

"Tap!, Tap!"

While Chase was in slumber, he was abruptly awakened by the sound of approaching footsteps. Then, heavy finger tapping on his door caught his attention. Intrigued by the unexpected visitors, he employed his skill presence search to sense the presence of the knight who had confronted the beast tide the day before.

Rising from his bed and cautiously opening the door, he found himself under the watchful gazes of the knights, who regarded him with admiration. "Esteemed Dragon Slayer, the queen wishes to have an audience with you," the knight informed him.

This revelation caught Chase off guard, yet he realized it was logical that Lady Isabella would desire a meeting. However, he held onto the hope that this encounter would bring positive news rather than trouble because if she the hunter colbarated with Lady Isabella, he will have a hard time escaping.

"Very well, let me prepare myself first," Chase replied caustiusly. Before he headed to Lady Isabella, he informed Archina about the unfolding situation. Together, they made their way to the castle.

As they traversed the city toward the castle, a palpable atmosphere of relief and reverence filled the air from the citizens. The kingdom had narrowly evaded the clutches of a destructive fire dragon that had posed a dire threat to its existence.

Upon entering the castle, Chase was guided by a guard to the grand throne room. As he stepped inside, he beheld the sight of the resplendent blonde hair queen, seated gracefully on her throne, engaged in conversation with a man of council-like appearance.

Beyond the castle walls, in the courtyard, a crowd of thousands of citizens had gathered, erupting into cheers. Women gazed at Chase with admiration and affection, while men's faces revealed a touch of envy.

"Dragon Slayer!"

"Dragon Slayer!"

"We adore you!"

Chase was taken aback; he had anticipated a private meeting with the queen.

Amid the fervent cheers and the procession of guards leading Chase and Archina into the room, Lady Isabella sat regally on her majestic throne. Her eyes sparkled, and Chase was struck by her timeless beauty, remembering as you get stronger you gain more lifespan.

The knight, stopping a couple of paces from the throne, genuflected. "Greetings, Your Esteemed Majesty. We have brought the Dragon Slayer," the guards announced with deep respect.

A radiant smile graced Lady Isabella's lips. "Welcome, Dragon Slayer. I am delighted to have you here," she exclaimed, her voice resonating with admiration. Having heard of Chase's courageous battle against the fire dragon, she felt compelled to meet him.

Chase placed his hand over his abdomen and offered a slight bow. "Greetings, Your Esteemed Majesty. I am honored to make your acquaintance," he replied, displaying both respect and caution, given the mystery surrounding his invitation.

Standing at Chase's side, Archina awkwardly followed suit, executing her first bow in the presence of royalty. She couldn't help but wonder why this formal meeting was necessary. "Greetings, Your Esteemed Majesty," Archina murmured in a hushed tone..

"You've brought your companion," Lady Isabella muttered disdainfully under her breath, her gaze momentarily flickering to Archina before swiftly returning her attention to Chase with an air of happiness.

Chase sensed the reason behind Lady Isabella's displeasure with Archina. While Archina was a spider and somewhat of an evil creature, the world also allowed humans with evil nature. Lady Isabella might have heard rumors about Archina's spider form.

"I summoned you here to express my gratitude for your tremendous deed defeating that troublesome fire dragon," Lady Isabella declared.

Chase simply nodded in acknowledgment. "Thank you," he replied succinctly.

Although Lady Isabella had anticipated a more enthusiastic response from Chase, she nevertheless gestured to the man at her side, prompting him to signal the guards.

After the guards stepped outside momentarily, the door swung open once more, revealing two female attendants. Each attendant held a tray one bore a scroll and two satchels, while the other carried a spear and a scythe.

The spear's shaft was meticulously crafted from the scaled hide of the dragon, while its tip was ingeniously fashioned from the dragon's tooth, expertly honed to a razor-sharp edge.

Equally impressive, the Scythe boasted a curved blade formed from a dragon's own razor-sharp tooth, its shaft fortified with dragon scales.

As the attendants and guard presented the tray bearing these magnificent weapons before Chase and Archina, they were both taken aback by the exquisite beauty and the significance emanating from the dragon-derived artifacts.

"These are bestowed upon you: a scroll granting you your own house within the kingdom, along with 200 gold coins each. Additionally, the dragon spear and scythe, forged from the scale, skin, and blood of the fire dragon," Lady Isabella announced.

Chase carefully picked up the three scrolls and satchels, placing them into his storage ring with precision. He then grasped the dragon spear, his fingers brushing against the sharp teeth and scales. In the process, the spear nicked Chase's skin, yet his blood flowed back into the cut unnoticed by those around him..

As Chase's fingers brushed the blade, he sensed the dragon's inner flames radiating from within it. This revelation indicated that he could wield the spear with the power of fire a capacity that warpower energy user can't use but could manifest through the spear itself.

