
Abyss Of Inferno

"You ripped me of my entire existence. I will take your holy soul, for I shall be born again from the malevolence burning my onyx soul." Mellisent Argyris was the only daughter of the fallen commander of the kingdom 'Valor' from the human realm 'Travanos'. Following her father's death, her only kin, Mellisent, joins the 'Valhalla Academe', a centre with a vision of maintaining peace within human and mythical lands. Her sole aim is to train and return to seek vengeance for the massacre of her family. Though determined to become a warrior and join the prestigious army of Valor, destiny has other plans for her when her fate interweaves with the fae prince Aurelius Welkinns. Both their lives turn upside down as they discover the truth about their existence with the formation of relationships surpassing time and realms. Follow her journey as she struggles to seek revenge and creates an identity of her own. ************ "You don't know what you're getting yourself into, Prince Aurelius," said Mellisent as a pair of strong arms pushed her against the cold wall. "I know what I'm indulging myself into. I'm like a moth drawn towards a flame," said Aurelius as he moved his face closer to hers such that their breaths mingled into one. "I'm not a flame but an abyss that would combust you to ashes," Mellisent warned as her breath came out into small puffs. "Then I would love to delve into that abyss," said Aurelius as his lips engulfed hers. ************** P.S. This is my first novel, so I request the readers to support my work and point out my shortcomings so that I can improve my writing skills, and I'm open to suggestions regarding the novel. The story will be a bit slow-paced at the start and gradually build up to the point where the real journey of the FL starts. # The cover of the novel is mine.

Melkeveien_0506 · Fantasía
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18 Chs

Listen to your Father

Just as Prince Darius was about to illustrate to Mellisent about the Valhalla Academe, their fathers arrived.

"Heyyyy!!! Heyyyy!!! Drusilla and Dexter, you both!!! At least have some dignity; they are about to become grown-ups and still always are at each other's neck," grumbled King Fabain as he came to where they had occupied the niche amid the dense forests, with Dmitri closely following his footsteps.

Hearing their father's condescending voice, Drusilla and Dexter set their posture straight and hooked their arms while giving each other their brightest grins. Pretending to be the best pair of brother-sister anyone could've ever seen.

Likewise, Mellisent and Prince Darius, too, halted their ongoing conversation and stood up from their sitting position.

They both sighed and shook their heads at the evident act of deception in front of their eyes.

"Uncle Fabain!!!!!!" yelled Mellisent cheerfully when she spotted the king and shuffled to his side.

At the same time, the three dwarf siblings came to stand in a line and performed a ceremonial greeting to the former commander Demitri Argyris as expected of someone of their status.

"Good morning, Uncle Demitri. It's been a pleasure to be your acquaintance," greeted the three siblings while bowing their heads.

"Get up!! You don't have to greet me formally; I'm your uncle, so just come and welcome your uncle with a hug and smile," urged Demitri as he opened his arms to greet them.


The three siblings excitedly went to hug Demitri, who crouched down to his knees and warmly accepted their greetings.



Mellisent, who was standing near King Fabain, put her arms on her waist as she complained.

"Uncle Fabain, have you only arrived today to spend your time with my father? We did not even precisely talk with each other today."

The King moved towards Mellisent and beckoned for her to bend slightly as he began to instruct her.

"Dear Melli, I had to talk about some critical issues with your father as it concerns both of you. I have already informed Demitri about the consequences if he does not take any action soon enough. Your father will have a dire conversation with you, and my only advice is that you allow him to explain himself before you pass your judgement."

King Fabain ordered as he arched his heels to stretch his calves and lightly patted her back.

Mellisent abruptly stepped away from him and folded her arms in front of her chest, and remarked while raising her brows.

"What is so crucial that you first discreetly left our side with my father? Then you had a confidential discussion with him, and now you're even diligently advising me to listen to my father's words."

King Fabain laughed awkwardly and began, "As expected of you, my Melli, you never overlook the minor details. All I can answer is that you must listen to Demitri, as he can only explain the entire scenario more clearly."

"If you say so, Uncle, then I will discuss the same with my father," assured Mellisent.

The monarch then nodded in acknowledgement as he knew that Mellisent was a patient and fair young maiden who constantly analysed the circumstances before coming to a decision.


After exchanging pleasantries, Dmitri, with Crown Prince Darius, Princess Drusilla and the youngest Prince Dexter, arrived, where his daughter and friend were involved in a serious talk.

"What are you talking so earnestly about with Melli?" asked Demitri curiously.

King Fabain pivoted around and intensely looked at Demitri, "She has to offer attention to whatever you will be explaining to her after we exit for the mountains."

Demitri's expression at once turned severe, and he nodded his head while maintaining deep eye contact with the King as if the two were having silent communication where even words were not needed.

The four youngsters on the side swapped their faces sideways between the two of them in astonishment as if trying to understand their unspoken words.

