
A while away: two sides to a coin

A While Away: Two Sides to a Coin shows the story of three merging with the three, Yemi, Yomi, Kunle, Ayooni, Anike and Asake, six people who tell the story of the dead and find themselves in a fix when they stumbled upon a corpse from the 18th century that hasn't decayed, The King of Utaka and a portal to a mirror world from theirs. Stuck in an unknown yet familiar world. they must find the truth as to why the corpse had a bitter memory and unravel the mystery of the land that was plagued before they can go back to their world. But with love, envy, jealousy, greed, and murder circling them, will they give in to what they are subjected to or will they scale through their ordeal and fight for what is right? thank you.

Aabimisha · Fantasía
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35 Chs

Chapter Twenty Two: Cassandra, child of the past?

Ayooni sprawled on her bed feeling numb. She remembered her mom telling her about her birth. Anka has been a point of importance in her life she said. I had a hard time giving birth, she heard her mother's voice in her head. I have been married for six years and I have never pregnant.

I met a sage who told me to travel to Anka at Zamfara, I didn't want to go initially but my husband insisted we went. I met another sage there who told me to give the food I had on me to the homeless child. I only had snacks and water on me. I remembered telling your father it was pointless to come here but we should treat it as a tour.

we decided to go to the famous mountain of colours to have a look. When a small girl walked up to me in tattered clothing, she was so beautiful I had the intention of adopting her immediately but all she asked was something to eat. So I gave her the snacks I had on me with the water. The girl smiled up at me and said go to the mountain of colours, there you will meet the fruit of your womb. A month after that I got pregnant with you.

Ayooni heard the story when she asked the reason behind her name, Ayooni ( the joy of today). Yemi met her sprawling on the bed, the image was sad and he wished he could take her pain away.

Are you alright? He sat beside her on the bed. No, I feel sick. The pain crept in, stabbing her deep. You know my mother once told me I told her to thank you when I was three years of age. "Thank you for feeding the child of the past and thank you for saving my life and giving birth to me". My mother also sends her thanks to you. I laughed thinking it was a child I am being a dramatic season. Now I know, I meant it. She may have carried me in her womb but she wasn't my mother.

Yemi sat beside her listening quietly. He had the same dream as hers, and so did the rest. He had the dream in Ayu's version, he felt his happiness, the love he has for Wura, and the pain he felt when he saw her tear-stricken face. The anguish when he was sending their child to a place he only saw in his vision.

Ayooni is a child born out of a love so strong it aches. He heard Ayu's voice in his head as he spoke to the child not yet born, "To the one who holds your heart, I say thank you for keeping my baby happy, I leave you my greatest treasure, please guard her" I will with my life he had muttered and he saw the smile like he heard him speak before the light goes out of his eyes.

Yemi lay beside and hugged her to him, you can cry if you want to, he said gently. A dam which she has no idea was hidden spiralled. When she emptied. He gave her water. I wish I could lift your pain, I understand where this is coming from and I wish I could do something about it. Look on the bright side, you could tell they loved each other a lot, that should give you hope.

I don't know what to do next, she said to him. One step at a time, I am here. They lay there for an hour listening to their breaths. I think I need to get up, I will fall sick if this continues Ayooni broke the silence. Okay, do you want your food brought here or you will come to the canteen later? I will come over, we all need to discuss this, do you need anything else, he asked standing up. No, and Yemi she called out thank you.

An hour later they sat at the table in their meeting tent. I guess we all have a lot to say to each other Yemi stated. The dream. Asani and Anike wrapped their arm around Ayooni to console her. We can't feel what you are feeling but we hope to help ease the little we can. Thank you, guys.

I need to know the version you guys saw each, Ayooni stated. I am a descendant of Tonia and Ari, Anike said. My grandmother is Annie, Asani stated. I am a descendant of Tonia and Ari too, Kinle gave Anike a nod. Tonia gave birth to four children. I am the grandchild of her female child. The only female child she has.

I am a descendant of Helen, Yomi voiced. How is that possible? Asked Anike. I saw from her her view. She was at the cave too that day. She wanted to have a look at the mountain when she heard the brawls. Afraid she might get caught she hid behind a large rock. She saw Winnie signal to someone before the arrow was shot, but she couldn't see his face. The person who shot the arrow has a lion crest on his chest pocket.

House of Casterly, Ayooni completed. I don't understand she said looking up at Yemi, we all are descendants of the circle except Yomi. Didn't Aiden get married, I remembered he didn't find a bride during the bonfire. It can't happen that he has no descendants.

He does, Yemi answered. Ayooni looked at him confused. We could revisit their memories because they are dead but Aiden is alive. And you know that because... Anike pointed. He is my father. Aiden is my father, he nodded.

Wait, what? Mr Adams is Aiden? Kunle exclaimed. No wonder he was against you coming here. Why are just saying this Ayooni asked. I didn't know before the dream. I was conceived on the altar Wura laid Ayu on the same night of the bonfire.

My dad told me, he didn't find love under the mistletoe but he had a one-night lay with a girl from another world. She had slipped through the portal mistakenly and saw the merry. Being someone who loves to party she joined in the fun and met Aiden. Infatuated by her, a drunken Aiden followed her to the cave beneath the mountain Wura and Ayu were in. On the day his brother died, he was at the cave too but was subdued by men in masks.

Being an exposed person the mysterious lady came to him to tell him she was pregnant with his child. He had gone to the cave because he wanted to share the good news with his brother and his fiance. On getting there, he heard the arguments. Before he could butt in Ayu was shot with an arrow, and Wura died laying on him. He buried her close to the mountain and followed the mysterious girl through to that portal.

Ayu didn't just send his child to the future, he sent the rest of the circle with her, hoping that would keep them safe. Apart from them, he sent a keeper with his child. What is the name of the young girl your mother met when she came to her Ayo, Yemi asked her. It's Cass, Ayooni answered. Cassandra? Anike was shocked. she has always been with her until she got who will carry her.

Cassandra is a child of the past? Kunle exclaimed. I used to wonder why she treated me differently. Now I know why Ayooni said rubbing her chin. My father needs to be here, Yemi cuts in. Yes, he does but how, Asani who has been quiet replied. A picture of Ayooni will do the trick.