
In The End

So this is the end, huh. I'm dying a virgin? I didn't even get to sleep with a girl except for my mom. Though I kissed a girl once, and it was on middle school. Well, that doesn't matter, I'm dying right here, right now anyways. If only I have not done the things I shouldn't have, this won't ever happen. All I asked was just to be... with you...

Back in my teenage days, I met a girl online that made me feel loved and made me happy every single day. I loved her as I loved my family. Every day we talk thru chats, calls, and in online games. Well, I met her in an online game. after 6 months of our relationship, we broke up due to not having enough time for each other, I cried, and cried, and cried the whole day of our break up. I'm just glad that my cousins are here for me, they're always right at my back. They're always here to support me, I love them. After our break-up, I'm afraid to be on a relationship again, I didn't feel like dealing with a woman ever again, I'm going to be single until I get a proper job of my own. That's what I thought to myself, I only watched animes, with the genre of romance, drama, and comedy. Watching them made me very happy! Watching them makes me feel like I'm being loved aswell. Everyday, I just stay in my room, consuming my time watching different animes and smiling for their happy relationships. I hoped I'm in a relationship same as them.

A few months has passed after our break-up, it's finally time for school, I'm in Senior Highschool now, I met my classmates, made friends with some, and there was this beautiful woman in our class that my friends keeps talking about, they're saying stuff like "She's beautiful", "I'll make her as my girlfriend", "She has big boobs, and thicc thighs too!", then I told them; "I agree that she's beautiful but, she might already have a boyfriend for her looks alone, also we don't even know if she's also beautiful in the inside you know?", one of my friends said; "Huh? Her figure alone is beautiful! I don't care if she has a demon for a personality!". Then I replied; "You don't deserve her then, if you're only after for her body, then you don't deserve her, you should love what she has on the inside too! I'm going to pee". After I said that, my friend's face looked shocked and disappointed to what I told him, but that's just how I felt. Personally, I don't care if a woman is ugly, as long as her personality is pretty, I'll love her. That's what matters. In The End, our beauty fades off, nothing is permanent in this world.

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