in a wound." - Simon.

Simon stabs straight through the side of the spider which crues out once more, its cries begin to fade as it crumbles down. In a small time, the cry stopped. It's dead.

Simon rushes over to Owen, who seemed to get a concussion due to the hit. Simon wasn't sure thoug and quickly threw him over his shoulder and rushed back into Pelican Stone. The two eventually made it and Simon sprinted to a nearby doctor to get Owen checked. He got there in time, seemingly Owen didn't suffer anything too serious but will have to be resting for the next few days. This relived Simon... Without Owen the spider may have taken Simon out, then again it took some time for Owen to get brave... But that didn't matter to Simon as he was glad that in the end everything was fine. Simon went over to inform the mayor that the spider problem is dealt with. The mayor was glad and gave the rewards to Simon. He received 5 Galore... Now the guild has a total of 10 with Owen giving 2 when he arrived. Simon was unaware if Kristina had any money but he also didn't care. They also received some food, such as apples and meat. Simon walked back to the guild with his hands full. He opened the door to see Kristina.

"Hey... Where's the other guy?" - Kristina

"You mean Owen?" - Simon

"Yes..." - Kristina

"Got injured... Those pesky spiders were alot more than we thought." - Simon

"Tsk- don't know how long that weakling will las-" - Kristina

"...Calling him that won't help Kristina... His archery is great enough. With due time he'll become strong. Trust me, I know..." - Simon

With that Simon walked away from the converstation and stashed away their food into the refrigerator... Kristina felt bad about what she said about Owen, but she could also feel that Simon was talking about something... Personal...

(To Be Continued)