
Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

this is not my story. Major league rescue pitcher Sawamura returns to his boyhood, makes up for his regrets, finds his dreams, and recreates a glorious story. The story is long, take it slow…

MoonlightUnivers · Cómic
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12 Chs

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If his ball speed could have been ten kilometers faster then, no, it would have been five kilometers.

The results are all quite different.

After being reborn, Sawamura began to concentrate on honing his speed. This kind of exercise is to be cultivated with the growth of the body during the six years from middle school to high school, and the effect is the most obvious. Once the body has passed the age of sixteen, it is basically set, and it is difficult to achieve a great improvement in the speed of the ball.

When he graduated from high school in his previous life, Sawamura had just honed his ball speed to 140, which was not too weak for a professional pitcher. But there isn't much of an advantage.

In this life, Sawamura is not very demanding. As long as you can lift ten kilometers.

If there is a ball speed of 150, plus the colorful changing ball, he will definitely become a legend.

Although Sawamura in his previous life had some achievements, he was still far from being a legend.

Even in his contemporaries, Sawamura did not become the greatest one.

After that, let's talk about the game.

1st grade of middle school, 12 years old, 120 ball speed!

Although Sawamura himself is not too satisfied, the speed of the ball is actually quite amazing.

At the very least, the little friends of Kalachaya's Second Army can't accept it.

They usually practice hitting the ball at a speed of 100 kilometers, and the fastest will not exceed 111.

The ball speed of 122 is completely untouched for them.

"Strike, strike, strike, strikeout!"

"That pitcher's ball speed, say it quickly."

"Who said no."

"How are we going to fight?"

Shi Lun's players were at a loss for a while.

Sawamura encouraged his friends on the side: "One point, one point is good. I will suppress them. As long as the big guy wins one point, we have hope. Don't care about the blind cat killing the mouse. Just see When the ball comes, swing the bat, there will always be a chance."

At this time, Sawamura was a little annoyed.

If only he was in the fourth bat!

In this way, as long as the first three hits can be hit, he can use timely hits to help the team score.

But now, there are seven, eight, nine sticks ahead of him.

Not to mention this pitcher of the time round, even if an eight-year-old child pitched, they would probably have a hard time hitting it.

The miracle did not happen in the end, and the first practice game of the little friends from Akagi Middle School was destined to leave regrets.

At the end of the seven innings, the total score is still 0:0!

Because it was not an official game, Shi Lun's coach did not arrange any tactics for his players. Otherwise, even if Sawamura has a ball speed of 120, it will be difficult to guarantee a draw.

Although I have regrets, it may not be a good thing for Akagi's friends.

This game made them fully aware of their own problems, and at the same time they liked baseball more.

There is nothing faster to cultivate interest than to participate in the competition yourself.

After the game, Akagi's friends really felt the charm of baseball.

Sawamura is also very pleased with the result.

He didn't know at the time, what would this game bring to him and Akagi?

Shilun is different from Akagi. As a famous baseball school in Nagano Prefecture, they communicate with other schools in Nagano. With the increase of Shiron Second Army practice games, a name gradually appeared in the baseball circles of all middle schools in Nagano Prefecture.

That is Sawamura, Sawamura Eijun!

It seems that overnight, Nagano has such a powerful player.

Ball speed 120+!

Not to mention anything else, this is enough to attract attention.

Even Sawamura, who had a rebirth experience, never expected that he would somehow become a famous baseball pitcher in Nagano Prefecture.

As Sawamura became famous, there was never a shortage of invitations from Akagi to practice competitions.

Sawamura thought again and again, but did not ask Sano to help arrange it immediately.

This kind of frustration-style interest cultivation can only be done once. If you do this for a long time, it may backfire.

In the next practice game, at least you have to score points.

Otherwise, wouldn't the game of the Akagi Middle School baseball team be watching you perform alone?

A team is a team, not a personal property. For the sake of oneself, it is absolutely impossible to ignore the collective interests of the team.

Especially as the captain, team organizer and manager, Sawamura believes that it is even more necessary for him to lead by example.

So, he told everyone about the invitation.

"During this time, many people have invited us to play. It seems that everyone is still very interested in me as a fastball pitcher."

Sawamura didn't hide the smug look on his face.

Facing such a frank Sawamura, the friends were a little upset. However, I still expressed my understanding, and I didn't have any small emotions.

After all, no matter what, Sawamura's strength is there.

"But they were all rejected by me."

Sawamura said: "The team does not belong to me alone, but to all of us. I don't want to hear people outside say that Akagi is my Sawamura's one-man team."

Sawamura said a lot, but this sentence really speaks to my friend's heart.

There were two emotional ones who even cried on the spot.

"Hey, Cang Yue hasn't cried yet, man, don't be too embarrassed!"

Sawamura joked. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Since then, Akagi's friends, following Sawamura's instructions, practiced baseball even harder.

They are waiting patiently, waiting to be on the field again!

By then, they must have surprised everyone.

Time passed quietly in the constant practice of Akagi's friends.

In the blink of an eye, it has been a month since they played against Shi Lun Middle School.

During this time, everyone worked very hard. Not only did they become familiar with the rules of baseball, but their swing and fielding also looked the same.

Sawamura believes that the time is ripe to consider the next practice match.

Sano-sensei agrees with Sawamura's idea.

"Association activities require communication in the first place, how can it be possible without communication."

He was fed up with the phone calls inviting him to the competition every day, and now that Sawamura has finally let go, he naturally won't let go of the opportunity.

"Then show me all the schools that invited us during this time."

Sano had no reason not to listen to Sawamura's request. He happily gave Sawamura the name he remembered.

Of course, there are some deletions in this. Some teams that disdain to play against Akagi have come back to find them. They were all rejected by Sano Yoshihisa eloquently.

"Just him!"

After careful screening for a long time, Sawamura finally designated a school.

"Tell them that we will go on an expedition, and let them prepare the venue."

Sawamura's natural appearance made Sano have a strange illusion, as if Akagi was an amazing team.

In fact, Akagi was just a practice match, and the target was the Second Army of Shi Lun Middle School.

If there is no Sawamura, who knows what the **** Akagi is?

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