
He saw her for the first time

Oh no! Its too late. We have to go fast. A girl is saying to her friends with a sweet smile on her face. Rose, Happy Birthday! Rose, Happy Birthday! Party...Party.... All girls are wishing her in a loud voice.

Rose, U r looking very beautiful today. Some said her... She Praises everyone for wishing her.

Than they go together to the Multi - Porpose Hall of their School. Isn't the Hall is looking very nice today...! Someone said among them. Yeah! The decoration done by us is very beautiful, all are smiling.

It's September 19 2012, Rose's Birthday and Ganesh Chaturthi, A Famous Indian Festival. All are busy Doing things. Some are making Prasad( Indian sweet dish, mixture of some fruits and sweets). Some are Helping the Priest. Some are maintaining discipline among the Students. Rose is also there, making Prasad. The Puja( prayer ) Started now. Rose with her friends roaming around the Hall. Helping people to Attend the Festival.

Sam! Sam! get up. we are getting late. We have to attend the Puja, His friend Shouted. Sam who deeply sleeping, Suddenly woke up. Saw, Its 10.00 am. Oh no! I am going to freshen up. After 10 mins they ready and Ran speedily to reach The Hall soon. At that time the puja was about to finish. All were in queue to take Prasad. Than Sam and his friends also lined up in that queue.

Suddenly, Sam saw something and gone to a another world. What he saw...? He also did not understand for some second...What happened to me...??...A Young Girl With Blue Jeans and Sea green Top. A sweet smile on her face and roaming here and there on the stage. Who's that girl, I have never seen before in our school. In which standard she is studying?....All these questions were bouncing in his mind. After some time , His friend asked, Sam! What are you thinking about? Lets go! Let eat the prasad. How tasty it is..Than Sam stopped thinking about that girl. And both Sam and his friends Busy eating Prasad.

A real Story. Trying to express in this chapter.

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