

What happens when a young lady is coerced into marriage by her parents after her step sister, who should have been the bride runs away with her lover-and then her soon to be husband has a hideous scandal attached to his name? Facing the challenges of being a married woman and trying to avoid being close to her arrogant spouse, Emily vows to leave once her dad's debts are cleared. Then fate takes a huge step and she suddenly finds herself falling for the one person she despised. Emily sets out to expose his ex girlfriend image and the ones behind his tainted name while trying desperately to make Liam see her as a lady.

NuellaDuru · Ciudad
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31 Chs


       December ran swiftly as Usain Bolt across the Hills on a galloping horse. I surveyed the festive season. It was only December 2nd and the whole street had lit with Christmas lights. Liam's relatives and friends visited unannounced.

       I cradled my favorite coffee mug and watched as Max strode around the sitting room with a blue file and a serious look on his face. Neither of us had spoken about the event that took place at the old factory which was now a land. Liam repressed a grin as he took the file from Max and sat opposite his dad. He had the same expression as always when he looked up at me-the one that made me feel like my stomach was being ripped out. Max's highly sensitive eyes seemed to have caught on our mind conversation. He raised a thumb and gave a reassuring look.