

What happens when a young lady is coerced into marriage by her parents after her step sister, who should have been the bride runs away with her lover-and then her soon to be husband has a hideous scandal attached to his name? Facing the challenges of being a married woman and trying to avoid being close to her arrogant spouse, Emily vows to leave once her dad's debts are cleared. Then fate takes a huge step and she suddenly finds herself falling for the one person she despised. Emily sets out to expose his ex girlfriend image and the ones behind his tainted name while trying desperately to make Liam see her as a lady.

NuellaDuru · Ciudad
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31 Chs


"Don't drop that here. Go drop it in the car." Nanny Mai instructed.

"Nanny," I called her. I walked into the house and threw my purse on the chair. "What's going on? Are you going somewhere?"

"We are going back to Liam's place."

"Today?" I removed my jacket and hung it on the chair. "If I had known I wouldn't have come back. I should have just called when I saw the lights on."

"Hold on, did you go to Liam's house today?"

"No. I went to Rosie's house."

"Rosie? The girl that lives close to...."

"Liam. Yes, she's the one. Why are we even going home today? I mean, what's the rush?"

"It's Liam's grandma."

"What happened to her." I walked up to her.

"She was in an accident. She fell down the stairs."

"Oh no. First, Anna now this? Why are there only sad moments in this house?"

"Don't confess negatively. Everything will be alright."

"Where's everybody? I asked.