Demitri's and his voiceless dialogue ended with a curt nod.

The forestland became more illuminated as the daylight intensity gradually expanded, indicating that the time for the royal family members of Kirall to depart for their realm had ultimately arrived.

"I think this is where we part ways, my friend, but before we retire from this place, may I have a few words separately without any interruptions?" asked King Fabain from Demitri.


Demitri said as he gestured with his hand for him to move a little further away from the four prying eyes attempting to eavesdrop on even a single sentence exchanged between the two.

"What's with these two being so secretive since the moment we stepped foot in these woods this early dawn?" inquired Prince Dexter as the lines on his forehead became prominent.

"Do you think Father is having a discussion regarding us leaving for the Valhalla Academe?" asked Princess Drusilla as her orbs slightly widened as she deduced the probability.

"That can be a possibility, too," agreed Crown Prince Darius as he gazed at the two men intently.

Mellisent, who was on the sidelines, was currently trying to deduce the chat she had with her uncle.

She was attempting to understand the peculiar behaviour of her father and King Fabain when she promptly spun her head toward the three siblings as soon as she heard the words 'VALHALLA ACADEME' once again.

"What is this academe you all have frequently been talking about?" said Mellisent raising a question inquisitively.

Princess Drusilla came to stand by Mellisent's side and began her series of questions.

"You have been made acquainted with the peace treaty by Uncle Demitri, right?"

"Yes," answered Mellisent as her ears perked up.

"How deep is your knowledge about this pact?" asked Princess Drusilla.

Mellisent coughed a little and then confidently began narrating her explanation based on the information conveyed by her father.

"Well, about five hundred years ago, when the bloodbath became more periodic among different beings of various realms, a peace treaty was signed by the rulers of the respective domains. It was mentioned in the treaty that no realm would interfere in the matters of others and would always maintain diplomatic relationships."

Princess Drusilla remained silent for a while as she scrutinised Mellisent's appearance and, with a sigh, asked again.

"Is that all you have ever been taught about this topic?"

Mellisent gave a questioning look at her and then veered around to glance at the other two siblings.

"Is there something more to this?"

The two dwarf princes nodded their heads.

It was, again, Princess Drusilla who started again. "By any chance, have you ever heard something related to this from your fellow villagers?"

"No," answered Mellisent again.

"Seriously, your village is indeed far behind the rest of the world," scoffed the dwarf princess while shaking her head.

"You all are making me confused; explain to me without twisting the words," groaned Mellisent in irritation.

Princess Drusilla put her hands behind her back and then remarked.

"My dear lovely mate, let this mighty Princess educate you about the history, politics and geography of this world briefly."

While Princess Drusilla was rendering her special lectures to Mellisent, a little far ahead of them, their fathers were busy with their own dialogue.

"Why did you ask me to follow you, my friend d? Is there anything more you want to talk about?" questioned Demitri.

"Yes, I forgot to tell you that; provide me with an answer as soon as possible so that I can make proper arrangements for Mellisent after she decides to take the entrance exam. I will give her the necessary travelling assistance when she leaves for the academe with the help of the sources I have planted in your realm," explained the King.

"I do not have any words to thank you for what you have been doing for my daughter and me all this while, Your Majesty," conveyed Demitri, his gratitude while bowing his head.

The King gave a side-eyed to Demitri as he intoned.

"Do not belittle our friendship Demitri; this is the least I can do for both of you. Moreover, the only matter that is left is for you to convince Melli to leave your lands."

"That is the only essential thing that is left," said Demitri with a sigh.


After spending a few morning hours together, the dwarf siblings vacated the woodlands with their father but not before each giving Mellisent and her father a prolonged hug.

This was the last time they were meeting them as they would be again seeing them after a span of four years, or that was what they thought so.

Mellisent, too hugged the three of them tightly as she bid her farewell to her friends while hoping for the coming four years to pass as soon as possible.

It was almost noon when Demitri and Mellisent returned to their abode.

As soon as they reached their home, Demitri sat at the small dining table, put down his bastard sword, and asked for Mellisent to join him as well.

He did not wish to delay the pressing matter and wanted to convey his decision to his daughter as soon as possible.

"My dear Melli, I have told you about the peace treaty before, right?" asked Demitri as he began to converse with her.

"Yes, Father, what about it?" asked Mellisent with interest as she put down her swords on the side table and came to take a seat in front of him.

"Though I have never told this about you, have you by any chance heard about Valhalla Academe?" asked Demitri.

"Yes, Father, it was today; Drusilla explained everything about the peace treaty, and that said academe. By the way, what are you implying?" inquired Mellisent while pulling her brows together.

Demitri inhaled profoundly and declared while holding his breath.

"You, my child, will be joining the Valhalla Academe."

"No," came an immediate refusal from Mellisent as her face hardened.

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