The Inferno Wyrm Spear possessed remarkable qualities:

- Quality: Birthed

- Flame Tongue: The blade's edges could summon and manipulate flames. A simple thought could ignite the flames, turning the weapon into a searing inferno capable of dealing both physical and fire damage.

-Dragonfire Burst: Upon striking a target, the spear unleashed a potent burst of dragonfire. This fiery explosion engulfed the point of impact, scorching foes and making them susceptible to follow-up attacks. The burst's intensity could be controlled by the wielder's will.

- Blazestride: By plunging the spear into the ground and commanding the fire, the weapon could travel underground, devastating the terrain beneath enemies.

Chase and Archina offered slight bows. "We are sincerely grateful for the precious gift you have bestowed upon us," Chase conveyed his genuine appreciation. He was truly thankful for this unexpected boon.

With a measured grace, Lady Isabella descended and extended her hand towards Chase. Stepping forward, their gazes locked in a blend of reverence and admiration. "Your display of courage has been truly remarkable," she affirmed as she draped a medallion around his neck. The medallion featured the kingdom's emblem a dragon entwined with a spear a symbol of their shared victory.

The crowd erupted into joyful cheers, their voices harmonizing in a resounding chorus of approval.

Just as Lady Isabella was about to address the gathering again, the doors swung open abruptly, and a jubilant female voice echoed through the hall. All eyes turned toward the source.

"Mother, where is the dragon slayer?" the voice exclaimed with happiness, a tinge of irritation creeping into her tone. "I specifically asked you to inform me when he arrived."

As the crowd's attention shifted, Chase was taken aback by the appearance of a petite woman, standing at 5'5" with long blonde hair reminiscent of Lady Isabella's. With luscious lips and a notably ample h size bosom, she bore a captivating allure that left Chase quite surprised. Her rounded, curvaceous figure further piqued his astonishment.

The woman's gaze locked onto Chase, a mixture of affection and desire evident in her eyes. As she moved toward him, Lady Isabella's voice interrupted her progress.

"Chase, what's caught your attention?" Lady Isabella inquired with curiosity.

"Her Breast!" he blurted out unconsciously.

Gasps spread through the crowd. Chase was aware of the seriousness of Lady Isabella's stance on her daughter, and he noticed the serious demeanor of the male mage guards, who avoided looking at her daughter due to Lady Isabella's reputation.

Instead of reacting angrily, Lady Isabella turned to Alexia. "Alexia, how could you intrude during such an important ceremony?" Lady Isabella's voice carried authority, her eyes hinting at something.

"Very well, Mother," Princess Alexia responded, turning to leave as directed.

"My apologies, everyone," Lady Isabella addressed the crowd, her embarrassment evident despite her smile.

The door opened again, and a voice called out, "Princess Alexia, where did you go?"

A handsome man entered, wearing a small crown, with brown hair and blue eyes. Seeing Alexia, his eyes lit up with joy.

"Alexia, why did you leave so suddenly? I was worried about you," he said with a mix of happiness and concern. However, Alexia's face displayed annoyance and dislike as she looked at him.

"It's the Prince of Willion Kingdom!"

"Why is he here?"

"Well, they were childhood friends, so it's natural to check on your friend after their kingdom was attacked."

Chase examined the man, noting his unfamiliarity with the Willion Kingdom and his arrogant demeanor.

Raising his hand, the man introduced himself. "Greetings, everyone, I am Brian of Willion Kingdom."

"Brian, take Alexia with you," Lady Isabella instructed.

Brian ignored her, noticing Chase's badge. "So, you're the knight who slayed the fire dragon and saved the kingdom," he said with a tone of disdain, intended only for Alexia, Lady Isabella, Archina, and Chase to hear. "I must thank you for protecting my friend," he hinted.

Walking past Alexia, he approached Chase. "Shall we shake hands?" he asked, his tone light and almost jokingly. He extended his left hand, observing Chase's missing hand.

Chase smirked slightly. "Sure," he replied, gripping Brian's hand firmly. Their handshake intensified, sparks seemingly flying between them. Chase's strength surged, surprising Brian, whose hand turned red from the pressure.

Lady Isabella's voice cut through the tension. "That's enough, both of you!" Her annoyance halted the spectacle.

Releasing their grip, Brian concealed his pain, gritting his teeth. "Nice meeting you, dragon slayer," he said through clenched teeth.

Brian left, followed by Alexia, casting a final glance at Chase before Lady Isabella eyes redirected her.

"Dragon slayer, I have something to discuss, but later," Lady Isabella explained, turning to a nobleman. "Show the dragon slayer and his companion to their rooms," she ordered.

As Chase and Archina followed the nobleman, Chase's mind worked, sensing that there was more to Lady Isabella's plans, as she seemed to have anticipated their stay. This made him more cautious about the reasons behind their summoning.

Thx for reading, Sorry for not posting late. I was thinking of dropping, then focusing all my energy into Nexus for about 2-3 weeks, but I think I will still drop.

Danger_Godcreators' thoughts