
Chapter 2: More Than a Rumor

We all stared upon the tower gates, we were afraid and confused.

"This is, remarkable...but why here? and how is it here?" Mori asked.

"We don't know, but the only thing is that this is more than just a rumour" I said.

We continued to stare at the gates until Akari finally walked to it to observe it. she fixed her straight black silky hair before touching the stone gates, the black stone doors of the tower felt warm and its texture was like obsidian sharp, however it was a much more different material. She turned around to face us and spoke "Strange, it is far more mysterious than I expected."

Our eyes widened to see her speak in such an occasion, we knew that this structure was something different.

"Should we go in?" Mori asked

"I... I don't know, we seem possibly prepared, who knows we could possibly find good stuff if we go inside or even reach the top..." Rumi uttered.

Our group was silent thinking what to do, we stared at the tower as it really did go higher above the clouds, we looked back at the black doors of the tower and finally made our decision. I announced to the group

"alright, let's go in, but we must always stay together... alright?."

"right!" they replied.

I stared at the black gates and we all put are hands onto each of the doors, pushing them open, revealing somrthing of what should be another world. We all stared in awe of the scenery as if it were from a dream, a land of grassy plains and forests filled with life and somehow, a Sun shined upon the clear blue sky of this `world` that was presented to us.

"this is far, better than I expected it to be, I cannot believe what I'm seeing" Kaito said.

"this is only a portion of what there is, I can't wait, come on let's go!" in an excoted tone I ran ahead of them as I said this to them.

The rest of them followed me into the tower, but once we all entered the Tower comepletly, our fates were sealed. Behind us the stone gates slammed shut suddenly with a loud BOOM, it shook the ground underneath us grabbing our attention immediatly. Akari turned around to look at the door, her eyes widened and ran to the door to open it, but it won't budge.

We were trapped. We also ran to her to help her open the door, but it was sealed shut.

"I can see why none has left this place.." Kaito uttered, we all stopped trying to pull the door

"no matter, I'm sure we'll find a way" Rumi said in a slightly worried tone.

I turned around and saw a beacon in the distance, somewhere on the other side of this `world` we stepped foot on. I turned to them and pointed to the beam of light, "there" I announced

"If we want to get out I'm pretty sure we climb to the top, that beacon also should be there for a good reason." Kaito looked up at the beacon and nodded, looking back at the others, "It might as well be our only way, come on."

We slowly walked away from the sealed doors, I looked back and thought to myself

"I wonder what else is next. This better be an easy trip, but I doubt it."

Rumi stared in awe of our surroundings, wondering about this strange place, however the creatures inside were somewhat, odd. They hid in the shadows, so we only saw humanoid figures, it gave us a sense of danger, as something bad was about to happen.

I stared up to look where the beacon was to make sure we were going the right direction until Mori alerted us,

"Something is following us".

We stopped immediately to turn around, nothing was there except the trees as they rustled through the soft wind. It all seemed quite, too quite Akari looked around to start hearing the footsteps of something running to us. She listened closely as it started getting closer Akari tapped Kaito's shoulder and pointed to the direction behind him they both turned around and saw some kind of shadow, it gave an inhuman shriek grabbing the attention of Rumi, Mori and I.

Kaito got into a fighting stance, covering most of his body with his shield as he pointed his sword to the creature as it charged to us. It finally reached us, Kaito quickly jabbed his blade towards the shadowy figure only to have it deflected in sparks of metal, it was swift, it went on to an attack slashing Kaito's face giving him a large scar on his right cheek. In great shock his eyes widened, he ignored the scar and went to charge at it, The black creature went on to attack the others, targettimg Akari next, only to be shot in the head by one of her arrows simoultaneously being pierced from behind with Kaito's longsword. The humanoid figure layed there, dead, bleeding with a dark blood from the wounds it recieved, Akari retrieved her arrow and Kaito removed his blade from the corpse, "An easy challenge, regarding the scratch on my face" he smiled as he said this, not minding the damage on his face.

Akari nodded still, with her normal expression, an almost blank face. "Well, if there are things like what the hell those things are, we better get moving, there should be more as we go" Mori said.

After that we turned around continuing on our path towards the beacon, leaving the body.

This place is more than just a rumor, it could be an entire paradise or a living hell, but we must continue to the top hoping we can escape, from this tower, as it rose higher above the clouds.

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