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What is Abusumon2020@gmail.com

Lee la novela Abusumon2020@gmail.com escrita por el autor DaoistoXxjUd publicada en WebNovel. Nothings...



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Secret Lover Ft. Astrid Vega (HIATUS)

"You will become the empress of the most prominent empire," mother said as she fixes my hair, adding a little touch to my already finished look. I stare at the mirror. I should be the happiest woman right now, getting married to the man I admired the most yet why does my heart wavers a little bit? "Let's go, His Highness is waiting for the most beautiful bride in the world" Esmeralda, my mother, taps me on my back as she looks teary eyes. I smiled a little bit. My mind is scattered everywhere, I can't even care less if the whole citizens of the Theavarian empire are watching my actions intently. I walk down in the aisle, dress in all white while the people started to look at me in awe. 'Our future empress' that's what they called me. "Do you take Logan Daxon Ruwedor Fergus as your lawfully wedded husband?" the priest asked but my eyes were pinned on his. The man who confessed his love for me yesterday, Grayson Rowan. 'I'm sorry...' With my lips trembling hard, I manage to say, "I do" and thus, the start of my loveless marriage. ------------ "Are you sure about this, Astrid?" Grayson Rowan's voice occupied the whole room, his brown tantalizing eyes and chiseled jaw made Astrid gulped nervously, why is it only now she realizes how attractive Grayson is? She handles the contract which is freshly signed. "Y-yes," she replied while looking down, "Then you must keep in mind the rules," Grayson said, standing up from his swivel chair. "Number one, no one will know about this contract, not even Brielle," he said, closing the distance, lifting Astrid's chin and making her look into his bright brown eyes. "Number two, you will come here only when I permitted you to do so" his rough hands tucking some of Astrid's loose hair. "And lastly, no strings attached" he finalized before sealing their contract with a kiss, it is indeed the start of their dirty little secret. She was an empress of the Theavarian Empire yet her body has been sold to the emperor of Alutia Empire. 

_escapist · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Uncalled Love.

"Sam, you know, people are crueler than we think. Some leave you to live your whole life in grief and guilt and some will bring you from that shithole only to push you back later...... I loved her and she left me forever. Now I'm in love with him but I have to leave him forever." I said in between sobs "Why doesn't the person I love stays in my life...Why do I feel pain, in the end, every time I love?... It's hurting Sam. My heart can't take more." I said in a muffled tone and started crying my heart out --------------------------------------------- LOVE the best ever feeling mankind can ever have, it can heal any pain and save any life. People say- love is the best medicine but why did they fail to realize that it's also the reason for the sorrow, grief, and pain? Kiet had led the perfect life a child can ever have until his parents got divorced. From then, his life has changed and 'love' has become his greatest enemy and so is his mother who forgot that she had a son and was spending her whole life in the grief of losing her husband On the other side, Song, never really cared for any people. He thought love was a mere feeling people show when you have money. His life was filled with girls, money, and rudeness, and never really cared about anyone's feelings...not even his mum's. Until it was too late. His opinion on love changes and so was his life when his mum dies in a tragic accident. His life was filled with depression and guilt. The two completely opposite worlds with tragic past and common opinions on love come together when fate showed mercy. They become roommates, the kind of roommates who don't know the existence of another. Slowly each other know about the other's past and the pain in it. Will they help each other to overcome their fears? Will a cold heart and a broken heart, melt and heal to form one, they are always meant to be? The old-school campus story of two imperfect hearts soon changes into an epic love story which ends up with Kiet choosing between his love and his career. Can these two hearts feel the love they deserve? ----------------------------------------- "Song?...Song." I called him not too loud for him to jolt He slowly turned towards me and smiled "What are you doing there? Come down" I said with a terrified tone "I-I can't. I can't. He's never gonna let us be together" "He will, pl-please just come down. We'll talk about it okkay?" I said while going towards him "No, he won't. I-I can't bear this anymore, Kiet. I can't feel the pain of losing you too" He said in between his sobs "Please......don't this to me" I said with tears rolling down. It was the first time I felt this type of fear. The fear of losing the one I love forever "I will always love you, Kiet. Goodbye" He said in a low tone and leaned back. Soon he fell off the roof "SONG..." I screamed while jumping from the roof. It can't be like this. I can never lose him...not again -------------------------------------------- Participant of Webnovel Spirity Awards 2021 Theme: Slice of life.

Seulil2061 · LGBT+
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150 Chs


       同居前,柳暮白一边弹着古典曲,一边享受高级咖啡,高贵典雅。   同居后——   乔泱:“喂,穿上这个试试。”   柳暮白看着乔泱扔来的一件公主裙,黑脸:“你确定要我穿?”   乔泱翻个白眼:“废话!快点给我女装大佬的既视感啊,不然我交不上稿你也别睡觉!”   柳暮白默默扫了一眼距离今夜十二点还有25分36秒的时间,深深抿嘴。   他一手解开睡袍细带,一手套上这件被乔泱从淘宝上买来的洋娃娃公主裙。   他这张阴沉俊脸配上这件粉嫩长裙,极具视觉冲击力!   乔泱看得直瞪眼,十指狂奔:“有了!我有了!”   夜深人静的公寓里传来这么一句,众人困惑:“呃,怎么大晚上的宣布怀孕消息么?”   半个小时后,卡点交稿的乔泱的心力憔悴,瘫倒在床。   柳暮白:“……完了?”   乔泱:“唔。”   “嘶啦——”只听一阵破碎声响起!   乔泱直瞅着公主裙变成碎片,就要发火,却被柳暮白撩起睡袍走人的背影撩拨的晕头!   乔泱:“靠?早知道我就不该浪费时间让你换衣服!”   柳暮白顿足侧首,乔泱拍手大吼:“下次我绝对不让你穿衣服!”   柳暮白听罢,一脚踹上:“下次?你还有下次!”         

若水亭 · Integral
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